T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

No, Marie, you do not set the standard for what the grieving at Tucson should have been or the memorial. Only the family members and the community do that. Outsiders like you and me have no say that is worth anything at all.

It is not about you, Marie.

From the looks of it, the FAMILY didn't get a SAY in the Obama (pep rally, political event) they called a, memorial service.

passing out T-shirts with a slogan from a Obama website, cheering the Obama, standing OVATIONS, boos, etc etc

just all around LOW CLASS.

So that's what the title of one of many, many blogs written, NOT by Obama, on a website that's been around for years with blogs by many, many people is going to be called by the Right now.....?

spin spin spin
Civility is cool. I'm gonna watch NBC and read the NY Times today to see if the Left/Democrats are living up to their preaching. I might even visit the ole HuffyPo too. Time for the Left/Democrats to put their money where their mouths are. We'll see i guess.
No, Marie, you do not set the standard for what the grieving at Tucson should have been or the memorial. Only the family members and the community do that. Outsiders like you and me have no say that is worth anything at all.

It is not about you, Marie.

I think my post went straight over your head? :confused:

Knowing Jake, I can see how that can happen

To be fair, once Jake takes off his "blinders", he might see better

Don't worry about Jake or put too much faith in what he say, his signature line is from a guy who drinks his own urine
No, Marie, you do not set the standard for what the grieving at Tucson should have been or the memorial. Only the family members and the community do that. Outsiders like you and me have no say that is worth anything at all.

It is not about you, Marie.

From the looks of it, the FAMILY didn't get a SAY in the Obama (pep rally, political event) they called a, memorial service.

passing out T-shirts with a slogan from a Obama website, cheering the Obama, standing OVATIONS, boos, etc etc

just all around LOW CLASS.

One, you are describing your reaction in the last sentence.

Two, you have no idea really about the families' responses, but I sure saw a lot of them at the memorial and their reactions were positive.

Three, you don't decide what is appropriate, and neither do I.
Civility is cool. I'm gonna watch NBC and read the NY Times today to see if the Left/Democrats are living up to their preaching. I might even visit the ole HuffyPo too. Time for the Left/Democrats to put their money where their mouths are. We'll see i guess.

I agree wholeheartedly. And we all should call out those who fail in decency, right or left, in the society and also on the board. Civility should be a lifestyle, not political.
No, Marie, you do not set the standard for what the grieving at Tucson should have been or the memorial. Only the family members and the community do that. Outsiders like you and me have no say that is worth anything at all.
It is not about you, Marie.
I think my post went straight over your head? :confused:
Knowing Jake, I can see how that can happen To be fair, once Jake takes off his "blinders", he might see better :eusa_whistle: Don't worry about Jake or put too much faith in what he say, his signature line is from a guy who drinks his own urine

:lol: Neo mocks a man who changed the culture of India, a man who gave his life for his people, a man who inspired MLK and the civil rights campaign in our country. I doubt very much that anyone pays much attention to Neo. :lol:
Oh brother...We the MAJORITY of PEOPLE are always CIVIL.

we lived through THE EIGHT YEARS OF some the most uncivil people around, the anti-war protesters, code pinkos, illegal immigrants marching demanding things, etc etc.

so you all can stop blowing smoke up our ass already.:lol:

And you've had your childish revenge.


Just one example^ of many that can be found here:

Anti Obama T-shirts, Shirts and Custom Anti Obama Clothing

If YOU want to continue to divide the country just because poor Booooooooooooosh was picked on, then knock yourself out. SANE and THINKING Americans are fucking sick of it.

Clinton v. Bush
Bush v. Obama

I call the fight as a no-win for everybody. It's time to end it.

sorry dear, but I do not support ANYTHING the Democrat-Progressive-Commie party stands for and I will NOT BOW to their baseless screeching of how I AM DIVIDING THE COUNTRY. I will stand now and until the day I die for what I believe in, and all you on the left rantings about "civility" (which actually means, we all should shut up and just let the Obama and his Comrades Arms inflict their visions on us without objection)...
I want to take our country back from the enemies we have within, and there are many on BOTH SIDES.

Joe McCarthy reincarnated is a woman. Uh oh.
Having a conversation about civility is a good thing. Now it's time for those doing this preaching about civility,to live up to their preaching. I'm pretty sure Sarah Palin and George Bush along with their families will truly appreciate this new civil tone coming from the Left/Democrats. We'll see if it's just all talk from the Left/Democrats. I'll be checking the HuffPo,NY Times,NBC,CNN,and other Liberal Media outlets on a daily basis to hold them to their word on civility. We'll see.

Will you also be watching for any further interviews with George Bush's mom? In her last one, she suggested Sarah Palin stay in Alaska.
Having a conversation about civility is a good thing. Now it's time for those doing this preaching about civility,to live up to their preaching. I'm pretty sure Sarah Palin and George Bush along with their families will truly appreciate this new civil tone coming from the Left/Democrats. We'll see if it's just all talk from the Left/Democrats. I'll be checking the HuffPo,NY Times,NBC,CNN,and other Liberal Media outlets on a daily basis to hold them to their word on civility. We'll see.

LN will wait to see how the Left/Dems act before he decides how he'll behave

It's the wingnut version of "personal responsibility" :lol:

I'm actually all for civility. I always have been. Those who are now preaching civility need to be held accountable for their own future behavior. I'll judge for myself whether or not the Left/Democrats are sincere in their civility rhetoric. I'll be watching Liberal Media outlets like CNN,NBC,and the NY Times. I'll give them a chance to live up to their preaching.

Why only those? Are you going to pass on checking with FoxNews, reading Beck's new blog "The Blaze," Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and other radio personalities daily talkathons?
I usually dress up when attending funerals and memorials to honor the person and their family. What's up with T-shirts and political messages?
Good morning Annie,

I believer the words "Together we Thrive, Tucson America" will comfort the people who see it.
Yep...maybe the righties would like it better if the University gave out Tshirts that said, "Let's all curl up in a ball and die in reaction to this tragedy"

To mourn a loss is not "thriving" at all. Mourning is to feel deep sorrow and regret. To thrive is to make steady progress, move forward. (sounds "progressive" to me) ??

My mom was almost violently murdered when I was 16 years old. Our family/friends didn't get together and make T-shirts about standing together and "thriving". We were shocked and horrified. It changed our lives.

My mom passed away from cancer in 2005. Our family/friends had no inkling of a thought of making any type of t-shirt about standing together and "thriving". We were grieving, and still do.

Bible says it best: "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." (Matthew 12)

Between the time of the shooting in Tucson and the memorial, there had been three days of grieving. Then a simple two hours of memorializing the victims and the living. Thereafter came the mourning by family and friends of those who died at their funerals. I'm sorry for your personal loss, but you're comparing applies and oranges. Do you try to make a similar comparison when people set flowers, cards and messages at the side of the road where a person died in a car crash? That also symbolizes the living "coming together" to memorialize the victim.
I think my post went straight over your head? :confused:
Knowing Jake, I can see how that can happen To be fair, once Jake takes off his "blinders", he might see better :eusa_whistle: Don't worry about Jake or put too much faith in what he say, his signature line is from a guy who drinks his own urine

:lol: Neo mocks a man who changed the culture of India, a man who gave his life for his people, a man who inspired MLK and the civil rights campaign in our country. I doubt very much that anyone pays much attention to Neo. :lol:

The truth makes you free. I suppose for some the truth is too hard; might explain why so many want to suppress freedom of speech and thought

No one pays attention as he pays attention.....too funny

it might be time to pull Mag the Hag out to help you


Speaking of the truth (may be time to put on your tin foil hat Jake)

Civility- the Left calls MSM to apologize & investigate Left-wing hate behind Fuller Who are we kidding,
we all know that is the last thing the Left wing wants.

They failed big time and the last thing they want to do is draw even more attention to their hate and failings.

Of course, if they were truly sincere in their new found call for "civility" then it would be expected that they would
call upon the perpetrators of Left hate in the MSM to apologize. The "call" to the MSM would also help them address
their bias in how it treats events based on politics and victims.

At minimal, they should make people like Paul Krugman watch this video over a hundred times :

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPrYZ9wwCv4&feature=player_embedded"]You Tube[/ame]

Second, the Left should call for the MSM to investigate the "climate of hate" that the Left created that could have influenced Eric Fuller.

Fuller, a poor victim of the Jared shootings, was wounded and vulnerable.
Yet, for reasons not fully investigated by the MSM yet, Fuller became violent and threatening to the point
where he has been arrested for threatening the life of Trent Humphries, a local Tea Party leader.

According to reports, Fuller snapped a photo of Humphries and said "you're dead" when Humphries rose to speak at a local forum being sponsored by ABC News.

Fuller was arrested and seeing that he was a Left political activist, authorities sent him to a mental hospital for evaluation.

I am sure it is only a matter of time before the Left calls upon the likes
of Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, Krugman and the MSM to focus their "skills" for
"proving" causation between political speech and violence on this case.

No doubt the MSM will look into whether Humphries was targeted by Fuller because of a widespread campaign to blame Tea Parties for the Tucson shooting, which resulted in Humphries receiving hate mail.

The Left wing hate against Humphries was based on an interview Humphries gave to The Guardian newspaper. The Left wing, not satisfied with damage they have done to our country already, decided to misquote this article and generate a larger "climate of hate".

Did this demonization of Humphries cause a "climate of hate" against Humphries in which Fuller got caught up and was, in effect, used by the Left?

Oddly enough after Fuller's arrest, the MSM now fails to mention the recent campaign of vilification against Humphries or sometimes that he is even a Tea Party Leader.
Funny how that works....

The MSM and the Left politicized the Loughner shooting because his intended victim was a Democrat and therefore assumed political ideas onto Loughner where none existed.

Notice, how in contrast, the MSM and the Left treat Fuller ONLY as someone suffering from mental illness whose politics are irrelevant.
Funny how that works as well...

Again, I'm sure it is only a matter of time before the Democrats call out to the MSM to have their perpetrators of Left hate speech to apologize and fully investigate the left hate behind the Fuller threats.

Indeed, the Democrats do not want to look insincere in their call for "civility"; otherwise, they would look even more like hypocrites for not doing so
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Yep...maybe the righties would like it better if the University gave out Tshirts that said, "Let's all curl up in a ball and die in reaction to this tragedy"

To mourn a loss is not "thriving" at all. Mourning is to feel deep sorrow and regret. To thrive is to make steady progress, move forward. (sounds "progressive" to me) ??

My mom was almost violently murdered when I was 16 years old. Our family/friends didn't get together and make T-shirts about standing together and "thriving". We were shocked and horrified. It changed our lives.

My mom passed away from cancer in 2005. Our family/friends had no inkling of a thought of making any type of t-shirt about standing together and "thriving". We were grieving, and still do.

Bible says it best: "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." (Matthew 12)

Between the time of the shooting in Tucson and the memorial, there had been three days of grieving. Then a simple two hours of memorializing the victims and the living. Thereafter came the mourning by family and friends of those who died at their funerals. I'm sorry for your personal loss, but you're comparing applies and oranges. Do you try to make a similar comparison when people set flowers, cards and messages at the side of the road where a person died in a car crash? That also symbolizes the living "coming together" to memorialize the victim.

BIG leap from there to "thriving" Maggie.
Thank you, Neo, for demonstrating how little you add here. You affect a same sex attraction to me here, and I don't understand why. You offer nothing constructive. You simply chant and pant.

You are entertaining, for sure. :lol:
To mourn a loss is not "thriving" at all. Mourning is to feel deep sorrow and regret. To thrive is to make steady progress, move forward. (sounds "progressive" to me) ??

My mom was almost violently murdered when I was 16 years old. Our family/friends didn't get together and make T-shirts about standing together and "thriving". We were shocked and horrified. It changed our lives.

My mom passed away from cancer in 2005. Our family/friends had no inkling of a thought of making any type of t-shirt about standing together and "thriving". We were grieving, and still do.

Bible says it best: "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." (Matthew 12)

Between the time of the shooting in Tucson and the memorial, there had been three days of grieving. Then a simple two hours of memorializing the victims and the living. Thereafter came the mourning by family and friends of those who died at their funerals. I'm sorry for your personal loss, but you're comparing applies and oranges. Do you try to make a similar comparison when people set flowers, cards and messages at the side of the road where a person died in a car crash? That also symbolizes the living "coming together" to memorialize the victim.

BIG leap from there to "thriving" Maggie.

saveliberty, you do not decide what is appropriate. Sorry, guy, you simply can't tell the grieving how to feel and what to do. You will have to accept what they are saying and what they are doing, or you are demonstrating an incredible lack of balance.
Thank you, Neo, for demonstrating how little you add here. You affect a same sex attraction to me here, and I don't understand why. You offer nothing constructive. You simply chant and pant.

You are entertaining, for sure. :lol:

I notice you can't actually address the post? Well, I suppose if counts claiming you won and insults then you did but in no way of significance.

Again Jake, your "laser beam" of attack is almost always in one direction
It is almost like you can never find fault with the other side

Funny how that works

As for the "man crush" you have on me; it is OK. It is just a "man-crush"

I suppose if you stop posting messages to me and following me around the posting broad with you friends then one would think different
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Between the time of the shooting in Tucson and the memorial, there had been three days of grieving. Then a simple two hours of memorializing the victims and the living. Thereafter came the mourning by family and friends of those who died at their funerals. I'm sorry for your personal loss, but you're comparing applies and oranges. Do you try to make a similar comparison when people set flowers, cards and messages at the side of the road where a person died in a car crash? That also symbolizes the living "coming together" to memorialize the victim.

BIG leap from there to "thriving" Maggie.

saveliberty, you do not decide what is appropriate. Sorry, guy, you simply can't tell the grieving how to feel and what to do. You will have to accept what they are saying and what they are doing, or you are demonstrating an incredible lack of balance.

I prefer to put the family and friends ahead of the community in the grieving. Interesting how you choose to say I can't tell someone how to grieve (true), while telling me my way is inappropriate.

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