Texas Supreme Court Reinstates Order Banning Release Of Some Inmates


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Texas Supreme Court on Thursday reinstated Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order banning the release of some people from local jails during the coronavirus pandemic, after Harris County misdemeanor judges sued to have the ban lifted.

In an opinion issued Thursday morning, the court found that the 16 judges had no standing to seek a temporary restraining order from a lower court, and said the order did not represent a “legally cognizable injury” against the judges, as it might for inmates impacted by the order.

“Our adversary system of justice envisions that disputes over which rules govern court procedures like bail will be settled through proceedings involving parties with a direct stake in the outcome, proceedings such as actual bail hearings involving inmates denied release because of GA-13,” the opinion read.

Abbott’s order, GA-13, was issued on March 29, in response to a series of proposed and enacted policy changes in Texas meant to free up space in local jails amid the pandemic. The order banned the release of anyone accused of a violent offense or the threat of violence, or who has otherwise ever been convicted of a violent crime.

That's an interesting article.
Texas doesn't want to end up like Washington where there was a fight over whether to release a serial killer.

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