Tea Party is the biggest threat to the GOP

Hmm/ Tea Party is about less government and lower taxes. Yeah, you'd have to be stupid to want those things. Right?
The Tea Party is not about less government and lower taxes. Ron Paul's anti TARP movement started in December 2006 was ALL about less government and lower taxes. In March of 2009, a Seattle conservative talk radio DJ, and a local Republican teacher (It think) held a rally in Seattle. It was an anti Obama ralley. Karl Rove, Fox News, and the GOP saw the opportunity to accomplish two very difficult and essential objectives, by piggy backing on the movement.

1. Give Bush supporters a place to hide, that was NOT directly the Republican Party, after the disasterous ending to the Bush administration.

2. Rebrand the GOP so it looked like it was something new to voters, like they were almost not even Republicans.

When the cake was done baking...Ron Paul was squeezed out leadership wise. Fox News ran PR for the Tea Party, and Republicans felt a bit like they weren't all one trick ponies.

If you think for a second Tea Party candidates will stop government spending...just look at the 40-some Tea Party House reps, and the 5-or so Tea Party Senators...they vote Republican just like all the RINO's.
Could be. I'm wrong all the freakin' time, just ask my wife.

From what I can tell, the Tea Party thinks that there are enough votes in the GOP to not need independents and moderates.

Is that correct?


not even close. independents and moderates decide elections. Thats why the GOP is likely to take the senate next week.

The tea party is not a party, it is a movement toward sane fiscal policy, sane fiscal policy, limited government, individual freedom, and a business-friendly tax policy.

anyone who considers those ideas as radical, is a radical.

Do you mind, then, when someone who supports the Tea Party talks about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as negatives, when they propose shutting down several government agencies? Do you think that appeals to moderates and independents?


the tea party has loons like every other group,. The things you mentioned are not tea party policies. Once again you seem to be a victim of media lies and propaganda.

Go to a tea party rally, listen to what is being said. Go on the website, look at the policies that are being promoted. its not even close to what the libs are saying. the left is very afraid of a pro-constitution, pro-freedom movement because it will rob the government of some of its control, and rob the dems of much of their financial backing.
Shutting down the government was a Tea Party Policy
Defaulting on our debt is a Tea Party Policy
No compromise is a Tea Party Policy

wrong on all 3

obama shut down the govt, no party or congress has the power to do that
no one has said we should default, just balance the budget and begin to pay off the debt--how radical!
no compromise with failed socialism is the right thing to do. on that topic, where has obama offered to compromise?

Teatard revisionist history does not change the facts. Teatards forced the shutdown. TeaTards celibrated the shutdown. Teatards fought to keep the shutdown from ending
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I understand that. The problem is that politics is now essentially 100% image driven, and many of the things that Tea Partiers say leave themselves wide open to attacks from the Left. I'd think that, outside of the movement, the "Tea Party" brand is pretty damaged as a result. And you know what happens once a brand is damaged.

My "theory" is that many people who think of themselves as Tea Partiers are relatively new to the political process, and they're just not very good at it yet. They became pissed off and fed up - good for them - and jumped into the political fray without yet knowing how the image game is played.

My guess, anyway.


your guess is wrong, very wrong.

Could be. I'm wrong all the freakin' time, just ask my wife.

From what I can tell, the Tea Party thinks that there are enough votes in the GOP to not need independents and moderates.

Is that correct?


not even close. independents and moderates decide elections. Thats why the GOP is likely to take the senate next week.

The tea party is not a party, it is a movement toward sane fiscal policy, sane fiscal policy, limited government, individual freedom, and a business-friendly tax policy.

anyone who considers those ideas as radical, is a radical.

Actually that was the start of policy... but the main players in the tea party have a very social conservative positions as well..

But why argue, we have just conducted a 4 year study in the great state of Kansas...
The Great Kansas Tea Party Disaster Rolling Stone

So to round up simply, a disaster... Much like communism the tea party agenda looks great on paper but disaster in real life.

Kansas is going to vote for a Democratic Governor... Normally Democrats are used as target practice in Kansas.

the people deserve what they vote for. thats the way it works. obama won twice, the country deserves the mess he created. if your state does the same, it deserves the results.
California is not a tax dollar welfare state, like Mississippi and Alabama. Jerry Brown has done a great job with the budget and deficit in our state. So much so the Republicans can't figure out how to criticize him.

I'm better off now than I was in 2008
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....
the dems and libs are scared shitless of the tea party, so they repeat the lies they have been given by their handlers.

For you dems and libs-------------go to a tea party rally, listen to what is being said, talk to the people. LEARN. its not what your leaders have told you.

but you don't really care do you? you would rather parrot the mindless drivel pumped into your heads by idiots like wasserman-shultz and HRC.

Dems and libs like the Tea Party. They make it easy to paint the entire Republican party as out of touch and intractable

It is Republicans who fear the Tea Party. They are the ones facing a primary challenge from their right flank

Yepp. And although the Tea Party can be found in all 50 states of our great Union, it is also pretty obvious where the ideological base of the Tea Party is: in the South.
It is the same base that used to belong to The John Birch Society. They hold many of the same views. But by being unwilling to work for common ground, to demand strict compliance, the Tea Party makes it easy for Dems to wrap all Republicans up in Tea Party rhetoric and use them as an example of how out of touch Republicans remain

expecting the government to adhere to the constitution is not a radical concept. Ignoring the constitutiion as obama has done IS a radical concept.

but we get it, since your socialist kenyan messiah has failed miserably, all you can do is denigrate the competition with lies. We get it, and that also will fail.

Our government adheres to the Constitution. If the Tea Party has a different interpretation of the Constitution, they are welcome to prove it in a court of law

It has been done thousands of times

Obama should be sued for his constitutional violations. but its not likely in an election year. be patient.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.
Hmm/ Tea Party is about less government and lower taxes. Yeah, you'd have to be stupid to want those things. Right?
The Tea Party is not about less government and lower taxes. Ron Paul's anti TARP movement started in December 2006 was ALL about less government and lower taxes. In March of 2009, a Seattle conservative talk radio DJ, and a local Republican teacher (It think) held a rally in Seattle. It was an anti Obama ralley. Karl Rove, Fox News, and the GOP saw the opportunity to accomplish two very difficult and essential objectives, by piggy backing on the movement.

1. Give Bush supporters a place to hide, that was NOT directly the Republican Party, after the disasterous ending to the Bush administration.

2. Rebrand the GOP so it looked like it was something new to voters, like they were almost not even Republicans.

When the cake was done baking...Ron Paul was squeezed out leadership wise. Fox News ran PR for the Tea Party, and Republicans felt a bit like they weren't all one trick ponies.

If you think for a second Tea Party candidates will stop government spending...just look at the 40-some Tea Party House reps, and the 5-or so Tea Party Senators...they vote Republican just like all the RINO's.
Wow. That has more moving parts than a grandfather clock. Is that a Oliver Stone movie?
not even close. independents and moderates decide elections. Thats why the GOP is likely to take the senate next week.

The tea party is not a party, it is a movement toward sane fiscal policy, sane fiscal policy, limited government, individual freedom, and a business-friendly tax policy.

anyone who considers those ideas as radical, is a radical.

Do you mind, then, when someone who supports the Tea Party talks about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as negatives, when they propose shutting down several government agencies? Do you think that appeals to moderates and independents?


the tea party has loons like every other group,. The things you mentioned are not tea party policies. Once again you seem to be a victim of media lies and propaganda.

Go to a tea party rally, listen to what is being said. Go on the website, look at the policies that are being promoted. its not even close to what the libs are saying. the left is very afraid of a pro-constitution, pro-freedom movement because it will rob the government of some of its control, and rob the dems of much of their financial backing.
Shutting down the government was a Tea Party Policy
Defaulting on our debt is a Tea Party Policy
No compromise is a Tea Party Policy

wrong on all 3

obama shut down the govt, no party or congress has the power to do that
no one has said we should default, just balance the budget and begin to pay off the debt--how radical!
no compromise with failed socialism is the right thing to do. on that topic, where has obama offered to compromise?

Teatard revisionist history does not change the facts. Teatards forced the shutdown. TeaTards celirated the shutdown. Teatards fought to keep the shutdown from ending

nope, you are the revisionist. obama shut down the government. obama put barracades around national monuments. the minority of tea party members of congress had no power to shut down anything.

obama shut it down because he refused to consider any compromise on the budget. obama shut it down the way Hitler shut down debate in pre-WW2 Germany. BTW, Hitler also had a policy of taking guns from ordinary citizens-----------sound familiar?
not even close. independents and moderates decide elections. Thats why the GOP is likely to take the senate next week.

The tea party is not a party, it is a movement toward sane fiscal policy, sane fiscal policy, limited government, individual freedom, and a business-friendly tax policy.

anyone who considers those ideas as radical, is a radical.

Do you mind, then, when someone who supports the Tea Party talks about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as negatives, when they propose shutting down several government agencies? Do you think that appeals to moderates and independents?


the tea party has loons like every other group,. The things you mentioned are not tea party policies. Once again you seem to be a victim of media lies and propaganda.

Go to a tea party rally, listen to what is being said. Go on the website, look at the policies that are being promoted. its not even close to what the libs are saying. the left is very afraid of a pro-constitution, pro-freedom movement because it will rob the government of some of its control, and rob the dems of much of their financial backing.
Shutting down the government was a Tea Party Policy
Defaulting on our debt is a Tea Party Policy
No compromise is a Tea Party Policy

wrong on all 3

obama shut down the govt, no party or congress has the power to do that
no one has said we should default, just balance the budget and begin to pay off the debt--how radical!
no compromise with failed socialism is the right thing to do. on that topic, where has obama offered to compromise?

Teatard revisionist history does not change the facts. Teatards forced the shutdown. TeaTards celirated the shutdown. Teatards fought to keep the shutdown from ending

Which makes Tea Partiers, at least the ones elected to serve, totally irresponsible and financially wreckless on the one point that is SUPPOSED to be their raison d'etre: fiscal responsibility.

It's hard for me to have any respect at all for a Tea Partier.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....
Libs would think that. They drove all the moderates/conservatives out of the Democrat party and wonder why a party would have differing opinions on the issue. There's nothing democratic about today's Democrat party.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.

I think that you are trying to say:

Dems and libs like the Tea Party. They make it easy to paint the entire Republican party as out of touch and intractable

It is Republicans who fear the Tea Party. They are the ones facing a primary challenge from their right flank

Yepp. And although the Tea Party can be found in all 50 states of our great Union, it is also pretty obvious where the ideological base of the Tea Party is: in the South.
It is the same base that used to belong to The John Birch Society. They hold many of the same views. But by being unwilling to work for common ground, to demand strict compliance, the Tea Party makes it easy for Dems to wrap all Republicans up in Tea Party rhetoric and use them as an example of how out of touch Republicans remain

expecting the government to adhere to the constitution is not a radical concept. Ignoring the constitutiion as obama has done IS a radical concept.

but we get it, since your socialist kenyan messiah has failed miserably, all you can do is denigrate the competition with lies. We get it, and that also will fail.

Our government adheres to the Constitution. If the Tea Party has a different interpretation of the Constitution, they are welcome to prove it in a court of law

It has been done thousands of times

Obama should be sued for his constitutional violations. but its not likely in an election year. be patient.

Doesn't look too likely on Constitutional grounds

Nonpartisan report finds no legal basis for GOP lawsuit against Obama - The Week
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your guess is wrong, very wrong.

Could be. I'm wrong all the freakin' time, just ask my wife.

From what I can tell, the Tea Party thinks that there are enough votes in the GOP to not need independents and moderates.

Is that correct?


not even close. independents and moderates decide elections. Thats why the GOP is likely to take the senate next week.

The tea party is not a party, it is a movement toward sane fiscal policy, sane fiscal policy, limited government, individual freedom, and a business-friendly tax policy.

anyone who considers those ideas as radical, is a radical.

Actually that was the start of policy... but the main players in the tea party have a very social conservative positions as well..

But why argue, we have just conducted a 4 year study in the great state of Kansas...
The Great Kansas Tea Party Disaster Rolling Stone

So to round up simply, a disaster... Much like communism the tea party agenda looks great on paper but disaster in real life.

Kansas is going to vote for a Democratic Governor... Normally Democrats are used as target practice in Kansas.

the people deserve what they vote for. thats the way it works. obama won twice, the country deserves the mess he created. if your state does the same, it deserves the results.
California is not a tax dollar welfare state, like Mississippi and Alabama. Jerry Brown has done a great job with the budget and deficit in our state. So much so the Republicans can't figure out how to criticize him.

I'm better off now than I was in 2008

and Cal is how many hundreds of millions in debt? how may california citizens are on welfare? how many are unemployed? how many illegals are receiving state benefits?

good for you if you are better off, but your state is not.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

And that is the entire reason why I took Mike Huckabee quite seriously when he complained that he may very well bolt from the GOP if the GOP becomes accepting of gay marriage - a social issue that has nothing in the world to do with fiscal responsibility, which is what the Tea Party CLAIMS to be about.

I see a real possibility of the GOP splitting into two separate parties.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.

The founders had no money. We were deeply in debt

They had no choice but to be fiscallyconservative
Yepp. And although the Tea Party can be found in all 50 states of our great Union, it is also pretty obvious where the ideological base of the Tea Party is: in the South.
It is the same base that used to belong to The John Birch Society. They hold many of the same views. But by being unwilling to work for common ground, to demand strict compliance, the Tea Party makes it easy for Dems to wrap all Republicans up in Tea Party rhetoric and use them as an example of how out of touch Republicans remain

expecting the government to adhere to the constitution is not a radical concept. Ignoring the constitutiion as obama has done IS a radical concept.

but we get it, since your socialist kenyan messiah has failed miserably, all you can do is denigrate the competition with lies. We get it, and that also will fail.

Our government adheres to the Constitution. If the Tea Party has a different interpretation of the Constitution, they are welcome to prove it in a court of law

It has been done thousands of times

Obama should be sued for his constitutional violations. but its not likely in an election year. be patient.

Doesn't look to likely on Constitutional grounds

Nonpartisan report finds no legal basis for GOP lawsuit against Obama - The Week

we will see. posting a left wing blog article is meaningless, but if it makes you feel better---------
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.

The founders had no money. We were deeply in debt

They had no choice but to be fiscallyconservative

today we are 17.5 TRILLION in debt and it grows by hundreds of millions every day. might be time to take a lesson from the founders.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

And that is the entire reason why I took Mike Huckabee quite seriously when he complained that he may very well bolt from the GOP if the GOP becomes accepting of gay marriage - a social issue that has nothing in the world to do with fiscal responsibility, which is what the Tea Party CLAIMS to be about.

I see a real possibility of the GOP splitting into two separate parties.

Jimmy Carter said that gay marriage should be a state issue. He is right.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

And that is the entire reason why I took Mike Huckabee quite seriously when he complained that he may very well bolt from the GOP if the GOP becomes accepting of gay marriage - a social issue that has nothing in the world to do with fiscal responsibility, which is what the Tea Party CLAIMS to be about.

I see a real possibility of the GOP splitting into two separate parties.

It has happened before, when Teddy Roosevelt lost the nomination to Taft in 1912, and formed the Bull Moose Party, which gave the presidency to democrat Wilson.

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