Texas bans shooting immigrants from helicopters

I'll try to keep this short, because there are those who do not have a long attention span.
1. Entering the USA illegally for the first time is a misdemeanor, which is equivalent to possessing an joint of marijuana in Michigan. We do not shoot people for misdemeanors.
2. A person is not even guilty of a misdemeanor, until he has been tried, and convicted.
3. To convict a person for a misdemeanor requires due process, according the Constitution on the USA.
4. The same people who scream that government can not be trusted, suddenly change their position by 180% when it comes to illegal immigrants. They want to give this same government, who is going to "take away our guns", the legal authority to shoot a person dead, without due process, for allegedly committing a misdemeanor.
5. Our present system is to apprehend them, try them, and after they are found guilty, deport them. On the second offense, assuming that there is enough room in prison (they make up the majority of prisoners, here in AZ), they are given up to 90 days. On the third offense, when found guilty, they may be given up to 10 years in the pen, more if there were any other crimes involved. The trial they get is something new, that most conservatives hate, because it was part of the Patriot Act, which infringes on people's rights. This act was the basis of "operation Streamline", in which 8 federal courts have been dedicated to EXCLUSIVELY dealing with illegal immigrant deportations, at the expense of not being able to spend those resources on dealing with drug dealing and violent offenses. Under the provisions of Operation Streamline, up to 75 alleged immigrants are shackled together, and brought to court, where they get an average of 20 minutes to meet with an attorney, who tells them to plead guilty, in which case, if it is a first offense, they are sentenced to time served, and deported. if they plead "not Guilty", they are sent back to jail to await a trial date, which averages out to be maybe another 5 weeks.

I maintain that anyone who wants to give our government the legal right to shot unarmed people on sight without a trail, has not quite thought this whole situation through very carefully
Texas bans shooting immigrants from helicopters | The Raw Story

While announcing the new policy, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw insisted that the ban on aerial shootings had nothing to do with the October 2012 death of two Guatemalan immigrants, who were gunned down by troopers in helicopter while they were hiding in the back of a speeding pickup truck near La Joya.
Never mind Texasss wanting to secede ... The US should just throw them out of the Union.

But I'm sure the usual suspects will just love the thought of illegal immigration being a capital offense.

Are we supposed to be upset because they were doing it, or because they were stopped?
Around Charlotte they have had problem with illegals driving drunk going the wrong way and end up killing someone. What do they do too them? Deport'em.
That's why I say kill the illegal bastards.

again... how do you know they don't pose a threat?

Does an illegal immigrant pose a threat to you at the time they cross the border, when you reside comfortably in a home, three or four states away?

The answer is no, so please don't say they do.
How do you know that?

How do you know that so called "illegal immigrant" isn't actually a terrorist hell bent on attacking your area three or four states away?

And what about those citizens who may live in the area where that illegal crossed the border?

Evn if they were a terrorist, they don't pose a threat at the time they cross the border. A terrorist on a plane to Australia right now doesn't pose a threat to me. In your mind, they do.

True....once you shoot 'em and kill 'em, the threat no longer exists, and that's a good thing.

Good observation, all though it really doesn't take much thought to reach the conclusion.:eusa_whistle:

There IS no damned threat! If there is a serial killer operating in New South Wales, which is one state away from mine, does that killer pose a threat to me at that moment? NO THEY DON'T!
Prove it, that they are not a threat!

Again, how do you know without a doubt they are not a threat?

And, I could give a shit about "New South Wales", I give a shit about my fellow AMERICANS.

Amusing how Australians can name more American states than an American can name Australian states. ;)

You Republicans don't give a shit about your fellow Americans. If you did, you would provide them all with decent health cover instead of letting them go broke from medical bills.
Does an illegal immigrant pose a threat to you at the time they cross the border, when you reside comfortably in a home, three or four states away?

The answer is no, so please don't say they do.
How do you know that?

How do you know that so called "illegal immigrant" isn't actually a terrorist hell bent on attacking your area three or four states away?

And what about those citizens who may live in the area where that illegal crossed the border?

Evn if they were a terrorist, they don't pose a threat at the time they cross the border. A terrorist on a plane to Australia right now doesn't pose a threat to me. In your mind, they do.

There IS no damned threat! If there is a serial killer operating in New South Wales, which is one state away from mine, does that killer pose a threat to me at that moment? NO THEY DON'T!
Prove it, that they are not a threat!

Again, how do you know without a doubt they are not a threat?

And, I could give a shit about "New South Wales", I give a shit about my fellow AMERICANS.

Amusing how Australians can name more American states than an American can name Australian states. ;)

You Republicans don't give a shit about your fellow Americans. If you did, you would provide them all with decent health cover instead of letting them go broke from medical bills.
oh so you agree obama using drones is murder? obama assassinating U.S. Citizens is murder?
Not only should we be shooting them from helicopters, but there should be chase vehicles to take trophies for the bounty offered.
Does an illegal immigrant pose a threat to you at the time they cross the border, when you reside comfortably in a home, three or four states away?

The answer is no, so please don't say they do.
How do you know that?

How do you know that so called "illegal immigrant" isn't actually a terrorist hell bent on attacking your area three or four states away?

And what about those citizens who may live in the area where that illegal crossed the border?

Evn if they were a terrorist, they don't pose a threat at the time they cross the border. A terrorist on a plane to Australia right now doesn't pose a threat to me. In your mind, they do.

There IS no damned threat! If there is a serial killer operating in New South Wales, which is one state away from mine, does that killer pose a threat to me at that moment? NO THEY DON'T!
Prove it, that they are not a threat!

Again, how do you know without a doubt they are not a threat?

And, I could give a shit about "New South Wales", I give a shit about my fellow AMERICANS.

Amusing how Australians can name more American states than an American can name Australian states. ;)

You Republicans don't give a shit about your fellow Americans. If you did, you would provide them all with decent health cover instead of letting them go broke from medical bills.
Soooo, the terrorist who entered Washington after coming through our northern border, and was hauling enough explosives to take down the Golden Gate, was not a threat?

And, a terrorist or drug cartel member illegally entering, who is strapped to the nines, isn't a threat?.....Yeah, go tell that to Brian Terry's family, as well as the other border agents and law enforcement personnel who may be the ones who first encounter the criminal scum.

I also guess you would say that, those terrorists on those planes on sept. 11, 2001 were NOT a threat to those souls in the twin towers while enroute to ramming them into the fucking buildings.....Nor were they a threat to anybody on the ground, had they decided to take them down into one or more more of the myriad of neighborhoods they fley over, while enroute to ram them into 3 buildings and an empty field.

Seriously, do you even think before you post?
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What's missing is agreed ground rules.

Before enforcing the policy of being shot on the spot, why not first develop military guarded prisons along the border so it's FAIR to have a policy that whoever is caught running around
the border prisons instead of going through the checkpoints WILL be shot on the spot.

Why not move all the capital cases and life sentences to populate prisons along the border where the military security can double as border patrol. And the inmates who commit these crimes "trade places" with immigrant workers on the waiting list who then take their place as citizens to keep the population equalized. And the prisoners can serve a lifetime of labor to pay restitution to victims and to society, in place of exploited workers in sweatshops.

To bad they are banning it....

There is no need to shoot someone dead from a helicopter. Just because they may be illegal doesn't mean they deserve to die!

dont cross the boarder illegally and dont get shot at..... its their choice.

We need to have a clear agreement on policy first, instead of randomly enforcing it like an instant death penalty without due process, such as policing high flight areas by building prisons, so it can be enforced by shooting unauthorized persons around the prison grounds.

And having people AGREE to go through established check points or programs in order to access assistance legally. So far we've sent mixed signals by having the Amnesty renewed and also not putting enough stipluations on the Dream Act and birthrights to avoid abuse.
noomi said:
Evn if they were a terrorist, they don't pose a threat at the time they cross the border. A terrorist on a plane to Australia right now doesn't pose a threat to me. In your mind, they do.

Noomi that is completely insane!

Dear Noomi: I disagree; the minute you enforce an action with INTENT of violating laws then you demean the integrity of law and authority.

If you break the law, you enforce the notion it's okay for others to break laws.

Why do you think there is such a crisis today with Government?
If the officials in govt do not uphold Constitutional checks, balances and limits,
then how can govt then ENFORCE laws and expect OTHER people to respect them?
If they don't do it either?

People have a collective influence on each other.
The more we AGREE to uphold and respect the laws,
it makes it easier for EVERYONE to correct and deter abuses.
The more people commit abuses and think it doesn't matter,
then everyone does that and the authority of law deteriorates.

Just look at kids in the classroom.
If the teacher lets one kid get out of hand, the others will think it's okay, too!
Soon you have a madhouse where no one respects the teacher.
And if the teacher breaks the same rules of the classroom,
what students are going to listen to that teacher?

The Golden Rule applies to all situations.
If you want rights, freedoms and laws enforced for yourself,
then you "vote" for this by upholding the same standards for yourself as others.

If you vote for apathy or selfish disregard, then you reinforce that in society and will attract people with the same attitude to take advantage of the freedom in the system.

If you vote for equal responsibility for law enforcement between people and govt,
you'd be surprised how much difference it makes when you petition or ask
for something to be corrected in order to comply with law, you are more likely
to be heard or at least influence people to start thinking in that direction.

I don't have the same access to money, media, or positions of power like big politicians.
But the fact I team up with other people where we work and put our own money
into programs that uphold the duties of govt, that has been our only weight
of authority, and the only reason people listened to us at all. We can build a true consensus this way, where eventually govt reflects and respects the best interests of the country, not peer-pressure propoganda and party agenda that doesn't carry the full weight of the law.
Amusing how Australians can name more American states than an American can name Australian states..

That's because your country is a largely irrelevant, backwater also-ran. Be grateful we bother to include it on world maps at all.
Texas bans shooting immigrants from helicopters | The Raw Story

While announcing the new policy, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw insisted that the ban on aerial shootings had nothing to do with the October 2012 death of two Guatemalan immigrants, who were gunned down by troopers in helicopter while they were hiding in the back of a speeding pickup truck near La Joya.

Never mind Texasss wanting to secede ... The US should just throw them out of the Union.

But I'm sure the usual suspects will just love the thought of illegal immigration being a capital offense.

Every other state in the "Union" wants to secede from this so called "Union". We don't like being told to accept foreigners, We are ALL tired of being dictated to whom to accept and morals we should have.
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Every other state in the "Union" wants to secede from this so called "Union". We don't like being told to accept foreigners, We are ALL tired of being dictated to whom to accept and morals we should have.

Did you read that to yourself before posting?
Evn if they were a terrorist, they don't pose a threat at the time they cross the border. A terrorist on a plane to Australia right now doesn't pose a threat to me. In your mind, they do.

Noomi that is completely insane!

A terrorist on a plane to Australia right now doesn't pose me a threat until they land in my country and start to plan an attack.

I have a different way of looking at things, I am not paranoid, and I am certainly not talking of 'bounties' on the dead people killed, like some are. Since when is it fun to glorify death?
Amusing how Australians can name more American states than an American can name Australian states..

That's because your country is a largely irrelevant, backwater also-ran. Be grateful we bother to include it on world maps at all.

At least our country has an economy that is the envy of all others. America is making itself irrelevant, and the more people insist on murdering illegal immigrants, the more we shall detest it.
Amusing how Australians can name more American states than an American can name Australian states..

That's because your country is a largely irrelevant, backwater also-ran. Be grateful we bother to include it on world maps at all.

At least our country has an economy that is the envy of all others. America is making itself irrelevant, and the more people insist on murdering illegal immigrants, the more we shall detest it.

Thats why you have millions of illegals trying to come into your country???????
Evn if they were a terrorist, they don't pose a threat at the time they cross the border. A terrorist on a plane to Australia right now doesn't pose a threat to me. In your mind, they do.

Noomi that is completely insane!

A terrorist on a plane to Australia right now doesn't pose me a threat until they land in my country and start to plan an attack.

A barnyard chicken has a greater capacity for thinking ahead than you apparently do.

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