Texas Abortion Tracking Website Shut Down A Second Time

Heart activity from an actual heart. I don't care how early or late the heart forms, that's the standard, not some fluttering in a few cells that are not pumping blood through a circulatory system.
I might agree with a bill like that. That's not what the bill says. That's not what the bill does.
Must I point out the obvious?

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"OF THE FETAL HEART". As has been pointed out, there isn't much of a heart at 6 weeks. In order to meet that standard, there has to be a beating heart! Do you not see that?
No. It only has to meet the specific definition put forward in the bill that you quoted. The fluctuating cells are technically cardiac activity. They are the precursor to one of two natural pacemakers.
Wrong. Open a book. But none of this matters we can go back and forth on the 6 weeks issue all day, which is pretty pointless. Eventually, this law will be overturned. And there is nothing you can do about it.
I also think it will be overturned, and the sooner the better.
I, and others read the bill several times, and didn't find what you claim. Where does it say a complete, or near complete heart must be present? That doesn't occur until several weeks later. I understand you support the bill in principle. I just don't belive you know how extreme it is. The overreach is unprecedented.
Okay then, tell me this. The text of the law (which you quoted) says "'Fetal heartbeat' means cardiac activity or the steady and repetitive contraction of the FETAL HEART (emphasis mine) within the gestational sac". How in the name of Carter's Little Liver Pills can you have contractions of the fetal heart WITHOUT a fetal heart? I would really like to see you explain that one to me.
No. It only has to meet the specific definition put forward in the bill that you quoted. The fluctuating cells are technically cardiac activity. They are the precursor to one of two natural pacemakers.
But the law also specifies that a fetal heart must be present and contracting. That's a real heartbeat. Explain this: How do "fluctuating cells" equate to "steady and repetitive contraction of the fetal heart"? How?

Unless you can explain that, you're still worried about a strawman and arguing things that are not in evidence.
I might agree with a bill like that. That's not what the bill says. That's not what the bill does.
That's absolutely what this bill does. It specifies the contracting of a fetal heart. That's a heartbeat. I don't know how you can argue anything contrary.
Okay then, tell me this. The text of the law (which you quoted) says "'Fetal heartbeat' means cardiac activity or the steady and repetitive contraction of the FETAL HEART (emphasis mine) within the gestational sac". How in the name of Carter's Little Liver Pills can you have contractions of the fetal heart WITHOUT a fetal heart? I would really like to see you explain that one to me.
You can have that because that is how the bill defines a heartbeat. They could define a screwdriver as a ham sandwich, and as far as the bill was concerned, the screwdriver would be called a ham sandwich. That's the way it works. The person writing the bill defines the terms they use any way they want.
Since you didn't read the rest of the post, I pasted it in below.

" which are the natural result of the cancel culture the left has been salivating about for the last some years. Interesting to see their squealing when it gets turned on them."
Yeah, i ignored that very stupid comment, as it provides no context for the other stupid comment.
But the law also specifies that a fetal heart must be present and contracting. That's a real heartbeat. Explain this: How do "fluctuating cells" equate to "steady and repetitive contraction of the fetal heart"? How?

Unless you can explain that, you're still worried about a strawman and arguing things that are not in evidence.
Where does it say that? Step away from all that for a minute, and then we will resume there if you want to. Do you agree that basing it all on a few fluctuating cells, instead of a fully developed heart would be an unfair bill? Answer that, and then we can resume where we were.
You can have that because that is how the bill defines a heartbeat. They could define a screwdriver as a ham sandwich, and as far as the bill was concerned, the screwdriver would be called a ham sandwich. That's the way it works. The person writing the bill defines the terms they use any way they want.
I can have it because that's the way the bill is written, and it's very clear that a beating heart is required. All this kerfluffle about "6 weeks" that has pro-aborts clutching their pearls is inflammatory nonsense.
Where does it say that? Step away from all that for a minute, and then we will resume there if you want to. Do you agree that basing it all on a few fluctuating cells, instead of a fully developed heart would be an unfair bill? Answer that, and then we can resume where we were.
I refer to your own post, #124, from which I got this quote,


note the "fetal heart with the gestational sac". That's why I say this is fear mongering. I may be wrong, but it seems to me pretty clear. There has to be a beating heart.
Not my problem if they prefer to believe fear mongers instead of reading the law for themselves.
Haha sure. It's everyone else that is crazy. Sure bud. Nobody read the bill but you. What a bunch of silly sallies.
Your reading comprehension difficulties are not my problem.
Ultrasound can detect the "heartbeat" (that isn't) as early as week 6. And everyone in texas who gets an abortion has to have an ultrasound.

We really cant break this down any further for you.
I would like to see where the law says anything about "6 weeks".
Also, abortion is a constitutionally protected right up to 24 weeks. So if you don't get why you are making zero headway with your diatribe...well...

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