Texas' Lt Guv, Tampons & Maxi Pads

I love it when the democrat propaganda pump gets primed. Pro-death activists got their collective ass kicked in Texas. That's a good thing. Perhaps they can have a good cry into a spare feminine napkin.

Better do some checking into this. Perry's sister helped push this through. And she's going to make a lot of money for doing it.

Now that literally hundreds of thousand of women in Texas will be forced to have unwanted children, are you ready to pay more taxes to support them?

Build new orphanages?

Pay for new foster homes?

Juvenile detention centers when they end up on the streets and getting into trouble?

Be responsible and own the consequences of shutting down 37 out of 42 clinics in Texas...or STFU.

Hundreds of thousands of women in Texas now have the opportunity to take contraceptive measures or keep their legs closed.

Problem solved.

If you believe that killing babies lowers taxes, how about killing mothers and fathers? Hell, let's get to the root of the problem.
I love it when the democrat propaganda pump gets primed. Pro-death activists got their collective ass kicked in Texas. That's a good thing. Perhaps they can have a good cry into a spare feminine napkin.

Better do some checking into this. Perry's sister helped push this through. And she's going to make a lot of money for doing it.

Now that literally hundreds of thousand of women in Texas will be forced to have unwanted children, are you ready to pay more taxes to support them?

Build new orphanages?

Pay for new foster homes?

Juvenile detention centers when they end up on the streets and getting into trouble?

Be responsible and own the consequences of shutting down 37 out of 42 clinics in Texas...or STFU.

Nobody is being forced to do anything. Preventive birth control. Ever hear of it?
Wow, you somehow think juvenile delinquency is a result. That seems odd of you to jump to that conclusion.

Interesting how you decide who should be the responsible party for ones actions.
LMAO....In Houston you can get gunned down over a parking space. You have to understand Texas and the sheer arrogance of your average white Texas male to appreciate this latest stunt by the DPS yesterday.

really, in Harlem you can get gunned down for a pair of tennis shoes, what does that say about the males who live there?

Why are you singling out Harlem? Why not say New York City? Your prejudice is now wide open for everyone to see.

As Rick Perry once said, "Ooops..."

oh boy, you can single out a certain city in Texas and NOT be a bigot, but someone does the same thing that makes them a bigot..
are you always insane or just enjoy looking stupid?
No, but guns have things called bullets, which are extremely easy to ‘throw.’

For those on the partisan right who don’t get it:

“#tampongate” is representative of the contempt most of America has for the idiocy of social right, the fear conservatives have for diversity and dissent, and the lengths to which conservatives will go to deny citizens their civil liberties.

"representative of contempt".......gee, I suppose we can just have a National Pie Throwing Party.

Tampongate is nothing more than another example of liberal immaturity on the level of The Three Stooges Comedy Routine.

You're another idiot who refuses to go beyond the headlines. Just throw pies online, otherwise known as your posts.

Ok now I'm worried.

Maybe if the protesters hadn't thrown things all over the place the day before we wouldn't have this problem. The cops also confiscated jars of piss and shit that the protestors were planning to throw. Real classy bunch.

Oh...? How many things were thrown?

I'm wondering the same thing. The only place I can find the "confiscating jars of piss and shit at the Texas capital is in unreliable rightwing blogs but-----but why would anyone bring jars of shit into the Texas statehouse, I've heard there's plenty of bullshit in there already.

In case you're wondering why the GOPers are so hot to trot for closing clinics that provide women's health services on an out patient basis, look no further than the deal Texas Governor Tex Perry set up for his big sis.

July 08, 2013 01:00 PM

Ready Rick, the Dollar Sign King

By Juanita Jean

Well, if you’ve every wondered how the fool tarnation Rick Perry became a millionaire when he’s never had a job outside of a government paycheck in his entire life, then you ain’t lookin’ hard enough.

It’s crap like this. All. The. Damn. Time.

The bill pending before the state house and senate in the special session says that all abortion clinics must be upgraded to ambulatory surgical centers even though there is no evidence that will improve services or that there have been any problems.

And who stands to gain if that happens?

If the bill passes, only five Texas abortion clinics would remain open—those that are already equipped as ambulatory surgical centers, advocates say. But a question remains: would the 420 other ambulatory surgical centers that exist in Texas begin performing the operation? Abortion rights advocates predict that the demand for the procedure won’t disappear with passage of the law.

One company that will be faced with that decision is United Surgical Partners International, based in Addison, TX. Their vice-president of government affairs is Milla Perry Jones, Gov. Rick Perry’s sister. She is also on the board of the Texas Ambulatory Surgical Center Society.

Crap like this.

Don't know for sure but-----but I betcha if we look at other states that have passed 'take your rights away' bills, we'll find similar sweetheart deals.
How did a guy like Tex Perry become a millionaire while working for the government?
The leftie spin is careful to dodge the real issue. The point is that left wingers resist (sometimes violently) even reasonable limits on abortion.

The real issue - hah!
Righties can't handle the real issue. The real issue is government intrusion into our personal lives.

Republicans are to stupid to see the fallacy of their own argument - almost no one wants to take away a persons right to bear arms to protect us from government intrusion into our personal lives but-----but while whining about the need for guns to protect us from government intrusion they simultaneously pass laws that intrude on our personal lives -pewsh!-

"the Texas Legislature is AGAIN the laughing stock of America"

Jul 12, 2013.

State troopers providing security at the Texas Senate earlier were confiscating tampons from spectators entering the gallery to watch debate on a controversial abortion measure. Apparently, there was concern the items could be thrown in protest of the bill.

As news of the security measures spread — with the stories pointing out women's sanitary products were being banned even as guns were still allowed for those with concealed carry licenses — the confiscation was ended, according to Burnt Orange Report's liveblog of the proceedings.

Opined Burnt Orange: "Meanwhile, the Texas Legislature is AGAIN the laughing stock of America, as #tampongate trended worldwide on Twitter."


NO, you and all the abortion lovers who are protesting are the laughing stock..
but figures you on the left would stick up for sick tactics and then have the nerve to say the Tea Party is violent

Who has been hurt in Austin since these protests began?

Since the DPS officers in attendance can't confirm this bullshit it sounds like this was something that maybe Perry's sister cooked up. She's one who stands to gain the most from these new laws:

Daily Kos: Follow the Money Rick Perry & Abortion Edition

Follow the Money Rick Perry & Abortion Edition

If the bill passes, only five Texas abortion clinics would remain open—those that are already equipped as ambulatory surgical centers, advocates say. But a question remains: would the 420 other ambulatory surgical centers that exist in Texas begin performing the operation? Abortion rights advocates predict that the demand for the procedure won’t disappear with passage of the law.
One company that will be faced with that decision is United Surgical Partners International, based in Addison, TX. Their vice-president of government affairs is Milla Perry Jones, Gov. Rick Perry’s sister. She is also on the board of the Texas Ambulatory Surgical Center Society.

So if this bill passes, it provides Rick Perry's sister's company an opportunity to move into a new field, one where poor women can be charged an exorbitant rate for a desperate procedure. Expect abortions in Texas to continue, just at 2-3 times the previous going rates.
Why the fuck were they confiscating tampons? Hello, if the woman needed one, is she meant to bleed all over the damned floor?

Gosh the Republicans are so fucking dumb.

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