Taliban thugs ‘set woman on fire for bad cooking’ as militants fighters go door-to-door torturing Afghan villagers


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Taliban thugs ‘set woman on fire for bad cooking’ as militants fighters go door-to-door torturing Afghan villagers​

Jon Rogers

THE Taliban set a woman on fire for her “bad cooking” as members of the extremist group go door-to-door terrorising villagers, it’s been claimed.

Najla Ayoubi, a former Afghan judge and head of coalition and global programmes at Every Woman Treaty which campaigns to end violence against women, said she had received harrowing stories of “bad behaviour and violence against women”.

Don't worry folks. The repeat of the disaster that happened when clinton pulled out of Mogadishu in 1993 where it emboldened the enemy and what ended up becoming a very real and realized threat when al qaeda grew would never happen again.

Ohhhh noooo, it is ALL OVER THERE. These fanatics can't get to us here..

One thing is abundantly clear is this. America's armed forces did do things and accomplished a lot.

For those that insist the 20 years there accomplished nothing......have a clue and stop making amateurish comments that reveal your stupidity when you make them.

For the conservatives, cause I don't really communicate with liberals. Not tossing pearls before them anymore. They are swine..

No, I am communicating to fellow conservatives who agree with biden on this disaster. You can safely assume he is following the orders of China and using his faux concerns for our men and women in the Armed Forces.

Do any of you fellow conservatives actually think a leftist really cares about them? Ponder it for a moment. Now, you know.

Mentioned again and again. Our presence there, while it seemed dumb and not worth it was worth it.

The realities of the world is NEVER a bunch of sunshine and rainbows. No. The grim reality is it never ends. Not when we win battles, not when we kill bin laden, never. IT NEVER ENDS, at least not until Christ returns.

There are very legitimate, strategic, and yes NOBLE reasons why we have military bases all around the world and there was one ESPECIALLY NEEDED right where it was.

Hope some of you are understanding why even Trump reversed his amateurish view after listening to his professional Generals. Where biden deliberately ignored them and we can all assume why

Again, if you think it's because he or the democraps support our troops......stop it.. please.
Gosh. That's hardcore. Could you imagine what they'd do to the hot dog and Kraft macaroni n cheese making homemakers we have over here in America?
They are. When we are finished there will be nowhere to go for the oppressed. There will be areas within the continent of new national identity though. With a few more borders. This can be done.
The left doesn't really know what they are doing. This is a civilization ending level event. To destroy white America, the communist idiots intend to bring hundreds of thousands of 7th century Muslims to this country to mix with hundreds of thousands of imported 10th century catholics. The whole overlaid with black savages returning to their roots as naked bushmen. People that would otherwise not have met. Civilizations that would not have clashed. The fall of the United States will make the six day sacking of Rome look peaceful and Alaric as downright kindly. This is going to be Apocalypto writ large. .

Whites better break out the whips and chains for this one.
The left doesn't really know what they are doing. This is a civilization ending level event. To destroy white America, the communist idiots intend to bring hundreds of thousands of 7th century Muslims to this country to mix with hundreds of thousands of imported 10th century catholics. The whole overlaid with black savages returning to their roots as naked bushmen. People that would otherwise not have met. Civilizations that would not have clashed. The fall of the United States will make the six day sacking of Rome look peaceful and Alaric as downright kindly. This is going to be Apocalypto writ large. .

Whites better break out the whips and chains for this one.
Well that’s the idea. Destroy it from within. Hense..the intentional surrender to the Taliban.
THE Taliban set a woman on fire for her “bad cooking”
If there's a shot of liquor to go behind the wheel on the road when it wasn't ordered, I can't say as I'd really blame them. There's some really bad cooking out there, after all, and we're talking about a country where opium poppies are grown as a cash crop, too.
Where’s the Left on this? I thought they stood for women? Come on Leftists, let’s hear some anger and passion. Standup for women being lit on fire by men? Why so timid and quiet? Is it because it is being done by those Sharia Law Fundamentalists and you don’t want to offend Muslims?

Come on Liberals! Pretend a woman has come forth with some allegations from 40 years ago against a conservative man you don’t like. That will get your juices flowing.
And why should anyone believe these silly claims?
The Taliban remain the single most popular government Afghanistan has ever had.

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