Tea Party Wants to See Us Hanging From a TRee. says Andre Carson


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind. , speaks at a press conference about standing shoulder to shoulder against extremism of all kinds, a reaction to the House Homeland Security hearing, on Capitol Hill in Washington on Thursday, March 10, 2011.
Democratic Rep. Andre Carson told a Miami crowd last week that the Tea Party movement would "love" to see black Americans "hanging on a tree."

Read more: Rep. Andre Carson: Tea Party Wants To See Black Americans 'Hanging On A Tree' | FoxNews.com

now ain't that a fine damn example of a dimoRat congressman? ain't it though? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The Congressional Black Caucus is becoming a caricature of itself. These people are bankrupt of any rational ideas and are basically insignificant except for a comical headline or two now and then.
What a bunch of seriously demented assholes. I'd be ashamed to be even remotely associated with the Black Caucus.
This is the garbage were going to be hearing for the next year. They got nothing to stand on so its time to divide and slander the opposition.

But you won't be hearing this kind of trash from the right I bet. Telling
As Rush L. pointed out in todays show - IT WAS SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS WHO WERE 99.9% RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LYNCHINGS OF BLACKS..........................................

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Obama was supposed to be the post race president. His supporters have done nothing but make it worse. Very sad

Name a black person that said that post-racial bullshit. This is America, born of racism and will die of racism. It's the American way.
Obama was supposed to be the post race president. His supporters have done nothing but make it worse. Very sad

Name a black person that said that post-racial bullshit. This is America, born of racism and will die of racism. It's the American way.

born of? uh huh,......and die? :lol:whatever.

I actually feel sorry for you, really, you're pathetic.
This is the garbage were going to be hearing for the next year. They got nothing to stand on so its time to divide and slander the opposition.

But you won't be hearing this kind of trash from the right I bet. Telling

oh, no, never inna million years, wait here it comes, a moment in political hist, well now it's passed.
Obama was supposed to be the post race president. His supporters have done nothing but make it worse. Very sad

Name a black person that said that post-racial bullshit. This is America, born of racism and will die of racism. It's the American way.

born of? uh huh,......and die? :lol:whatever.

I actually feel sorry for you, really, you're pathetic.
What in my post was a lie?

Your sorrow is misplaced, I'm not white.

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