Texas man fatally shoots 11-year-old daughter while hunting, authorities say

When you break that down by the method of suicide, you see that the US has 5.76 suicide deaths by guns per 100,000 people , Sweden has 0.85, France 1.1, Japan .03, the UK 0.14, Throughout the world, Greenland is the only country whose suicide rate by guns is higher. Our suicide rate by guns is many times higher than most of the world. We should do what they are doing.
So suicide using a gun is somehow worse than suicide using a razor blade, a rope, an overdose or a swan dive off a building?
Yet you gun nuts rant about Chicago on a regular basis.
I haven't mentioned Chicago at all.

The facts are the facts.

You have a 99.9996% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun.

If you don't live in a hyper violent urban area your odds improve greatly.
Dear Real Americans......

Please try to remember that Marxist and Communists in America do not want personal liberty and freedom.
They are the Cult of massive Oppressive Government control and your ownership of a gun is a big roadblock in the way of that.

ALL their BULLSHIT about deaths and safety and lives etc etc etc is nothing more than propaganda to move the agenda of disarming America forward.
They truly don't give a flying shit about your safety or your rights or the facts.

But I'm betting you are smart and already knew this.

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