Tea Party and the Rise of Black Republicans


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
As the Tea Party fortunes rise, more Black Republicans are running for office then ever before, totally destroying the "Tea Party as Racists" narrative.

Dems have so little to be happy about, they're bitter, frustrated clutching their "The Audacity of Hope" and looking for a coffee party and now Black Conservatism is on the rise. Umm umm umm, ain't that something!

Obama and the Dems have outed themselves as Marxists, full-throated "From each according to their means, to each according to Obama" Marxists and they are getting kicked to the curb in record numbers in November.

But for Gerrymandering Dems would easily lose over 100 House seats and the only safe Senate seats might be in NY.

"Among the many reverberations of President Obama’s election, here is one he probably never anticipated: at least 32 African-Americans are running for Congress this year as Republicans, the biggest surge since Reconstruction, according to party officials."

Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races - NYTimes.com

Of course, the Times get its wrong, it's not Obama's election that's inspired people, it's the drive to get our country back from the Marxists
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to give the tea party credit for this is a stretch...there are numerous other factors, obama winning is one and i believe the liberals lies about all the racism, the constant race card has backfired...i said this almost a year ago

and viola, yurt is of course right :cool:
As the Tea Party fortunes rise, more Black Republicans are running for office then ever before, totally destroying the "Tea Party as Racists" narrative.

Dems have so little to be happy about, they're bitter, frustrated clutching their "The Audacity of Hope" and looking for a coffee party and now Black Conservatism is on the rise. Umm umm umm, ain't that something!

Obama and the Dems have outed themselves as Marxists, full-throated "From each according to their means, to each according to Obama" Marxists and they are getting kicked to the curb in record numbers in November.

But for Gerrymandering Dems would easily lose over 100 House seats and the only safe Senate seats might be in NY.

"Among the many reverberations of President Obama’s election, here is one he probably never anticipated: at least 32 African-Americans are running for Congress this year as Republicans, the biggest surge since Reconstruction, according to party officials."

Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races - NYTimes.com

Of course, the Times get its wrong, it's not Obama's election that's inspired people, it's the drive to get our country back from the Marxists

The old political science model was that the Dems need not pander to minorities because they will never vote Republican. But people are not single-issue voters or party flaks all their lives.

Older, more established people -- of all colors -- have a tendency to be as concened about such things as fiscal responsibility as they are about social justice issues.

Yanno the old saying:

If you are not Liberal in your youth, you have no heart. But if you are not Conservative in your maturity, you have no brains.
No one is ever a Liberal after getting their first pay check.

I was. Many might say I still am. For me, the watershed moment was holding my baby for the first time. The Earth tilted and suddenly I saw Law and Order as somewhat more important than say, Ending Hunger.

I don't think people's values change all that much as they age...but their priorities sure do.
No doubt Republicans would welcome Blacks with open arms.

Or is that open fire?

They sometimes confuse the two.
Those Black Republicans are token black politicians, they will never get it right with black voters so they're not likely to succeed. The Tea Bastards have nothing to do with the rise of black politicians.
Those Black Republicans are token black politicians, they will never get it right with black voters so they're not likely to succeed. The Tea Bastards have nothing to do with the rise of black politicians.

So says the racist. Black Republicans must be 'tokens'. What a fucking moronic thing to say.... but not surprising considering you are a moron.
Those Black Republicans are token black politicians, they will never get it right with black voters so they're not likely to succeed. The Tea Bastards have nothing to do with the rise of black politicians.

The problem is that black voters have historically supported a political party that does not have their best interest at heart and has given them the worst public school and public housing in exchange.

Seems like a bad deal to me and maybe they're finally seeing the light
Those Black Republicans are token black politicians, they will never get it right with black voters so they're not likely to succeed. The Tea Bastards have nothing to do with the rise of black politicians.

The problem is that black voters have historically supported a political party that does not have their best interest at heart and has given them the worst public school and public housing in exchange.

Seems like a bad deal to me and maybe they're finally seeing the light

Republicans haven't been better than Democrats at addressing the issues concerning minorities, I just haven't seen this concern.
The "black conservative" bit is the fantasy that won't die. White brain-dead "conservatives" all over the place desperately hope that there will someday be this uprising of black conservatives.

It won't happen.

Blacks have actually been voting LESS Republican than ever. Fewer blacks voted for Bush II than Bush I, and when Obama ran, it was a record low black turnout for whoever the guy was that ran against him.

The numbers aren't there.

But they keep fanning the flames of this idea to convince themselves that they're not "racist." Fuck this shit. White Republicans should admit that preserving their race is a real and legitimate concern, and fight from there. Then watch everybody shit their pants.
I can't image why blacks vote for Dems at all much less in such record numbers. It's like the myth of FDR's greatness: the truth is 180 degrees reversed of what Dems say it is
I can't image why blacks vote for Dems at all much less in such record numbers. It's like the myth of FDR's greatness: the truth is 180 degrees reversed of what Dems say it is

Allow me to explain it to you.

Better yet, here is the "perfect example".

Concerning the "now" governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell:

----Sheila Johnson. Johnson, the African-American co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, was a key backer — the key backer — of McDonnell’s campaign. Her support was so important to McDonnell that barely a day passed when he didn’t mention it, and she was featured front-and-center in his campaign advertising.

So far, so good.

Then shortly after taking office:

----On Tuesday the governor issued a proclamation that declared April as Confederate History Month, noted that “all Virginians” honored the Confederacy’s sacrifice and, amazingly, included no mention of slavery or slaves. Never mind that nearly half a million black slaves lived in Virginia at the time, or that large numbers of Virginians (especially non-slave owners) opposed secession.

So, what did the governor's main backer Sheila Johnson, the African-American co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, have to say about this?

----“I must condemn Gov. McDonnell’s proclamation honoring ‘Confederate History Month’ and its insensitive disregard......."


Well, you can read the rest here:

Bob McDonnell: No Slave to History HYSTERICAL RAISINS

And don't forget. The poor are like "animals". If you keep feeding them, they'll breed. Considering who said that and what state they are from, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean, "Poor whites".

Yea, I suspect relations between the "white wing" and "black Americans" will still take a while longer to "mature".

Isn't this fake "confederate" money celebrating "Confederacy Day" a hoot? Especially the slaves using "golf clubs"? Couldn't ya just die?

I can't image why blacks vote for Dems at all much less in such record numbers. It's like the myth of FDR's greatness: the truth is 180 degrees reversed of what Dems say it is

Allow me to explain it to you.

Better yet, here is the "perfect example".

Concerning the "now" governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell:

----Sheila Johnson. Johnson, the African-American co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, was a key backer — the key backer — of McDonnell’s campaign. Her support was so important to McDonnell that barely a day passed when he didn’t mention it, and she was featured front-and-center in his campaign advertising.

So far, so good.

Then shortly after taking office:

----On Tuesday the governor issued a proclamation that declared April as Confederate History Month, noted that “all Virginians” honored the Confederacy’s sacrifice and, amazingly, included no mention of slavery or slaves. Never mind that nearly half a million black slaves lived in Virginia at the time, or that large numbers of Virginians (especially non-slave owners) opposed secession.

So, what did the governor's main backer Sheila Johnson, the African-American co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, have to say about this?

----“I must condemn Gov. McDonnell’s proclamation honoring ‘Confederate History Month’ and its insensitive disregard......."


Well, you can read the rest here:

Bob McDonnell: No Slave to History HYSTERICAL RAISINS

And don't forget. The poor are like "animals". If you keep feeding them, they'll breed. Considering who said that and what state they are from, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean, "Poor whites".

Yea, I suspect relations between the "white wing" and "black Americans" will still take a while longer to "mature".

Isn't this fake "confederate" money celebrating "Confederacy Day" a hoot? Especially the slaves using "golf clubs"? Couldn't ya just die?


Oh man, I feel terrible. I ended another thread with "facts" and "links". No wonder the "white wingers" hate me.
I can't image why blacks vote for Dems at all much less in such record numbers. It's like the myth of FDR's greatness: the truth is 180 degrees reversed of what Dems say it is

Allow me to explain it to you.

Better yet, here is the "perfect example".

Concerning the "now" governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell:

----Sheila Johnson. Johnson, the African-American co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, was a key backer — the key backer — of McDonnell’s campaign. Her support was so important to McDonnell that barely a day passed when he didn’t mention it, and she was featured front-and-center in his campaign advertising.

So far, so good.

Then shortly after taking office:

----On Tuesday the governor issued a proclamation that declared April as Confederate History Month, noted that “all Virginians” honored the Confederacy’s sacrifice and, amazingly, included no mention of slavery or slaves. Never mind that nearly half a million black slaves lived in Virginia at the time, or that large numbers of Virginians (especially non-slave owners) opposed secession.

So, what did the governor's main backer Sheila Johnson, the African-American co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, have to say about this?

----“I must condemn Gov. McDonnell’s proclamation honoring ‘Confederate History Month’ and its insensitive disregard......."


Well, you can read the rest here:

Bob McDonnell: No Slave to History HYSTERICAL RAISINS

And don't forget. The poor are like "animals". If you keep feeding them, they'll breed. Considering who said that and what state they are from, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean, "Poor whites".

Yea, I suspect relations between the "white wing" and "black Americans" will still take a while longer to "mature".

Isn't this fake "confederate" money celebrating "Confederacy Day" a hoot? Especially the slaves using "golf clubs"? Couldn't ya just die?


Virginia was run by Democrats back then. Did McDonnell mention that?
I can't image why blacks vote for Dems at all much less in such record numbers. It's like the myth of FDR's greatness: the truth is 180 degrees reversed of what Dems say it is

Allow me to explain it to you.

Better yet, here is the "perfect example".

Concerning the "now" governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell:

----Sheila Johnson. Johnson, the African-American co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, was a key backer — the key backer — of McDonnell’s campaign. Her support was so important to McDonnell that barely a day passed when he didn’t mention it, and she was featured front-and-center in his campaign advertising.

So far, so good.

Then shortly after taking office:

----On Tuesday the governor issued a proclamation that declared April as Confederate History Month, noted that “all Virginians” honored the Confederacy’s sacrifice and, amazingly, included no mention of slavery or slaves. Never mind that nearly half a million black slaves lived in Virginia at the time, or that large numbers of Virginians (especially non-slave owners) opposed secession.

So, what did the governor's main backer Sheila Johnson, the African-American co-founder of Black Entertainment Television, have to say about this?

----“I must condemn Gov. McDonnell’s proclamation honoring ‘Confederate History Month’ and its insensitive disregard......."


Well, you can read the rest here:

Bob McDonnell: No Slave to History HYSTERICAL RAISINS

And don't forget. The poor are like "animals". If you keep feeding them, they'll breed. Considering who said that and what state they are from, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean, "Poor whites".

Yea, I suspect relations between the "white wing" and "black Americans" will still take a while longer to "mature".

Isn't this fake "confederate" money celebrating "Confederacy Day" a hoot? Especially the slaves using "golf clubs"? Couldn't ya just die?


Virginia was run by Democrats back then. Did McDonnell mention that?

You know that was before all the conservatives move from the Democratic party to the Republican party. Be honest. Your "God" is watching.

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