Systemic Racism and there needs to be a Discussion


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Will some one please provide some examples of systemic racism. What is the definition of the Discussion?
Since the majority of Blacks killed in the Inner Cities are killed by other Blacks, why is there no discussion about it? Innocent citizens, children and even babies are killed on an ongoing basis, why is there no Discussion?
The Mayors of these Cities are charged with the safety of their citizens. The Chiefs of Police report directly to their mayors. If there are bad shoots , it is up to the Mayors to prevent them from happening again. The Federal Government can not infringe on states rights by interfering with their problems unless requested so by the States.
There is discussion about Black on Black crime - Black Lives Matter is not concerned about it, because they do not want to accept responsibility to lead Black people, because Black people are belligerent and avoid responsibility for their anti-social behavior.

The discussion that you want to have is a complete three-level constitutional convention series that gathers the diversity of people to reorder the government institutions; thereby, because of their presence, they are responsible for safe guarding the directive systems from systemic biases. As long as Black people can claim that they did not participate in the establishment of the government institutions, then they are able get away with claiming systemic biases.

White supremacy and systemic biases are not formulated into the social system. “Systemic biases,” are collateral dysfunction of the imperfect governing system that is in place guiding the society. Black people's encounters with racial prejudice is random, unpredictable, and an unfortunate product of social disorder that can only be rectified by reordering the government chartering system. A disorderly government leads to a disorderly society.
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Will some one please provide some examples of systemic racism. What is the definition of the Discussion?
Since the majority of Blacks killed in the Inner Cities are killed by other Blacks, why is there no discussion about it? Innocent citizens, children and even babies are killed on an ongoing basis, why is there no Discussion?
The Mayors of these Cities are charged with the safety of their citizens. The Chiefs of Police report directly to their mayors. If there are bad shoots , it is up to the Mayors to prevent them from happening again. The Federal Government can not infringe on states rights by interfering with their problems unless requested so by the States.
Ain't no such thing. Criminals just dont want consequences
"Systemic Racism' is merely a false claim made by left wing apologists that somehow literacy and math and education in general is somehow biased against blacks; they don't like admitting that Nixon handed them their own school systems to run as they pleased over 50 years ago and they made a complete mess of it and now need to deflect the blame on Whitey. There is no 'systemic racism', it's a commie narrative black people like to hear. They single-handedly destroyed NYC's public school system in less than three years, taking it from the most admired to the worst in the country.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA

Some do, which angers the feral animals even more than Whitey does. Being known to be able to read and write and do arithmetic is practically a death sentence in many black neighborhoods, same with many Latino barrios.
Put simply, there is no such thing as Systemic Racism. There is only inequality, which they push, is proof of something they can't define.

Black people earn less than white people. Therefore, must be racism. White people earn less than Asian people. Therefore... racism? Of course not. Doesn't fit the narrative.

What there is, is a matter of choices. The black Burger King worker, earns less than the White Engineer. Yeah, because engineering pays more than whooper flooping.

Well, black people are declined loans more than white people. Therefore racism.

Really? First, love this one, because these same people scream and cry that people are enslaved to the banks, then spin right around and scream and cry that more black people are not enslaved to the banks.

But the answer to the point is... yeah, a person who has a 1 year work history, with a low income, and a credit history of defaults and late payments, is more likely to be declined for a loan, than a guy who has worked at an engineering firm for 10 years, had a six-figure income, and has a perfect credit history.

And that's the reality throughout all claims of "systemic racism". People make choices, those choice result in different outcomes, and they can't handle that so they claim it's racism.
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA

Some do, which angers the feral animals even more than Whitey does. Being known to be able to read and write and do arithmetic is practically a death sentence in many black neighborhoods, same with many Latino barrios.

Latinos less so, than with Blacks. Some black students are actually maligned as not acting black.

For specifically, I had a girl that was maligned because she was still a virgin..... meanwhile all those maligning her, are now single mothers living in poverty, and she's now married with a family, and a successful husband and a job of her own.

The black community is.... just ruined by left-wing ideology. Just wrecked.

If there is systemic racism, it is racism of blacks against successful blacks.
Oh come on now..."black lives matter" is a cynical marketing name. Those fuckers couldn't care less about the huge black on black death rate. Nope. BLM as a name? Brilliant really. But AWBC " Anti white black communists" doesn't work well.
Put simply, there is no such thing as Systemic Racism. There is only inequality, which they push, is proof of something they can't define.

Black people earn less than white people. Therefore, must be racism. White people earn less than Asian people. Therefore... racism? Of course not. Doesn't fit the narrative.

What there is, is a matter of choices. The black Burger King worker, earns less than the White Engineer. Yeah, because engineering pays more than whooper flooping.

Well, black people are declined loans more than white people. Therefore racism.

Really? First, love this one, because these same people scream and cry that people are enslaved to the banks, then spin right around and scream and cry that more black people are not enslaved to the banks.

But the answer to the point is... yeah, a person who has a 1 year work history, with a low income, and a credit history of defaults and late payments, is more likely to be declined for a loan, than a guy who has worked at an engineering firm for 10 years, had a six-figure income, and has a perfect credit history.

And that's the reality throughout all claims of "systemic racism". People make choices, those choice result in different outcomes, and they can't handle that so they claim it's racism.
Indians in America are now the highest earners in the country. CULTURE MATTERS. There is no racism, just failed parents who have failed their kids, leaving them lazy, resentful and bitter
I think the powers to be should start another movement, BLACKS - STOP KILLING OTHER BLACKS!

I'll help make the posters ""B _ SKOB"
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
I’d like to know what black people think should be done.

And is this just an election year tactic? Republicans love to play the race card to divide us. That’s how they con working class people into voting for them because it can’t be financial interests unless you’re rich.
There used to be systemic racism in the US; when did it stop?
This one black guy said it’s all circumstances. If you’re a scary aggressive guy doesn’t matter what color you are.

If a cop kills a white biker is it because he’s white?
There used to be systemic racism in the US; when did it stop?
This one black guy said it’s all circumstances. If you’re a scary aggressive guy doesn’t matter what color you are.

If a cop kills a white biker is it because he’s white?
Black codes were systemic. They were abolished; did system racism simply end after that?
Actually, there has to be an awakening that systemic racism doesn't exist. Maybe if these head cases with inferiority complexes would join the real world and compete, they might feel better about things instead of rioting, burning and looting. MAGA
I’d like to know what black people think should be done.

And is this just an election year tactic? Republicans love to play the race card to divide us. That’s how they con working class people into voting for them because it can’t be financial interests unless you’re rich.

The race card is the democrat hypocrite toy. If they can’t get people to buy into their class warfare fantasy, they can always fall back on their many other traditional favorites like race, gender, religion, etc.
Systematic racism rests on the premise that the primary unit of existence is race. This, of course, means that the theory itself is racist.

It is a post-colonial notion that views history and the present as a zero sum game with separate and competing group interests. Society consists not of individuals with free choice and agency, but of monolithic and homogenous blobs and which blob you belong to is determined solely by your skin tone and whether you are "advantaged" or "disadvantaged" is too determined based purley on your race.

The theory also notes that even if the population at large is not racist, the system under which we live is. But, if the people aren't racist then how is the racist system maintained?

This is a horrendous and evil theory.
The race card is the democrat hypocrite toy. If they can’t get people to buy into their class warfare fantasy, they can always fall back on their many other traditional favorites like race, gender, religion, etc.
This is very true and it is extremely important to point that racism is- and always has been inherent to Leftist thinking. The KKK were Democrats and the NSDAP were Leftists and the modern day "Alt Right" is Leftist too.

Racism can only come from the Left. This does not mean that everyone who identifies as "Left" is racist whereas those who identify as "Right" are not - Most people are philosophically illiterate and absolutely clueless when it comes to political theory. In reality, however, racism cannot be anything but Leftist because it is an anti-individualist and anti-freedom idea.
What is sad is that the NFL Players are being duped. When they speak about racism, they show how clueless they are about the real problems. Black Lives Matter has morphed into a Socialist Group. I wonder how the players will accept that they will no longer have their Cadillac Health Insurance. Biden will institute Medicare for All and all Private Health will no longer exist.

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