Tax reform passed, ISIS destroyed, Franken out, Obamacare set to spiral. Tired of losing dems?


Feb 27, 2016
Man, I knew the DNC were the party of losers and those too inept to take care of themselves without a nanny state, but they have really made that obvious during the Trump era!

As for me, definitely not tired of winning!
Man, I knew the DNC were the party of losers and those too inept to take care of themselves without a nanny state, but they have really made that obvious during the Trump era!

As for me, definitely not tired of winning!

The Japanese won at Pearl Harbor but that victory led to their defeat. This is what is happening. Many of these victories will hurt Republicans in the House in 2018. Everything the Republicans are doing is against the wishes of the voters.

When suburban voters see their taxes go up, they will turn on the GOP. When they see Trump getting a tax cut and graduate students paying more, they will turn on the GOP. Voters will put the blame on the GOP when the premiums for healthcare insurance go even higher.
Man, I knew the DNC were the party of losers and those too inept to take care of themselves without a nanny state, but they have really made that obvious during the Trump era!

As for me, definitely not tired of winning!

The Japanese won at Pearl Harbor but that victory led to their defeat. This is what is happening. Many of these victories will hurt Republicans in the House in 2018. Everything the Republicans are doing is against the wishes of the voters.

When suburban voters see their taxes go up, they will turn on the GOP. When they see Trump getting a tax cut and graduate students paying more, they will turn on the GOP. Voters will put the blame on the GOP when the premiums for healthcare insurance go even higher.
Yep progress stumbles forward and back and forward... What makes it tough is total b******* and so many dupes on the GOP side. Silly BS and Hate propaganda and big money are all the GOP has going for it...
Man, I knew the DNC were the party of losers and those too inept to take care of themselves without a nanny state, but they have really made that obvious during the Trump era!

As for me, definitely not tired of winning!

What exactly have you won so far?

President of the party of dumb?

Less national and international respect?

The white brand as comeback product of the year at alt-right conventions?

I growing sense of smell that can't be washed off?
lol, The tax cut for the rich hasn't passed yet, Obamacare is still going, President Obama beat ISIS, and the GOP is on the verge of having to explain Roy Moore for 6 years.

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