Swedish Police: Stay Inside to Avoid Gang Rapes


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Fruits of Islamic Immigration.

Hundreds of protesters raged against Swedish police Tuesday after the nation’s law enforcement warned women to “stay inside or walk in pairs” to avoid the slew of gang rapes that have plagued the country this fall.

Police issued the warning Sunday after a 17-year-old was gang raped early Saturday morning in Malmo, Sweden, by an unknown number of attackers, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday. The first of the series of rapes occurred on Nov. 4, followed by another just a week later. Malmo police have opened a preliminary investigation into the rape, and they have defended their comment, claiming their words are being taken out of context.

“It’s about common sense. We are not warning people not to be outside, but to think twice and maybe not walk alone late at night and instead go with others or take a taxi,” said Anders Nilsson, a Malmo police officer.

Despite their defense, however, Malmo police yielded to protesters Tuesday and retracted the statement.

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So instead of punishing the criminals with more police on patrol, they tell the local women to give up on thinking they live in a safe area.

and the left wonders why we are against islam
Why don't liberal fuckbags do the right thing and commit suicide? They have so much treasonous, violent self-hatred of white, Western culture....how can they be so blind as to not realize that they are utter bags of garbage filled with nothing but malignant destruction of their fellow Westerners? How do liberal pigs even LOOK at themselves in the mirror with all the backstabbing, PURE malice festering in their hearts which are as black as a mineshaft? How do these things LIVE with themselves knowing that they pimp their own children out to the most violent ideology of pure hatred on this planet? Especially Eurotrash pigs who spew hatred at Americans -- who are NOT raping their young girls.

Yes, I've read the Quran holy book of bloodthirst and have studied this exercise in human rights horrors for the past 6 years, so don't ANY liberal cocksucker on this board LIE to me and say that your precious Pisslam is anything but that.
They can leave their homes if they wear a Burka
And if women MUST leave the house, do so only with a male family member and wearing the proper veil.
Sweden is proof that the end game for progressive globalists is the eradication of white culture.

Fuck progressives and their Agenda.

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