SURPRISE: "Pro-Cop Killer Women’s March Is Organizing the National School Walkout for Gun Control"

Rasmussen is far right and your go to bullshit polling.
Gallup has your lunatic at a 37% approval rating still lowest in history for any president.
Sucks to be you
Actually it sucks to be you...Gallup was so far off in the last election they tell jokes about them in DC...Rasmussen was the closest and had the election right when no other pollster had...yep sucks to be man is the president and my party runs DC and the courts...don't you wish you could say the same?
...anyone seriously surprised?

View attachment 182625

Pro-Cop Killer Women’s March Is Organizing the National School Walkout for Gun Control

"In spite of their public façade of being anti-violence, the Women’s March has a troubling history of honoring cop killers and murderers both on social media and at their official events.

Last summer, the Women’s March wished a happy birthday to Assata Shakur on their official Twitter:

Shakur, whose real name is Joanne Deborah Chesimard, is a convicted cop killer and prison escapee currently on the lam in Cuba due to her involvement with the Black Liberation Army (BLA).
According to the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, the BLA was one of the most violent black power terrorist groups in the United States during its heyday...

She remains on the agency’s infamous “Most Wanted” terrorist list and holds the dubious distinction of being the first woman placed on it.

Shakur isn’t the only convicted murderer that the Women’s March thinks is a paragon of virtue for American society. Donna Hylton,
who spoke at the original January 21st Women’s March on Washington, participated in the brutal multiple week-long torture-murder of real estate broker Thomas Vigliarole in 1985. Along with three other women and three men, Hylton kidnapped Vigliarole with the intention of trying to make money from ransoming him. instead of leaving it at just kidnapping, the group ended up torturing the 62 year-old man to death."

This whole thing is orchestrated. Parents are complaining because their kids are saying they were coerced into doing this by teachers, who also helped them make signs. Some kids are just okay with missing classes.

These kids are being used by the left, which is nothing new. The leftists want people disarmed. They don't give a duck fart about safety. Nary a mention from the liberal media about the Muslim kid who just murdered his friend's mom and injured others during a sleepover, all in the name of Islam.

The best suggestion, which has been going viral, is for those kids to stay in school and be nice to the kids who are often bullied. Reaching out to those who are rejected will go farther than skipping a few classes to help the liberal politicians advance their agenda. They are not interested in attacking the root of the problem, just another attempt to go after the 2nd amendment.

Some students have gotten violent during these protests. Clearly, they are okay with violence and are just going along with what the liberal teachers are having them do. It's all bullshit.

It's always my favorite when idiots self identify.

They just push, push and push, but the content they have seems to be limited to pink pussy hats and terrible art.

The agenda as always, is to disarm Americans.
Of course you’re lying just like you always do. The VAST majority of Americans want the weapon of choice for killing kids off the streets and only in the hands of the police and military..
No one is suggesting banning all guns you lying mfer.

After making this blatantly false statement, I am pretty sure that most Americans want un-Americans such as yourself out the country, with the illegals.
I’m still bewildered by this type of stupidity:

“Any kid who goes to school fearing they will be shot needs mental help. “

Watching their peers getting pulverized is something they should just shake off right?

I’m still bewildered by this type of stupidity:

“Any kid who goes to school fearing they will be shot needs mental help. “

Watching their peers getting pulverized is something they should just shake off right?

Too bad you are not as defensive of children when they are in the womb.....
I’m still bewildered by this type of stupidity:

“Any kid who goes to school fearing they will be shot needs mental help. “

Watching their peers getting pulverized is something they should just shake off right?


Did I say that? Of course that will leave a mar emotionally.
What needs to be done with all of these young people is to get them to register to VOTE when they turn 18 and vote in those who will honor their cause.
So where ever you live, use any kind of media to tell the students to register to VOTE!

I see the far right media is scared shitless of the # ENOUGH movement.
Like clockwork they try to smear it. Ya know what you won’t be able to stop?
Millions of kids voting AGAINST candidates that won’t sponsor gun control legislation. They’re in it for the long haul and will be voting for strong gun control for the next 50 years.
You’re right to feel afraid.

Don't worry, we are. Just got a huge stack of registration forms today from a local High School after their walk out. California pre registers 16 and 17 year olds.
...anyone seriously surprised?

View attachment 182625

Pro-Cop Killer Women’s March Is Organizing the National School Walkout for Gun Control

"In spite of their public façade of being anti-violence, the Women’s March has a troubling history of honoring cop killers and murderers both on social media and at their official events.

Last summer, the Women’s March wished a happy birthday to Assata Shakur on their official Twitter:

Shakur, whose real name is Joanne Deborah Chesimard, is a convicted cop killer and prison escapee currently on the lam in Cuba due to her involvement with the Black Liberation Army (BLA).
According to the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, the BLA was one of the most violent black power terrorist groups in the United States during its heyday...

She remains on the agency’s infamous “Most Wanted” terrorist list and holds the dubious distinction of being the first woman placed on it.

Shakur isn’t the only convicted murderer that the Women’s March thinks is a paragon of virtue for American society. Donna Hylton,
who spoke at the original January 21st Women’s March on Washington, participated in the brutal multiple week-long torture-murder of real estate broker Thomas Vigliarole in 1985. Along with three other women and three men, Hylton kidnapped Vigliarole with the intention of trying to make money from ransoming him. instead of leaving it at just kidnapping, the group ended up torturing the 62 year-old man to death."

This whole thing is orchestrated. Parents are complaining because their kids are saying they were coerced into doing this by teachers, who also helped them make signs. Some kids are just okay with missing classes.

These kids are being used by the left, which is nothing new. The leftists want people disarmed. They don't give a duck fart about safety. Nary a mention from the liberal media about the Muslim kid who just murdered his friend's mom and injured others during a sleepover, all in the name of Islam.

The best suggestion, which has been going viral, is for those kids to stay in school and be nice to the kids who are often bullied. Reaching out to those who are rejected will go farther than skipping a few classes to help the liberal politicians advance their agenda. They are not interested in attacking the root of the problem, just another attempt to go after the 2nd amendment.

Some students have gotten violent during these protests. Clearly, they are okay with violence and are just going along with what the liberal teachers are having them do. It's all bullshit.

Parents: I don’t care if my kid gets in trouble for doing something that’s right..”
I’m still bewildered by this type of stupidity:

“Any kid who goes to school fearing they will be shot needs mental help. “

Watching their peers getting pulverized is something they should just shake off right?


The odds of dying in an elevator and escalator are higher.

And yes, people receive help for that. But then, I am not so sure that you have the mental health checked yourself. For someone to be this low on the IQ scale... it could be a disorder.
I’m still bewildered by this type of stupidity:

“Any kid who goes to school fearing they will be shot needs mental help. “

Watching their peers getting pulverized is something they should just shake off right?


Did I say that? Of course that will leave a mar emotionally.
Yes I quoted you verbatim you stupid mfer. What a joke you are.
I’m still bewildered by this type of stupidity:

“Any kid who goes to school fearing they will be shot needs mental help. “

Watching their peers getting pulverized is something they should just shake off right?


The odds of dying in an elevator and escalator are higher.

And yes, people receive help for that. But then, I am not so sure that you have the mental health checked yourself. For someone to be this low on the IQ scale... it could be a disorder.
Yes watching your peers bodies getting mutilated by AR-15’s shouldn’t effect the kids.

Deplorable wisdom.
Your bullshit logic and devotion to that terrorist group the NRA means nothing.
The only thing that matters is voting.

We’’ve already seen a strong anti Trump vote in Alabama, Pa, Virginia etc.

The kids: “ The adults have failed us.

There’s no denying that.
I find it amazing that liberals on this board have no problem with the Women's March organization being connected with Louis Farrahkan, a man who has called Hitler "A very great man".

Of course Farrakhan would think someone who was responsible for the extermination of millions of Jews, was " great".
I find it amazing that liberals on this board have no problem with the Women's March organization being connected with Louis Farrahkan, a man who has called Hitler "A very great man".

Of course Farrakhan would think someone who was responsible for the extermination of millions of Jews, was " great".
Yes the millions of women march the day after the inauguration was because they all love Farrakhan.

The right is losing their grip on reality because they see Americans are coming to their senses about this lunatic president.

There’s a strong anti Trump vote sweeping the country.

Just remember more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump and now after more than a year it’s much clearer how incompetent this president is and why no one wants to work for the “ fucking moron” as Tillerson so succinctly said.
Funny that these kids just happened to organize and plan a nationwide protest after this last tragedy, but not after any of the ones that occured during Obama's watch.
I smell the stinky hands of the Dimocrat party all over this.

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