Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

.01% of the population dies from this, 11% test positive and of that 11%, 5% will die. Math tards dont know how to figure out how small 5% of 11% is. In effect you would have to be in close contact with 200 people to find 22 positives that could possibly infect anyone and then of that 22, if you are one of the 22, ONE will die. It’s a staggering overreaction .
I would gladly make a deal with the Great Pandemic Creator that all future pandemics are this. Whenever a real pandemic hits, people will be like, can you believe they were calling that Covid thing a pandemic?
White Republicans are the least vaccinated in this country.
Not sure who is telling you that, but it's wrong.

Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine, leaving them at increased risk, particularly as the variant spreads.


Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity

KFF is collecting and analyzing data on COVID-19 vaccinations by race/ethnicity to gain increased insight who is receiving the vaccine and whether some groups are facing disparities in vaccination.

Not sure who is telling you that, but it's wrong.


Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity

KFF is collecting and analyzing data on COVID-19 vaccinations by race/ethnicity to gain increased insight who is receiving the vaccine and whether some groups are facing disparities in vaccination.

Kff doesn't collect information on political affiliation. TheIr stats do prove that many more times whites are unvaccinated than minorities, though.
I never threatened civil war.... Karen
Thanks for showing us you lack reading comprehension skills. I bet you think you really hurt my feewings calling me a "Karen", dont you? See, that why whites like me point and laugh at inferior whites like you. You're a disgrace.
Indeed we will.
Some guy on here today brought back a bunch of posts from the lunatic right wing nut jobs from 2019 about trump. It was great. Same thing in 2024. These right wing dum dums just cant understand that trump is hated in the United States. "But, but everyone *I* know LOVES trump" they say. These "people" are the dumbest of the dumb.
We will. We'll watch the Democrats get their asses handed to'em...lol
Keep being total idiots about masks and vaccines, beat up a few more teachers and principals about it. And don't forget to support the Pillow Guy.

Your win is Garrunteed! I promise!

Thanks for showing us you lack reading comprehension skills. I bet you think you really hurt my feewings calling me a "Karen", dont you? See, that why whites like me point and laugh at inferior whites like you. You're a disgrace.

You're sorta annoying, Karen

Now what's thread topic, hint, it's not me. It's about some dementia ridden jackass"s handlers making an absolute unconstitutional mandate...get there and get over your BS, fck tard
Some guy on here today brought back a bunch of posts from the lunatic right wing nut jobs from 2019 about trump. It was great. Same thing in 2024. These right wing dum dums just cant understand that trump is hated in the United States. "But, but everyone *I* know LOVES trump" they say. These "people" are the dumbest of the dumb.
The beauty of the Bubble, I guess. They have no clue how stupid they look.

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