Texas lawmakers discuss breaks for some drug crimes


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Taking the first step on a topic that could generate heat in the 2017 legislative session, Texas lawmakers began discussing Tuesday whether some nonviolent drug crimes should carry shorter sentences or be converted from felonies to misdemeanors.

The question is whether such changes, coupled with a robust emphasis on substance abuse treatment, would have the desired effect of reducing prison populations, lowering rearrest rates and cutting state spending.
Texas lawmakers discuss breaks for some drug crimes

Sweet. Now identify which substance abuse treatment program has the highest success rate.
Granny says if dey lessen drug crimes...

... there's gonna be all sorts o'...

... unlawfulness an' disorder...

... if the prisons is gettin' overcrowded...

... build more prisons.
Granny says if dey lessen drug crimes...

... there's gonna be all sorts o'...

... unlawfulness an' disorder.

And if they do not identify the programs that have proven to work beyond little old 3 month stats then they will waste beau-coup cash.
Disir wrote: And if they do not identify the programs that have proven to work beyond little old 3 month stats then they will waste beau-coup cash.

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... it starts out with peddlin' marijuana onna street corner...

... den next thing ya know dey's sellin' heroin to school kids.
Disir wrote: And if they do not identify the programs that have proven to work beyond little old 3 month stats then they will waste beau-coup cash.

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... it starts out with peddlin' marijuana onna street corner...

... den next thing ya know dey's sellin' heroin to school kids.

The last three years Texas has been tangoing with needle exchange programs. Marijuana is like a non issue at this point. They have a meth/heroin issue and a rise in Hep C and HIV.
50 Charged in North Texas Meth and Cocaine Bust

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