Team Obama Preparing for Biden Meltdown


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Jim Messina, [email protected]
12:58 PM (55 minutes ago)

Friend --

Whatever happens at the vice presidential debate tonight, we need to respond quickly and forcefully."

Translation: Biden is a complete fucking moron and the only reason he's still on the ticket is first Hillary told Barry to fuck himself when he offered her VPOTUS before the DNC Convention and second, Biden turned down Obama's offer to visit Benghazi on 9/11. We know he'll fuck up, it's just a question of degree and we're trying to get out in front of the Biden Meltdown
Democratic Slogan for tonite "whatever happens at the VP debate, STAYS at the VP debate"

Id hate to be the janitor tonite. Lots of blood on the floor, walls, ceiling.
Democraps show they are dumbasses by holding this debate near coal country when Ryan is going bring up the liberal EPA attack on coal jobs.
The Obama campaign has a dilemma.

On the one hand:

If they want to stop the damage The ONE himself inflicted via his own hideous debate performance, then they need to root FOR Biden to do a superior performance tonight.

But, on the other hand:

If the former dumbest man in the U.S. Senate does too well, he will VASTLY outshine the President, and that only reminds the voters of how atrociously The ONE performed in the first debate.

Oh well. Pick your poison.

Don't underestimate Biden; he is an expert "hatchet man". Ryan should counter this by continually asking him about the Benghazi fiasco. The most Biden can say is that he didn't know about it, which will make him look like an even bigger fool.
I always enjoy watching Biden. I think he will engage Ryan...

But I still think Ryan will mop the floor with him.

It won't be in the same way that Romney mopped with Obama, though. Biden is always going to have something to say!
“The middle class has been buried the last four years" -- Joe Biden 10/2/2012
Paul Ryan = Einstein

Joe Biden = Groucho Marx

You give Biden too much credit.

I would have gone with Harpo Marx.

I wouldn't be surprised if 'gaffe a minute smokin' joe' followed up his statements with this...

Bozo Biden has been in hiding for over a week now.

I can just picture him strapped to a chair being conditioned not to say anything stupid like Alex in A Clockwork Orange

Biden is a much better debater than any of the other candidates. He will do very well and Ryan will have to admit his planned killing of Medicare. Or he might do the 180 degree turn around like his Morman partner and deny everything.

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