teen moms


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i will admit to being totally hooked on this series...it began with...16 and pregant...now they are following 4 of the orginal moms, maci who is so smart and hard working but hooked up with the worthless cad ryan, farrah....a space cadet who's baby's father is killed in a car crash so she is on her own, amber...what can one say about amber, if gary can endure her mouth....it might work....and then katelynn, her and tyler gave their baby up for adoption.

so anyone else watching this series, i think it should be show to teenagers every chance it can. it shows that very few of these teen preggies end up happy.

it shows how hard things are once you have a child.
i will admit to being totally hooked on this series...it began with...16 and pregant...now they are following 4 of the orginal moms, maci who is so smart and hard working but hooked up with the worthless cad ryan, farrah....a space cadet who's baby's father is killed in a car crash so she is on her own, amber...what can one say about amber, if gary can endure her mouth....it might work....and then katelynn, her and tyler gave their baby up for adoption.

so anyone else watching this series, i think it should be show to teenagers every chance it can. it shows that very few of these teen preggies end up happy.

it shows how hard things are once you have a child.

I enjoy it too, only because I have two nieces who are material girls without an ounce of common sense in their heads, and I just hope and pray they watch too.

As for Amber's fat, lazy husband, no wonder she mouths off at him. I keep waiting for her to grow up and give him marching orders--and mean it.
My 15-year old daughter watches it. At first, I was leery, because I thought they might try to glorify and gloss over the rough parts. But they really do paint a realistic picture of what it is like having a child so young. The show has been a bit of an eye-opener for my daughter.
My 15-year old daughter watches it. At first, I was leery, because I thought they might try to glorify and gloss over the rough parts. But they really do paint a realistic picture of what it is like having a child so young. The show has been a bit of an eye-opener for my daughter.

Good for her!
well farrah is dumber than i gave her credit for..and i assure you i gave her lots of credit for dumb...

she gets scammed selling her car...the guys sends her 8 k and she sends 3 k to someone to ship it...and of course the 8 k check is bad.....
amber's baby's daddy is gary....i dont see how he stands her...she is always whining...

the guy with the sideways baseball hat ...sad they are just sad...where does he get his money? i never see him work....

and dont get me started on ryan....maci should kick his ass....
amber's baby's daddy is gary....i dont see how he stands her...she is always whining...

the guy with the sideways baseball hat ...sad they are just sad...where does he get his money? i never see him work....

and dont get me started on ryan....maci should kick his ass....

Gary doesn't work; he just sits around filling his gut and expecting Amber to wait on him. I agree she's no mental giant either, but that guy needs to watch reruns of himself. He's a disgusting pig.

Ryan is also a slacker, but at least he's easier on the eyes and doesn't talk like he's always got a mouthful of food.
I'm waiting for the new reality series, 'Michael Vick, Dog Boss'.

I'm working on a reality series called "American IDLE"

where-in 10 people sit around all day doing as little as possible...

and at the end of each show the person who is considered to be the LEAST idle/MOST active is voted off the show and forced to go work!

that is....
if we can get these lazy dudes off there asses long enough to actually VOTE....

is this metaphorical?
yea gary doesnt have much going for him....amber has lost some weight too....ryan is a pig...that man only cares about his dick and getting it waxed...and not poetically....but you got to wonder about the show's editing.....i mean maci is all wonderful and ryan is a totally loser....and what about catelynn's man? the one with the baseball hat....where does he get all his money?
yea gary doesnt have much going for him....amber has lost some weight too....ryan is a pig...that man only cares about his dick and getting it waxed...and not poetically....but you got to wonder about the show's editing.....i mean maci is all wonderful and ryan is a totally loser....and what about catelynn's man? the one with the baseball hat....where does he get all his money?

I agree a lot of it seems staged, unlike when they were going through their pregnancies. There are probably a lot of comments, just like ours, on their website. I hadn't seen the latest episode where Farrah got duped on the car deal until last night, but she has wealthy parents so probably won't lose much sleep over it anyway. Catelynn's boyfriend looks and acts about 12. C'mon... And Maci's new boyfriend talks like he's got rocks in his mouth and his words have to be subtitled! She's so obviously just looking for a husband, period, yet the new guy seems clueless.

My faith in that generation would dry up completely if I relied only on that bunch as examples of what future leaders of America look like. :lol:
amber has lost 65 lbs....got to give her that....

maci and ryan are 22...i didnt realize that...you think she is looking for a hubby...i am not sure...
kyle the new man is kinda thick if you ask me..but seems like a nice man

farrah was so stupid....yea she will be running to mom to bail her out...her only option
it was sad that her bf was killed

catelynn and her bf have a facebook page lol of course they do
I thought this show was gone, but I guess just on hiatus for a few weeks. Seems things still aren't looking too swell for the couples. Damn. They are just so clueless. BUT I have to keep reminding myself they're children who just think they're adults.
My daughter lives with her mom, who she doesn't like much. At one level I am terrified that she will be this silly, and on the other hand I am pretty proud of her smarts. I doubt she will have that trouble. But teenagers always seem incredibly dumb in the things they do. Boys die of testosterone poisoning all the time. I just always keep my fingers crossed that she keeps her legs crossed.
i will admit to being totally hooked on this series...it began with...16 and pregant...now they are following 4 of the orginal moms, maci who is so smart and hard working but hooked up with the worthless cad ryan, farrah....a space cadet who's baby's father is killed in a car crash so she is on her own, amber...what can one say about amber, if gary can endure her mouth....it might work....and then katelynn, her and tyler gave their baby up for adoption.

so anyone else watching this series, i think it should be show to teenagers every chance it can. it shows that very few of these teen preggies end up happy.

it shows how hard things are once you have a child.

Haven't heard of it, doubt I would watch it. Sounds to me like it glorifies single parenthood...I am against that. Even if you THINK it teaches people how hard it is, it is showing kids that they can get on tv if they have a child as a teen, or that someone did. Not a good message.......
My daughter lives with her mom, who she doesn't like much. At one level I am terrified that she will be this silly, and on the other hand I am pretty proud of her smarts. I doubt she will have that trouble. But teenagers always seem incredibly dumb in the things they do. Boys die of testosterone poisoning all the time. I just always keep my fingers crossed that she keeps her legs crossed.

I hear you. I had sons and from the time they started showing an interest in girls, I began telling them that sex had consequences (that from age 12 to 15). Thereafter, I got a little louder and as they began dating, I made it crystal clear that if they got a girl pregnant, they WOULD be held responsible for playing a primary role in parenting and/or financial arrangements. I honestly don't know how I would have handled daughters because girls always have that "It won't happen to me" attitude. Good luck to you.
My daughter lives with her mom, who she doesn't like much. At one level I am terrified that she will be this silly, and on the other hand I am pretty proud of her smarts. I doubt she will have that trouble. But teenagers always seem incredibly dumb in the things they do. Boys die of testosterone poisoning all the time. I just always keep my fingers crossed that she keeps her legs crossed.


Yet there are parents who would vehemently disagree, and stubbernly claim that an adolescent would know


just by "looking at it."

I had a deal with my older slave when he became 14, and was hanging out at girls' houses.

I bought him a box of condoms, and asked if he knew how to use them. He said, "yes." and of course was terribly embarrassed.

So I told him that, to avoid these embarasing situations in the future, he could simply leave the empty box on my desk, and I would replace it with a full box.

This hasn't ever happened during the past two years........:eusa_angel:

....because he buys his own.:cool:

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