Test out the new USMB Skin - Feedback appreciated

I have to squint to read anything, I suppose I could get used to it if I could increase the font size. It is nice to cut off annoyingly large sig lines.
do not like it one bit.

is this what they call a foreskin?

As far as I can remember, I didn't have a foreskin.
So this would be a first.
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I have to squint to read anything, I suppose I could get used to it if I could increase the font size. It is nice to cut off annoyingly large sig lines.

On windows, if I hold down the CTRL key on my keyboard and then use the scroll wheel on my mouse I can increase or decrease the font sizes on the page.

There is more info on how to do it here: Help Increasing the Text Size in Your Web Browser
Which part is "hurting your eyes" ?
the small print, and I already have Zoom set at 150%,

How do I find User CP? I don't see it.

Leave the 'skin this way, I may, after 9 years, (6 as a mod), have to leave the board.
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Kinda stark lookin' but it does not make much difference to me one way or the other.

I whole heartily agree that sig lines need to be cleaned up. Maybe limited to a determined character length with no gifs, videos, and such. They really clutter-up things.

I have them disabled.
the small print, and I already have Zoom set at 150%,

How do I find User CP? I don't see it.

Leave the 'skin this way, I may, after 9 years, (6 as a mod), have to leave the board.

The User CP is here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences

You can select the old skin there or at the bottom of any page by clicking on "Style Chooser" -- if you prefer the old skin, feel free to use it! Choice is an amazing thing, isn't it?
I like that it reduces the signature area.

Does the new skin have any options for changing the background color on posts?
I like it. Definite improvement.
I did not click to change to it yet I am now in it nd I dont see how to change back, further when you click on the button to see what new posts are in threads you are posting in they are not highlighted so you have to remember how many there were and not be reminded by high light.
Next time you should not make this a default. Leave it the way it is, and allow a person to change it.
I spent 10 minutes mucking with this. I am asking for monetary compensation.

Expect a PM from my lawyer.
I like that it reduces the signature area.

Does the new skin have any options for changing the background color on posts?

No. I did compare it to the old skin and it has way less "white" which is usually the complaint I hear when we update skins. This has more grays and way less white area. It should be less bright.

The font is definitely smaller.... and that cuts both ways. It allows more text per screen, but that text is smaller. There is no ideal solution here as the software doesn't support a user definable font size. The link I posted above is the only solution to increase font size "per user".

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