Texas getting a tragic lesson in Climate Change science

Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

Liberals are truly sick fucking people who will use any tragedy to push their Marxist agenda

LOLOLLOLO, if anyone is sick, its people like you with your heads rammed in the sand, denying facts. The OP was correct and we as a people will fair much better if we stand united on this issue and at least attempt to do something about the way we do business around the world.....the Ozone is getting thinner by the minutes....you fool.
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

Liberals are truly sick fucking people who will use any tragedy to push their Marxist agenda

LOLOLLOLO, if anyone is sick, its people like you with your heads rammed in the sand, denying facts. The OP was correct and we as a people will fair much better if we stand united on this issue and at least attempt to do something about the way we do business around the world.....the Ozone is getting thinner by the minutes....you fool.

Ozone? That was three crisiss ago!
More evidence that "global warming" is a religion. Republican "deniers" brought the wrath of nature upon themselves. Let that be a lesson. Climate change evangelists make guys like Jimmy Swaggert look like amateurs.
At some point in the early 2000s it turned from 'climate change' into 'global warming', and ever since it has been sensationalized to the point that the science behind changes in climate are a political issue.

People have lost touch of the fact that the point of caring for the environment shouldn't be built on fear of punishment or world apocalypse - but on genuinely caring about human health and nature.

Even if the doomsday scenarios come true, what then. It being a question of survival, wouldn't change the current benefits of not having an overly polluted atmosphere and landscape.

Let me explain the hypocrisy of the conservative party.....this is a party that feeds itself on preserving the next generation. If I've heard it once, I've heard it a zillion times......we can not leave our children and grandchild with the burden of DEBT$$$$$$.....and yet in the same breath, deny the one thing that money can not replace and that's their future to LIVE!!!!!
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

Liberals are truly sick fucking people who will use any tragedy to push their Marxist agenda

LOLOLLOLO, if anyone is sick, its people like you with your heads rammed in the sand, denying facts. The OP was correct and we as a people will fair much better if we stand united on this issue and at least attempt to do something about the way we do business around the world.....the Ozone is getting thinner by the minutes....you fool.

Ozone? That was three crisiss ago!

AND?????....the thinner it gets, the more warmer it gets.
Floodwaters Deepen After Storms Dump Another Foot Of Rain In Houston Area

My heart goes out to the families and victims of another climate disaster. We are sitting in our garage with the car running and wondering why people are dying--while GOP partisans say CO is perfectly safe.


HOUSTON (AP) — Floodwaters deepened across much of Texas on Tuesday as storms dumped almost a foot more of rain on the Houston area, stranding hundreds of motorists and inundating the famously congested highways that serve the nation's fourth-largest city.

Meanwhile, the search went on for about a dozen people who were still missing, including a group that disappeared after a vacation home was swept down a river and slammed into a bridge.

Several more fatalities were reported — four in Houston and four more in Central Texas. That brought to 17 the number of people killed by the holiday weekend storms in Texas and Oklahoma.

Similar search efforts unfolded just south of the Texas-Mexico border, where crews tried to track down the missing and assessed damage in the city of Ciudad Acuna after a tornado killed 13 people Monday.

I'm sure the usually partisan hack trolls will have their fun and make jokes about cold weather debunking global "warming"... it's time to flush these retards and corporate shills.

Try to show some compassion, people are dying.

Let's get into my wayback machine and travel back in time to Jan 1 2015.....
What would Liberals have done to stop the storms that have hit Texas.....
Please be specific....
the Ozone is getting thinner by the minutes....you fool.

You're behind in the times, the Montreal Protocol said the ozone panic was over like five years ago, they've been declaring victory over their flawed (because it failed to account for the 11 year cycle of the sun) projected models for years now...

"In their 2010 report, the science advisers to the Montreal Protocol found that:
  • Global ozone and ozone in the Arctic and Antarctic is no longer decreasing, but is not yet increasing.
  • The ozone layer outside the Polar Regions is projected to recover to its pre-1980 levels some time before the middle of this century.The recovery might be accelerated by greenhouse gas-induced cooling of the upper stratosphere.
  • The ozone hole over the Antarctic is expected to recover much later.
  • The impact of the Antarctic ozone hole on surface climate is becoming evident in surface temperature and wind patterns.
  • At mid-latitudes, surface ultraviolet radiation has been about constant over the last decade."
~ Ozone Hole through the years Image of the Day
What's funny is China, a country with 3 times the people we have, puts out far more pollution than we ever will. What we don't put out, they will. Liberals want us to spend billions and billions on "clean energy" alternatives, when China is using cheap fuels and not giving a rats ass about the planet, and they're growing by leaps and bounds, we're barely hanging in there.

We're cutting off our nose to spite our face.

July 1869 In the worst flood on record, the Colorado crested at 51 feet at austin and inundated Bastrop and La Grange

April 1900 Floods resulting from Hill Country storms destroyed the first Austin Dam, built in 1893.

December 1913 Floodwaters joined the Colorado and Brazos rivers below Columbus, forming a lake 65 miles wide and flooding half a million acres.

1930s Heavy West Texas rains in 1935, 1936, and 1938 resulted in massive downstream flooding. During all three floods, a swollen Colorado River became impassable, cutting Austin in half.

September 1952 Lake Travis rose 57 feet in about 14 hours in September 1952 in the middle of the decadelong “Drought of Record”

May 1981 During the Memorial Day weekend, rains of 10 inches in four hours in the Austin area downstream of Mansfield Dam flooded businesses and residential areas along Shoal Creek.

Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

Sorry, I would rather not join your religion, much too hostile and much too angry.

I guess you don't listen to Rush and Faux News, or you wouldn't be saying that others are "much too angry"........:)
Better yet, you need to stop listening to propagandists who tell you that Rush and Faux News are responsible for questioning AGW alarmism and instead heed the science, scientists and atmospherics experts who actually dispute and refute AGW.

It's not propaganda.....it's what the majority of Scientists now support. Rush is not a scientist, he's just a stupid money-hungry blowhard that says what you stupid conservatives like to hear and has gotten rich by saying all the dumb things you all want to believe and playing up to your conservative ignorance.

Brenda Ekwurzel, a senior climate scientist at the science advocacy group the Union of Concerned Scientists, said she believes global warming likely contributed to the extreme conditions. Ekwurzel noted that the combination of a burgeoning El Niño and record-breaking ocean surface temperatures in April likely “revs up the hydrological cycle” in the region.

Ekwurzel added, “When you have a warmer atmosphere, then you have the capability to hold more water vapor. When storms organize, there’s much more water you can wring out of the atmosphere compared to the past.”

In a Facebook post Sunday, high-profile climate researcher Katharine Hayhoe, director of Texas Tech University’s Climate Science Center, stated that “climate change will affect us in the ways we’re already vulnerable to climate and weather today, and Texas is no exception.”

Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge - Scientific American

Survey finds 97% of climate science papers agree warming is man-made
Overwhelming majority of peer-reviewed papers taking a position on global warming say humans are causing it
Survey finds 97 climate science papers agree warming is man-made Dana Nuccitelli Environment The Guardian

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1

Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.

The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

Liberals are truly sick fucking people who will use any tragedy to push their Marxist agenda

LOLOLLOLO, if anyone is sick, its people like you with your heads rammed in the sand, denying facts. The OP was correct and we as a people will fair much better if we stand united on this issue and at least attempt to do something about the way we do business around the world.....the Ozone is getting thinner by the minutes....you fool.

Denier is an AGWCult secret handshake word, no real scientist ever called a skeptic a denier.

Moreover, you guys have been caught redhanded altering the data, hiding the decline, destroying emails, basing your stupid hockey stick graph on one (1) tree ring and using the age scam to redistribute wealth
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

Sorry, I would rather not join your religion, much too hostile and much too angry.

I guess you don't listen to Rush and Faux News, or you wouldn't be saying that others are "much too angry"........:)
Better yet, you need to stop listening to propagandists who tell you that Rush and Faux News are responsible for questioning AGW alarmism and instead heed the science, scientists and atmospherics experts who actually dispute and refute AGW.

It's not propaganda.....it's what the majority of Scientists now support. Rush is not a scientist, he's just a stupid money-hungry blowhard that says what you stupid conservatives like to hear and has gotten rich by saying all the dumb things you all want to believe and playing up to your conservative ignorance.

Brenda Ekwurzel, a senior climate scientist at the science advocacy group the Union of Concerned Scientists, said she believes global warming likely contributed to the extreme conditions. Ekwurzel noted that the combination of a burgeoning El Niño and record-breaking ocean surface temperatures in April likely “revs up the hydrological cycle” in the region.

Ekwurzel added, “When you have a warmer atmosphere, then you have the capability to hold more water vapor. When storms organize, there’s much more water you can wring out of the atmosphere compared to the past.”

In a Facebook post Sunday, high-profile climate researcher Katharine Hayhoe, director of Texas Tech University’s Climate Science Center, stated that “climate change will affect us in the ways we’re already vulnerable to climate and weather today, and Texas is no exception.”

Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge - Scientific American

Survey finds 97% of climate science papers agree warming is man-made
Overwhelming majority of peer-reviewed papers taking a position on global warming say humans are causing it
Survey finds 97 climate science papers agree warming is man-made Dana Nuccitelli Environment The Guardian

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1

Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.

The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence
Wrong. Many of those who agree man has contributed to warming insist the measures undertaken are extreme and counterproductive overkill.
What's more, many climate scientists disagree that man contributes at all.
Being a layman, I yield to experts and not propaganda.
Your past data is not "data". I didn't know we were measuring temperatures before humans existed. LOL! OK so you made bullsh*t up and passed it along as data. LOL! You expect to be taken seriously? Really? Who measured the data for you before humans existed? Your big sky daddy? Answeer that then we will go from there.

Remember that chart you posted from Giss.nasa.gov? Well here is your answer.

NASA GISS Science Briefs How Can We Tell Past Temperatures

In consequence, the many records of δ18O in ocean sediments and in ice cores, contain information about the temperature, evaporation, rainfall, and indeed the amount of glacial ice — all of which are important to know if we are to understand the changes of climate in the Earth's history.

There are ways to tell temp without a thermometer. We did it for thousands of years.
There are ways to estimate the temp, but what is the accuracy?
More evidence that "global warming" is a religion. Republican "deniers" brought the wrath of nature upon themselves. Let that be a lesson. Climate change evangelists make guys like Jimmy Swaggert look like amateurs.
At some point in the early 2000s it turned from 'climate change' into 'global warming', and ever since it has been sensationalized to the point that the science behind changes in climate are a political issue.

People have lost touch of the fact that the point of caring for the environment shouldn't be built on fear of punishment or world apocalypse - but on genuinely caring about human health and nature.

Even if the doomsday scenarios come true, what then. It being a question of survival, wouldn't change the current benefits of not having an overly polluted atmosphere and landscape.
Actually you have that backwards. It went from global warming to climate change. Hmmmmmm.
Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

Sorry, I would rather not join your religion, much too hostile and much too angry.

I guess you don't listen to Rush and Faux News, or you wouldn't be saying that others are "much too angry"........:)
Better yet, you need to stop listening to propagandists who tell you that Rush and Faux News are responsible for questioning AGW alarmism and instead heed the science, scientists and atmospherics experts who actually dispute and refute AGW.

It's not propaganda.....it's what the majority of Scientists now support. Rush is not a scientist, he's just a stupid money-hungry blowhard that says what you stupid conservatives like to hear and has gotten rich by saying all the dumb things you all want to believe and playing up to your conservative ignorance.

Brenda Ekwurzel, a senior climate scientist at the science advocacy group the Union of Concerned Scientists, said she believes global warming likely contributed to the extreme conditions. Ekwurzel noted that the combination of a burgeoning El Niño and record-breaking ocean surface temperatures in April likely “revs up the hydrological cycle” in the region.

Ekwurzel added, “When you have a warmer atmosphere, then you have the capability to hold more water vapor. When storms organize, there’s much more water you can wring out of the atmosphere compared to the past.”

In a Facebook post Sunday, high-profile climate researcher Katharine Hayhoe, director of Texas Tech University’s Climate Science Center, stated that “climate change will affect us in the ways we’re already vulnerable to climate and weather today, and Texas is no exception.”

Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge - Scientific American

Survey finds 97% of climate science papers agree warming is man-made
Overwhelming majority of peer-reviewed papers taking a position on global warming say humans are causing it
Survey finds 97 climate science papers agree warming is man-made Dana Nuccitelli Environment The Guardian

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1

Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.

The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence
Wrong. Many of those who agree man has contributed to warming insist the measures undertaken are extreme and counterproductive overkill.
The measures taken or to be taken can be debated, the fact that Climate Change is real and the fact that we need to do something to delay it's devastating effects is what most conservatives keep arguing against. Most conservatives claim that it is not real, that man has nothing to do with it, and therefore no need to do anything about it, which is not a good attitude for anyone who claims to love America and wants the best for it.

What's more, many climate scientists disagree that man contributes at all.
Let's see, if 97% of climate scientist agree that man contributes, that leaves what....3% that don't.....that's not what I consider "many".

Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.
Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Consensus
Being a layman, I yield to experts and not propaganda.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that's why you disregard the word of 97% of scientist and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide and believe that the 3% who happen to agree with your politicians are right.
Yeah, that's why you disregard the word of 97% of scientist and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide and believe that the 3% who happen to agree with your politicians are right.

I'm not a conservative and I'm convinced at this point that there is little we have caused or can impact based on the science.
The politicization of the issue, however, suggests otherwise which makes the idea of AGW even more suspect.
Yeah, that's why you disregard the word of 97% of scientist and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide and believe that the 3% who happen to agree with your politicians are right.

I'm not a conservative and I'm convinced at this point that there is little we have caused or can impact based on the science.
The politicization of the issue, however, suggests otherwise which makes the idea of AGW even more suspect.

The reason you disregard 97 % of folks far smarter than you are is because you are willingly stuck on stupid.
No use trying to sugar coat it.
Yeah, that's why you disregard the word of 97% of scientist and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide and believe that the 3% who happen to agree with your politicians are right.

I'm not a conservative and I'm convinced at this point that there is little we have caused or can impact based on the science.
The politicization of the issue, however, suggests otherwise which makes the idea of AGW even more suspect.

The reason you disregard 97 % of folks far smarter than you are is because you are willingly stuck on stupid.
No use trying to sugar coat it.
Why do lefties always go rude when they can't rebut?
I already explained how that 97% figure is exploited and twisted. It's used as propaganda and you've fallen for it. What's more, the idea that propaganda must be utilized to promote an issue undermines the veracity of the AGW claim.
Yeah, that's why you disregard the word of 97% of scientist and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide and believe that the 3% who happen to agree with your politicians are right.

I'm not a conservative and I'm convinced at this point that there is little we have caused or can impact based on the science.
The politicization of the issue, however, suggests otherwise which makes the idea of AGW even more suspect.

The reason you disregard 97 % of folks far smarter than you are is because you are willingly stuck on stupid.
No use trying to sugar coat it.
Why do lefties always go rude when they can't rebut?
I already explained how that 97% figure is exploited and twisted. It's used as propaganda and you've fallen for it. What's more, the idea that propaganda must be utilized to promote an issue undermines the veracity of the AGW claim.

Reality is like that. If it is too harsh a concept for you, I suggest you get a helmet.
There is no more a debate on climate change than there is about the boiling point of water- though I figure you'd find a way to whine about that if it didn't fit your narrative as well.

Hearing conservatives whimper about 'rudeness' is merely a sign of being on target.

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