Black Lives Matter praises Cuba for harboring and protecting cop killer Assata Shakur

BLM needs to be beatdown in the streets. From this point forward as far as I'm concerned any supporter of BLM is an enemy of the state.
Stop trying to get someone else to do your bidding you coward. If you want someone beat down you should do it yourself.
I'm not a coward. For instance, if you were standing right here in front of me now, I'd kick your little ass.
As for BLM jackasses, if they are going to back cop-killers I have no use whatsoever with them, and I personally will not recognize them as true Americans.
You're definitely a coward. You punked out that time I invited you to do what you just claimed you would do. :auiqs.jpg:

We know BLM frightens you. Do your own work and stop recruiting others to do it for you.
the BLM dog shit scum frighten me too------I have seen the out come of such scum in the
City's emergency rooms for decades. Nothing like a big hole in the head of a teenager----
of a ravaged girl exhibiting endless seizures -----want to take bets on how many those
pigs will murder over the coming weekend?
"the BLM dog shit scum frighten me too"

Thanks for admitting Digital Peckawood is afraid of BLM.
I do not know Digital Peckawood. I am a short disabled female
in mid-seventies. I worked in inner city hospitals for DECADES ---I have
seen lots of the filth whose shit you lick-----and examined the VERY DIVERSE
population of the VICTIMS of the animals whose shit you lick. My husband is
over 80 and severely crippled because of childhood polio-----that did not stop
one of your heroine bitches from attacking him with a shiv------like the gangbuster's
gutter slut that she and so many of her friends ----are
You could have helped on 1/6 when the former president’s thugs injured 140 of them.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I love Cuba for that too. Thats Tupacs auntie.
When Obama didn't pardon her OR Leonard Peltier?

That confirmed for me that he was he was a Global Corporatist stooge, CIA plant, and a phony.

Why would Obama- or Sleepy Joe for that matter- pardon her? Sure, it might look good to their base. But once its done, it can't be undone and the issue is lost forever to the Left. Once less cross to literally crucify Conservatives on.
If you don't believe that the FBI was used as a political tool at the time she and her folks were being hunted like dogs, but believe that the FBI is being used as a political tool now, to divide the masses and keep the oligarchs in control of the machinery of state, while it oppresses the poor and middle class, while disenfranchising all folks, regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc., then you are letting your partisan politics blind you to what is really going on in this nation for the past hundred years, if not since the founding of the nation.

Hell, George Washington fought a revolution based on no taxation w/o representation, then turned around, and took his army and marched on poor patriots that had fought with him, because they wanted to sell whisky, but refused to pay a tax b/c the government would not let them vote b/c they were too poor to own property. . .

Most that hear of the story of this woman, just hear about what she did, but do not understand why she did it.

One person's terrorist, is another person's freedom fighter, and this nation's laws HAVE NEVER, EVER, treated folks squarely. If you haven't seen that in the past eight years, then you don't know what has gone on in the past two-hundred, b/c it has always been this way, for both sides of the aisle.
ok----why did the Murderess MURDER A COP?
Who told you she murdered a cop?

12 angry men heard the evidence and condemned her to the penitentiary after determining she did it.

She escaped from the joint and fled to the Liberal Paradise of Cuba.
Yeah, most people framed by the police do get convicted.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I told you about the sanctions by the US on Cuba because you can't tolerate communism. No other reason. Just hate. Obama was the first to re enter dialogue with them. Remember him?
Big black guy. Never impeached once. Huge success.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I love Cuba for that too. Thats Tupacs auntie.
When Obama didn't pardon her OR Leonard Peltier?

That confirmed for me that he was he was a Global Corporatist stooge, CIA plant, and a phony.

Why would Obama- or Sleepy Joe for that matter- pardon her? Sure, it might look good to their base. But once its done, it can't be undone and the issue is lost forever to the Left. Once less cross to literally crucify Conservatives on.
If you don't believe that the FBI was used as a political tool at the time she and her folks were being hunted like dogs, but believe that the FBI is being used as a political tool now, to divide the masses and keep the oligarchs in control of the machinery of state, while it oppresses the poor and middle class, while disenfranchising all folks, regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc., then you are letting your partisan politics blind you to what is really going on in this nation for the past hundred years, if not since the founding of the nation.

Hell, George Washington fought a revolution based on no taxation w/o representation, then turned around, and took his army and marched on poor patriots that had fought with him, because they wanted to sell whisky, but refused to pay a tax b/c the government would not let them vote b/c they were too poor to own property. . .

Most that hear of the story of this woman, just hear about what she did, but do not understand why she did it.

One person's terrorist, is another person's freedom fighter, and this nation's laws HAVE NEVER, EVER, treated folks squarely. If you haven't seen that in the past eight years, then you don't know what has gone on in the past two-hundred, b/c it has always been this way, for both sides of the aisle.
ok----why did the Murderess MURDER A COP?
Who told you she murdered a cop?

12 angry men heard the evidence and condemned her to the penitentiary after determining she did it.

She escaped from the joint and fled to the Liberal Paradise of Cuba.
Yeah I know all about it. I asked who told you she murdered a cop?

It was widely reported that's exactly what happened.

She wasn't in prison for ripping mattress tags or killing praying mantises.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I love Cuba for that too. Thats Tupacs auntie.
When Obama didn't pardon her OR Leonard Peltier?

That confirmed for me that he was he was a Global Corporatist stooge, CIA plant, and a phony.

Why would Obama- or Sleepy Joe for that matter- pardon her? Sure, it might look good to their base. But once its done, it can't be undone and the issue is lost forever to the Left. Once less cross to literally crucify Conservatives on.
If you don't believe that the FBI was used as a political tool at the time she and her folks were being hunted like dogs, but believe that the FBI is being used as a political tool now, to divide the masses and keep the oligarchs in control of the machinery of state, while it oppresses the poor and middle class, while disenfranchising all folks, regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc., then you are letting your partisan politics blind you to what is really going on in this nation for the past hundred years, if not since the founding of the nation.

Hell, George Washington fought a revolution based on no taxation w/o representation, then turned around, and took his army and marched on poor patriots that had fought with him, because they wanted to sell whisky, but refused to pay a tax b/c the government would not let them vote b/c they were too poor to own property. . .

Most that hear of the story of this woman, just hear about what she did, but do not understand why she did it.

One person's terrorist, is another person's freedom fighter, and this nation's laws HAVE NEVER, EVER, treated folks squarely. If you haven't seen that in the past eight years, then you don't know what has gone on in the past two-hundred, b/c it has always been this way, for both sides of the aisle.
ok----why did the Murderess MURDER A COP?
Who told you she murdered a cop?

12 angry men heard the evidence and condemned her to the penitentiary after determining she did it.

She escaped from the joint and fled to the Liberal Paradise of Cuba.
Yeah I know all about it. I asked who told you she murdered a cop?

It was widely reported that's exactly what happened.

She wasn't in prison for ripping mattress tags or killing praying mantises.
Widely reported by who and did they witness it?
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

Interesting thread. But folks went a different way in responding than I thought they would.

Nobody is discussing how BLM just gave Rubio a smashing success in his reelection campaign.

The Demmings whore out of Orlando is running against him and she just lost Dade and Broward Counties.

Just study the History of Florida and the war between the Blacks and the Cubans in the 60's and 70's. There has
always been bad blood there. If you are running a statewide campaign in Florida and can't win big in Dade
and Broward County, you're just wasting your money by even running.

BLM has just assured Rubio, who has been dominating the news lately, his reelection.
BLM needs to be beatdown in the streets. From this point forward as far as I'm concerned any supporter of BLM is an enemy of the state.
Stop trying to get someone else to do your bidding you coward. If you want someone beat down you should do it yourself.
I'm not a coward. For instance, if you were standing right here in front of me now, I'd kick your little ass.
As for BLM jackasses, if they are going to back cop-killers I have no use whatsoever with them, and I personally will not recognize them as true Americans.
You're definitely a coward. You punked out that time I invited you to do what you just claimed you would do. :auiqs.jpg:

We know BLM frightens you. Do your own work and stop recruiting others to do it for you.
As I clearly stated, if you were standing in front of me, I'd kick your little ass. However, since you rate below zero on my 'care list', I wouldn't waste a single solitary second of my time seeking a dickwad like you out.
You never acknowledge when you are wrong or mistaken when it's pointed out for you, like I did in an earlier thread a couple weeks back, where you refused to even acknowledge what you had posted for everyone to read.
I have ZERO respect for that depth of dishonesty. You have absolutely no credibility, so fuck off.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I love Cuba for that too. Thats Tupacs auntie.
You love all communist trash.

he hates white people so much
BLM needs to be beatdown in the streets. From this point forward as far as I'm concerned any supporter of BLM is an enemy of the state.
Stop trying to get someone else to do your bidding you coward. If you want someone beat down you should do it yourself.
I'm not a coward. For instance, if you were standing right here in front of me now, I'd kick your little ass.
As for BLM jackasses, if they are going to back cop-killers I have no use whatsoever with them, and I personally will not recognize them as true Americans.
You're definitely a coward. You punked out that time I invited you to do what you just claimed you would do. :auiqs.jpg:

We know BLM frightens you. Do your own work and stop recruiting others to do it for you.
As I clearly stated, if you were standing in front of me, I'd kick your little ass. However, since you rate below zero on my 'care list', I wouldn't waste a single solitary second of my time seeking a dickwad like you out.
You never acknowledge when you are wrong or mistaken when it's pointed out for you, like I did in an earlier thread a couple weeks back, where you refused to even acknowledge what you had posted for everyone to read.
I have ZERO respect for that depth of dishonesty. You have absolutely no credibility, so fuck off.
I dont care what you are stating. I know you're all talk. You would just turn pink and then a mottled white and raspberry red and lower your eyes in fear.
I dont care what peckas like you respect. You are a meaningless little scrub. :)
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I told you about the sanctions by the US on Cuba because you can't tolerate communism. No other reason. Just hate. Obama was the first to re enter dialogue with them. Remember him?
Big black guy. Never impeached once. Huge success.

Communist countries should have sanctions on them, and Obama had no business fucking with them.

"Big black guy"? 6' 1"? ROTFLOL!!! :laughing0301:
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I love Cuba for that too. Thats Tupacs auntie.
You love all communist trash.

he hates white people so much
BLM needs to be beatdown in the streets. From this point forward as far as I'm concerned any supporter of BLM is an enemy of the state.
Stop trying to get someone else to do your bidding you coward. If you want someone beat down you should do it yourself.
I'm not a coward. For instance, if you were standing right here in front of me now, I'd kick your little ass.
As for BLM jackasses, if they are going to back cop-killers I have no use whatsoever with them, and I personally will not recognize them as true Americans.
You're definitely a coward. You punked out that time I invited you to do what you just claimed you would do. :auiqs.jpg:

We know BLM frightens you. Do your own work and stop recruiting others to do it for you.
As I clearly stated, if you were standing in front of me, I'd kick your little ass. However, since you rate below zero on my 'care list', I wouldn't waste a single solitary second of my time seeking a dickwad like you out.
You never acknowledge when you are wrong or mistaken when it's pointed out for you, like I did in an earlier thread a couple weeks back, where you refused to even acknowledge what you had posted for everyone to read.
I have ZERO respect for that depth of dishonesty. You have absolutely no credibility, so fuck off.
I dont care what you are stating. I know you're all talk. You would just turn pink and then a mottled white and raspberry red and lower your eyes in fear.
I dont care what peckas like you respect. You are a meaningless little scrub. :)

You're a little boy with too much time on your hands.
BLM needs to be beatdown in the streets. From this point forward as far as I'm concerned any supporter of BLM is an enemy of the state.
I support #BlackLivesMatter, what are you gonna do about it?

Course you do. Upside freedom of speech. Less Demonicrat platforms that is, they will shut you down. Another downside is we have to listen idiots like yourself, who express useless and uneducated opinions cuz you wanna' be hip.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I told you about the sanctions by the US on Cuba because you can't tolerate communism. No other reason. Just hate. Obama was the first to re enter dialogue with them. Remember him?
Big black guy. Never impeached once. Huge success.

Communist countries should have sanctions on them, and Obama had no business fucking with them.

"Big black guy"? 6' 1"? ROTFLOL!!! :laughing0301:

Why should they have sanctions on them? Because you don't like communism or you feel the US should interfere with other countries?
We tried that in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam and GOT beaten Every time.

Your coming from the same republican ignorance position you all do. You're so paranoid about it you feel we should export out pathetic form of democracy and racism internationally.

You didn't give you ignorant reply much thought. Try Again.
Given the FBI's dubious record regarding the Anti-War movement, the Civil Rights movement and the Black Panther Party, it's no wonder the woman is staying in Cuba....any whiff of a fair re-trail would get her killed. Anyone remember Abbie Hoffman?
BLM needs to be beatdown in the streets. From this point forward as far as I'm concerned any supporter of BLM is an enemy of the state.
I support #BlackLivesMatter, what are you gonna do about it?

Course you do. Upside freedom of speech. Less Demonicrat platforms that is, they will shut you down. Another downside is we have to listen idiots like yourself, who express useless and uneducated opinions cuz you wanna' be hip.
for one parroting childish monickers like "Demonicrat", you're hardly in a position to question the educational back ground of of anyone else's opinions.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

I told you about the sanctions by the US on Cuba because you can't tolerate communism. No other reason. Just hate. Obama was the first to re enter dialogue with them. Remember him?
Big black guy. Never impeached once. Huge success.

Communist countries should have sanctions on them, and Obama had no business fucking with them.

"Big black guy"? 6' 1"? ROTFLOL!!! :laughing0301:

Why should they have sanctions on them? Because you don't like communism or you feel the US should interfere with other countries?
We tried that in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam and GOT beaten Every time.

Your coming from the same republican ignorance position you all do. You're so paranoid about it you feel we should export out pathetic form of democracy and racism internationally.

You didn't give you ignorant reply much thought. Try Again.

First of all let me say this about your Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam comment. I will NEVER again support any military action taken by this country outside of protecting a direct attack on our homeland. This country will not do what's necessary to completely vanquish an enemy, so I'm done with it.

As for your "Republican ignorance position". You do realize that the embargo was dramatically stepped up during the Kennedy and Johnson administration?
Bay of Pigs invasion occurred under Kennedy, as well as the Cuban missile crisis.

As for continuing embargo type sanctions, Cuba is a communist nation 90 miles from our shores, I don't have a problem with continuing such action. I see no reason to be cooperative with them in any way.


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BLM needs to be beatdown in the streets. From this point forward as far as I'm concerned any supporter of BLM is an enemy of the state.
I support #BlackLivesMatter, what are you gonna do about it?

Course you do. Upside freedom of speech. Less Demonicrat platforms that is, they will shut you down. Another downside is we have to listen idiots like yourself, who express useless and uneducated opinions cuz you wanna' be hip.
for one parroting childish monickers like "Demonicrat", you're hardly in a position to question the educational back ground of of anyone else's opinions.

Not parroting at all considering I made it up. Never mind it fits.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

Interesting thread. But folks went a different way in responding than I thought they would.

Nobody is discussing how BLM just gave Rubio a smashing success in his reelection campaign.

The Demmings whore out of Orlando is running against him and she just lost Dade and Broward Counties.

Just study the History of Florida and the war between the Blacks and the Cubans in the 60's and 70's. There has
always been bad blood there. If you are running a statewide campaign in Florida and can't win big in Dade
and Broward County, you're just wasting your money by even running.

BLM has just assured Rubio, who has been dominating the news lately, his reelection.
How is that the new desantis anti-protest law was not used on Cuban protester who blocked highways, but was on African-Americans?
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

Interesting thread. But folks went a different way in responding than I thought they would.

Nobody is discussing how BLM just gave Rubio a smashing success in his reelection campaign.

The Demmings whore out of Orlando is running against him and she just lost Dade and Broward Counties.

Just study the History of Florida and the war between the Blacks and the Cubans in the 60's and 70's. There has
always been bad blood there. If you are running a statewide campaign in Florida and can't win big in Dade
and Broward County, you're just wasting your money by even running.

BLM has just assured Rubio, who has been dominating the news lately, his reelection.
How is that the new desantis anti-protest law was not used on Cuban protester who blocked highways, but was on African-Americans?
I have read your post, numerous times struggling to determine just what you are saying. Perhaps if you could supply
me the names of your English and Language teachers in the 2nd and 3rd grades, I could appeal to the proper
authority and have their teaching licenses revoked.

With that said, I will now attempt to answer, the question, I believe you are attempting to ask.

I think you are asking how come DeSantis is not arresting Cuban protestors in the same way we arrest
the Spooks in Florida? The answer is simple...The Cubans who came to America are the epitome of the modern
day Immigrant. Folks who escaped tyranny in search of opportunity, were given opportunity and became a success.
The Spooks have been standing on the same street corner in Liberty City, like their ancestors did, begging for a

The Cubans get a pass...the Spooks go directly to jail.
Marxists praising Marxists for protecting a cop killer. Anyone surprised?

"The statement went on to praise Cuba for having “historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum"

In response to the protests in Cuba, Black Lives Matter has come out in support of the regime while blaming the United States for its decades-old embargo on the Communist country.

In a statement posted on its official Instagram account on Wednesday, BLM said it “condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately life the economic embargo. This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

Interesting thread. But folks went a different way in responding than I thought they would.

Nobody is discussing how BLM just gave Rubio a smashing success in his reelection campaign.

The Demmings whore out of Orlando is running against him and she just lost Dade and Broward Counties.

Just study the History of Florida and the war between the Blacks and the Cubans in the 60's and 70's. There has
always been bad blood there. If you are running a statewide campaign in Florida and can't win big in Dade
and Broward County, you're just wasting your money by even running.

BLM has just assured Rubio, who has been dominating the news lately, his reelection.
How is that the new desantis anti-protest law was not used on Cuban protester who blocked highways, but was on African-Americans?
I have read your post, numerous times struggling to determine just what you are saying. Perhaps if you could supply
me the names of your English and Language teachers in the 2nd and 3rd grades, I could appeal to the proper
authority and have their teaching licenses revoked.

With that said, I will now attempt to answer, the question, I believe you are attempting to ask.

I think you are asking how come DeSantis is not arresting Cuban protestors in the same way we arrest
the Spooks in Florida? The answer is simple...The Cubans who came to America are the epitome of the modern
day Immigrant. Folks who escaped tyranny in search of opportunity, were given opportunity and became a success.
The Spooks have been standing on the same street corner in Liberty City, like their ancestors did, begging for a

The Cubans get a pass...the Spooks go directly to jail.
Who installed the racism in you? Your parents or friends?

BTW can the law be enforced one way for certain people and another for other people?
Last edited:

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