Swedish study finds that covid vaccines deplete the immune system, INCREASE all-cause mortality by 20%


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The vaccines are killing people and making others sick.

A Swedish study involving four million people raises several red flags concerning covid vaccines and death rates. The preprint paper took a closer look at real world vaccine effectiveness. The study revealed three main issues. The paper found that the vaccine doesn’t offer protection at all. Its so-called protection plunged significantly after six months, even for severe cases of COVID-19. The study doesn’t just show that vaccine effectiveness is waning. It shows that the protection is a fallacy altogether. The study concluded that those who are vaccinated are more likely to be infected and suffer severe disease than people who aren’t vaccinated.

The study also found that excess deaths from all causes are rising in Sweden, like in most countries, but the study did not examine these excess deaths. Finally, the study found a total of 3,939 deaths out of 4.03 million people who were given two doses of the experimental vaccine. These deaths occurred within two weeks after the person received their second covid shot. This data shows that people are dying at a rate 20 percent higher than normal in the two-week follow-up period after their second shot.

When the data is extrapolated over an entire year, the annual mortality rate in Sweden can be expected to rise by three times its average magnitude! In a typical year, about 1 in 115 Swedish citizens pass away. In a population that is poisoned and degraded by covid shots, that mortality rate could realistically rise by 2.5 percent over the next year. The new mortality rate could be approximately 1 in 40 people going into the new year. The only confounding factor that could skew these numbers in the coming year is the young, healthy population that won’t get vaccinated.


Yippie Let's all go get the jab and be Pharma's lab rats.

We have been showing them the data our gov't is trying to water down and hide.

Oh well. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
Sweden had 1,482 deaths per million population

Norway, Sweden's next door neighbor, had 182 deaths per million population.

That's almost ten times more dead in Sweden.


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Sweden had 1,482 deaths per million population

Norway, Sweden's next door neighbor, had 182 deaths per million population.

That's almost ten times more dead in Sweden.

Compare them to cases in Europe. And show the graphs.

How about compare EVERYONE WITH INDIA.

The vaccines are killing people and making others sick.

A Swedish study involving four million people raises several red flags concerning covid vaccines and death rates. The preprint paper took a closer look at real world vaccine effectiveness. The study revealed three main issues. The paper found that the vaccine doesn’t offer protection at all. Its so-called protection plunged significantly after six months, even for severe cases of COVID-19. The study doesn’t just show that vaccine effectiveness is waning. It shows that the protection is a fallacy altogether. The study concluded that those who are vaccinated are more likely to be infected and suffer severe disease than people who aren’t vaccinated.
The study also found that excess deaths from all causes are rising in Sweden, like in most countries, but the study did not examine these excess deaths. Finally, the study found a total of 3,939 deaths out of 4.03 million people who were given two doses of the experimental vaccine. These deaths occurred within two weeks after the person received their second covid shot. This data shows that people are dying at a rate 20 percent higher than normal in the two-week follow-up period after their second shot.
When the data is extrapolated over an entire year, the annual mortality rate in Sweden can be expected to rise by three times its average magnitude! In a typical year, about 1 in 115 Swedish citizens pass away. In a population that is poisoned and degraded by covid shots, that mortality rate could realistically rise by 2.5 percent over the next year. The new mortality rate could be approximately 1 in 40 people going into the new year. The only confounding factor that could skew these numbers in the coming year is the young, healthy population that won’t get vaccinated.

The life expectancy and metabolism of mice are far more accelerated than humans. When testing new drugs, pharmaceutical companies use mice for that reason, so they can determine if there will be any dangerous side-effects after a period of time. Unfortunately, mice have much shorter life-span than humans.

Since those companies were in a rush to produce the COVID-19 vaccine, we don't yet know the full scope of those side-effects, even though they're making themselves apparent. Another disturbing thing is that once those mice have been used to test a new drug, they aren't allowed to live out their entire lives, but are often euthanized.

They said fuck it and didn't go FULL NAZI on this PLANNEDEMIC Kids went to school. Look at the graphs. They are mostly flatlined now.

How is the rest of Europe doing.

Also I've posted info on India. They did massive tests in areas and found 97% had antibodies. Imagine that. About a little over a third had the vaccine. And their VECTURE VACCINE had WHOLE VIRUS in it. Not ONE SPIKE PROTEIN.

But we can't use it here. Nor the Cheap treatments they used. Poor pharma couldn't make money on that now could they.?
Yes and people are far sicker from the 3rd “booster” than the previous two.
How ghoul Fauci ever got his garish experimentation switched from animals to USA citizens is utterly beyond any thinking parties understanding

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