Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

I would gladly make a deal with the Great Pandemic Creator that all future pandemics are this. Whenever a real pandemic hits, people will be like, can you believe they were calling that Covid thing a pandemic?
AIDS was the real deal and these quaking pearl clutchers would have buried themselves alive in their panic
Because if something doesnt work 100% of the time, that means it is useless. Nice logic, dumbass.

Get your jab and stop whining. My natural immunity is 27 times more effective than your jab.

I don't need the jab, so won't bother with it.
Those were legislated moron, they weren't by executive order. Your demented heero is not king.

I think you are the moron here.

Since when was the University of Indiana a legislative body and when did they pass any law mandating vaccinations?

If you actually believe that a university is a legislative body and they have the power to pass laws, you have got to be one of the most stupid people on this board.

The appeals court ruled in favor of the University using that case precedence in Massachusetts. The Supreme Court refused to take up the case siding with the appeals court and also siting the Jacobson V Mass case.

I'm sure the appeals court judges and the Supreme Court judges know a lot more about the law, the constitution and case law precedence than you do.
Get your jab and stop whining. My natural immunity is 27 times more effective than your jab.

I don't need the jab, so won't bother with it.
Perfect. You're doing exactly what I want. Now just stay with your own kind, dumbass.
You fukkin morons.

If Biden’s move results is 100 million people getting vaccinated, this thing is over
Conservatives don’t want the pandemic to be over.

Rightists know the vaccines are safe and effective; but they want the pandemic to continue because they believe it will hurt Biden politically and benefit Republicans during the midterms.
I think you are the moron here.

Since when was the University of Indiana a legislative body and when did they pass any law mandating vaccinations?

If you actually believe that a university is a legislative body and they have the power to pass laws, you have got to be one of the most stupid people on this board.

The appeals court ruled in favor of the University using that case precedence in Massachusetts. The Supreme Court refused to take up the case siding with the appeals court and also siting the Jacobson V Mass case.

I'm sure the appeals court judges and the Supreme Court judges know a lot more about the law, the constitution and case law precedence than you do.

The case law in support of vaccine mandates has been posted several times in numerous threads on the topic, in addition to various news reports.

Vaccine mandates are perfectly lawful and Constitutional – in no manner violating citizens’ rights and protected liberties.

The dishonest, willfully ignorant right will continue to lie about that, of course.
No one does when it comes to vaccinations. Any "data" related to political affiliation is from some silly ass telephone poll

Sorry, but that is misinformation. Blacks are more likely than whites to be unvaccinated.

Overall, across these 42 states, the percent of White people who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose (52%) was roughly 1.2 times higher than the rate for Black people (43%) and 1.1 times higher than the rate for Hispanic people (48%) as of September 7, 2021.

I'm not talking about percentages within each ethnic group. I'm talking about simple numbers.
Perfect. You're doing exactly what I want. Now just stay with your own kind, dumbass.

No, I am doing what I want to do. No amount of sobbing on your part will make me change either.
I'm not talking about percentages within each ethnic group. I'm talking about simple numbers.
Well, that is isn't very helpful in identifying and addressing who the vaccine hesitant folks are, is it? I thought that was the goal here.

Using that thinking, last summer should have been about "White Lives Matters"

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