Testimony of Alberto Rivera - Ex-Jesuit

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera who is an ex- Jesuit who exposed the Roman Catholic Church. Jack Chick tracts have used material Dr. Alberto Rivera has provided to him to share the truth with the world about what is really going on. This is Dr. Alberto Rivera in this video and what he says is very important. Listen to this:

Dr. Rivera was so high up that he answered to the pope directly. What he knows, what he will speak about is of great importance and value to anyone still in the Catholic religion. Please listen to the entire series. This is information many of you will be learning for the very first time and is directly tied to what is happening right now upon the earth.
Here is part 2 :
Part three - Ex - Jesuit, Dr. Alberto Rivera will interpret the testimony of a Spanish ex - nun. You must hear this. No one who listens to these videos will be able to claim this man is a phony. This man is a true servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and is speaking the truth. Listen to this:

This is an end times warning. It is most likely the most important message - the entire series - you will ever hear. My prayer is that all Catholics will listen to these videos and be converted to Jesus Christ.

Do you see the IHS? Do you know why these initials are lifted up as God?
In Egypt, the IHS stood for their gods......

I - Isis
H - Horus
S - Seb

IHS stood for the Egyptian gods, Isis, Horus, Seb.
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Do you see the IHS? Do you know why these initials are lifted up as God?
In Egypt, the IHS stood for their gods......

I - Isis
H - Horus
S - Seb

IHS stood for the Egyptian gods, Isis, Horus, Seb.

When you can't even get the basics correct, I'm not going to spend any time listening to videos you recommend.

IHS is one of four Greek monograms (or abbreviations) for Jesus Christ (Iesous Christos). The others are IC, XC, and XPS.

Iesous Christos - IHS

And why stop at Egypt? I'm betting there are Asian, Hindu, and Celtic gods whose names also contain IHS.
SEB?? never heard of him, I have heard of Isis, RA, and EL.

Gods of Ancient Egypt Sobek
(several ways to spell the name )

Sobek (also known as Sebek, Sebek-Ra, Sobeq, Suchos, Sobki, and Soknopais) was the ancient god of crocodiles. He is first mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and his worship continued until the Roman period. Some sects believed that Sobek was the creator of the world who arose from the "Dark Water" and created the order in the universe. Sobek was a god of the Nile who brought fertility to the land. As the "Lord of the Waters" he was thought to have risen from the primeval waters of Nun to create the world and made the Nile from his sweat. One creation myth stated that Sobek laid eggs on the bank of the waters of Nun thus creating the world. However, as well as being a force for creation, he was seen as an unpredictable deity who sometimes allied himself with the forces of Chaos.
Just think Protestant came after Islam' Quran, so what cha got to say now. If the RCC is false, then so is Protestantism, where do you think the King James bible came from, and who authorized it?
SEB?? never heard of him, I have heard of Isis, RA, and EL.

Gods of Ancient Egypt Sobek
(several ways to spell the name )

Sobek (also known as Sebek, Sebek-Ra, Sobeq, Suchos, Sobki, and Soknopais) was the ancient god of crocodiles. He is first mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and his worship continued until the Roman period. Some sects believed that Sobek was the creator of the world who arose from the "Dark Water" and created the order in the universe. Sobek was a god of the Nile who brought fertility to the land. As the "Lord of the Waters" he was thought to have risen from the primeval waters of Nun to create the world and made the Nile from his sweat. One creation myth stated that Sobek laid eggs on the bank of the waters of Nun thus creating the world. However, as well as being a force for creation, he was seen as an unpredictable deity who sometimes allied himself with the forces of Chaos.

What do you think Israel means, IS -RA- El.
Just think Protestant came after Islam' Quran, so what cha got to say now. If the RCC is false, then so is Protestantism, where do you think the King James bible came from, and who authorized it?

Christianity of the Early Church in the book of Acts predates the Roman Church and the religion of Islam. The first church was made up of Jews. Jews. Look it up. Mohammad was not even born until 570 A.D., Penelope. Look that up too.
SEB?? never heard of him, I have heard of Isis, RA, and EL.

Gods of Ancient Egypt Sobek
(several ways to spell the name )

Sobek (also known as Sebek, Sebek-Ra, Sobeq, Suchos, Sobki, and Soknopais) was the ancient god of crocodiles. He is first mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and his worship continued until the Roman period. Some sects believed that Sobek was the creator of the world who arose from the "Dark Water" and created the order in the universe. Sobek was a god of the Nile who brought fertility to the land. As the "Lord of the Waters" he was thought to have risen from the primeval waters of Nun to create the world and made the Nile from his sweat. One creation myth stated that Sobek laid eggs on the bank of the waters of Nun thus creating the world. However, as well as being a force for creation, he was seen as an unpredictable deity who sometimes allied himself with the forces of Chaos.

What do you think Israel means, IS -RA- El.
SEB?? never heard of him, I have heard of Isis, RA, and EL.

Gods of Ancient Egypt Sobek
(several ways to spell the name )

Sobek (also known as Sebek, Sebek-Ra, Sobeq, Suchos, Sobki, and Soknopais) was the ancient god of crocodiles. He is first mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and his worship continued until the Roman period. Some sects believed that Sobek was the creator of the world who arose from the "Dark Water" and created the order in the universe. Sobek was a god of the Nile who brought fertility to the land. As the "Lord of the Waters" he was thought to have risen from the primeval waters of Nun to create the world and made the Nile from his sweat. One creation myth stated that Sobek laid eggs on the bank of the waters of Nun thus creating the world. However, as well as being a force for creation, he was seen as an unpredictable deity who sometimes allied himself with the forces of Chaos.

What do you think Israel means, IS -RA- El.

The best definition I've heard is - He has been saved by God. ( a great picture of salvation!) Jacob was named Israel after wrestling with the LORD. It has nothing to do with any Egyptian god names. You are mistaken, Penelope.
SEB?? never heard of him, I have heard of Isis, RA, and EL.

Gods of Ancient Egypt Sobek
(several ways to spell the name )

Sobek (also known as Sebek, Sebek-Ra, Sobeq, Suchos, Sobki, and Soknopais) was the ancient god of crocodiles. He is first mentioned in the Pyramid Texts and his worship continued until the Roman period. Some sects believed that Sobek was the creator of the world who arose from the "Dark Water" and created the order in the universe. Sobek was a god of the Nile who brought fertility to the land. As the "Lord of the Waters" he was thought to have risen from the primeval waters of Nun to create the world and made the Nile from his sweat. One creation myth stated that Sobek laid eggs on the bank of the waters of Nun thus creating the world. However, as well as being a force for creation, he was seen as an unpredictable deity who sometimes allied himself with the forces of Chaos.

What do you think Israel means, IS -RA- El.

The broken cross you are displaying is a sign of the occult. For anyone converting to Satan it is required they take a ceramic cross and break the arms downwards. It is not a sign of peace but rather of rebellion against Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross. Those who partake of that ceremony are symbolically breaking their relationship with God.

Who would do such a thing? Well, I have seen the stories of Kate Perry having started in Gospel Music at age 15 - both parents are Christians and she was a born again Christian who allegedly sold her soul to Satan and decided to serve him so she could be famous. Which would once again be evidence that Ninja is mistaken about someone who is a born again Christian turning against Jesus Christ. Karl Marx was a Jew who converted to Christ at a young age - was a Christian who turned his back on Jesus Christ to become a high priest in Satanism. Is Karl Marx in heaven because he once followed Christ? No. Jesus was very clear that those who endure until the end - the same shall be saved. Not those who depart from him to follow Satan.

Did you ever receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, Penelope?
Is Alberto For Real - By Sidney Hunter

Genuine or fraud?

In 1979, Chick Publications printed the first in a series of highly controversial comics based on the life of ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera. Once converted to Christ, Alberto began exposing the Vatican's most closely guarded secrets. His information shocked the world.

Responding to his startling statements, Rome and many so-called Christians cried, "Alberto is a fraud." For many years, the battle has raged. Millions have asked: "Is Alberto For Real?"

Here is the answer ... 96 pages ... packed with rock solid evidence, proving Alberto Rivera is for real.

...History proves he's real!
...Many other writers prove he's real!

If you've ever wondered about the veracity of Alberto's alarming allegations about the Roman Catholic church, this book is a must.
Just think Protestant came after Islam' Quran, so what cha got to say now. If the RCC is false, then so is Protestantism, where do you think the King James bible came from, and who authorized it?

Christianity of the Early Church in the book of Acts predates the Roman Church and the religion of Islam. The first church was made up of Jews. Jews. Look it up. Mohammad was not even born until 570 A.D., Penelope. Look that up too.

Right, who do you think put the Bible together? Protestants , I think not.

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