Suicide Jumper Pushed


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Lian seems to be a man of direct action. Or maybe he was just pissed about the traffic jam.

Report: Would-be suicide jumper pushed off bridge

(CNN) -- A passerby pushed a would-be suicide jumper off a bridge in southern China because he was angry at the jumper's "selfish activity," Chinese media reported Saturday.

Lian Jiansheng, 66, who was passing by the bridge, offered to talk Chen down, Xinhua said. Police refused, but Lian broke through the police cordon and climbed to where Chen was sitting.
Lian greeted Chen with a handshake, then pushed him off the bridge, Xinhua said.

Report: Would-be suicide jumper pushed off bridge -
5 hours is a long time to be holding up traffic. It's kind of funny when you think about it.
He pushed the guy onto an inflatable landing pad they had set up for him. Probably would have pushed him anyway. I have been subjected many times over the years to people trying to hold me hostage to suicide threats. It's the most selfish thing a person can do and the best way to deal with it is to encourage them, without remorse or regret. You threraten ME with YOUR suicide? Oh no, threaten yourself. The ammo is on top of the fridge. And please, do it in the kitchen, on the tile. The living room carpet is new. I'll tell your parents you said "hi".
He pushed the guy onto an inflatable landing pad they had set up for him. Probably would have pushed him anyway. I have been subjected many times over the years to people trying to hold me hostage to suicide threats. It's the most selfish thing a person can do and the best way to deal with it is to encourage them, without remorse or regret. You threraten ME with YOUR suicide? Oh no, threaten yourself. The ammo is on top of the fridge. And please, do it in the kitchen, on the tile. The living room carpet is new. I'll tell your parents you said "hi".

Yeah. It reminded me of the George Carlin thoughts on Anorexia and bulimia:

[ame=]YouTube - George Carlin on Anorexics and Bulimia[/ame]

They do hold people hostage and their pain is very real but sometimes you just get exasperated with all of it.
He pushed the guy onto an inflatable landing pad they had set up for him. Probably would have pushed him anyway. I have been subjected many times over the years to people trying to hold me hostage to suicide threats. It's the most selfish thing a person can do and the best way to deal with it is to encourage them, without remorse or regret. You threraten ME with YOUR suicide? Oh no, threaten yourself. The ammo is on top of the fridge. And please, do it in the kitchen, on the tile. The living room carpet is new. I'll tell your parents you said "hi".

Yeah. It reminded me of the George Carlin thoughts on Anorexia and bulimia:

They do hold people hostage and their pain is very real but sometimes you just get exasperated with all of it.

I've known a few suicide cases. One guy with esophagial(sp?) cancer. Poor guy was pooring liquid trough a tube for months. Didn't threaten anyone, didn't guilt anyone, ended his suffering on his own terms. Good for him, I applaud. I dated a girl that suicided. She was screwed up already and tried to drag me into her pain. Left a note with plenty of blame for everyone. Never lost a wink. I have explained that to a couple of drama queens since then. I DON'T RESPOND TO SUICIDE THREATS. Kill yourself. Probably won't go to the wake. And if you do it here, I'll probably go to the beach for a week and let you rot on the floor.

That usually puts an end to the threats. Put on your Nikes and JUST DO IT.
He pushed the guy onto an inflatable landing pad they had set up for him. Probably would have pushed him anyway. I have been subjected many times over the years to people trying to hold me hostage to suicide threats. It's the most selfish thing a person can do and the best way to deal with it is to encourage them, without remorse or regret. You threraten ME with YOUR suicide? Oh no, threaten yourself. The ammo is on top of the fridge. And please, do it in the kitchen, on the tile. The living room carpet is new. I'll tell your parents you said "hi".

I understand your sentiment... A friend of mine - a really good guy - threatened committing suicide once and I came to his apartment to talk to him and try to get him out of the funk. Second time, I took him out for a dinner and tried to make him feel better and all that jazz. Third time, I stopped talking to him for 6 months. Years later he's still fine - finally stopped the suicide threats when he figured out he'll lose me as a friend if he keeps at it.

Once I had a roommate who was 24 and an alcoholic. Several times I found him passed out in a bathroom or living room... Everytime I attempted at a bit of an intervention with him, he would talk about committing a suicide. The first time it happened, I sat there holding his hand, him telling me secrets even his best friend didn't know (my boyfriend at the time)... That night I really thought we reached a breakthrough. No such luck. It happened a couple more times... even had cops at our door because my roommate called a suicide phone-line and they reported it to the cops. I called his parents, even his psychiatrist... then I stopped trying and one night I yelled at him told him that if he pulls that suicidal shit again, I'll kick him out of the house... He stopped. Years later, he's still an alcoholic, but he's still alive.

Then a guy I used to work with - always happy, mischievous and amiable committed suicide... for no apparent reason. I'm sure there was one, but it's not like he was calling around his friends telling them he's on a verge of hurting himself.

Needles to say, I don't take suicide threats seriously anymore. It's all just a call for attention. Actually, it is a very childish and despicable behavior... I call it emotional terrorism. There are few things worse than sitting at home worrying that your friend is about to kill himself and you know that if he does it, you'll feel guilty for the rest of your life... What a disgusting thing to do to somebody.
He pushed the guy onto an inflatable landing pad they had set up for him. Probably would have pushed him anyway. I have been subjected many times over the years to people trying to hold me hostage to suicide threats. It's the most selfish thing a person can do and the best way to deal with it is to encourage them, without remorse or regret. You threraten ME with YOUR suicide? Oh no, threaten yourself. The ammo is on top of the fridge. And please, do it in the kitchen, on the tile. The living room carpet is new. I'll tell your parents you said "hi".

Agreed... except with one minor modification:

"The ammo is on top of the fridge. And please, do it in the back yard on the grass, NOT in the house where your last act on this earth will be to cause someone to have to clean up behind your ass... I'll tell your parents you said "By"."
Agh, those that talk too much about it arent gonna do it.

Now that I think about it, I have the thoughts on suicide and sex, lol: Its the quiet ones you gotta watch out for.
He fell 26 feet?

What kind of suicide bridge is only 26 feet above the ground?

It must be a bridge over molten lava or over a pit of alligators.
He fell 26 feet?

What kind of suicide bridge is only 26 feet above the ground?

It must be a bridge over molten lava or over a pit of alligators.


Thats like trying to overdose on Vitamin C or Advil: its possible, but highly unlikely.

Good lord.

Someone should have just gotten a frickin step ladder and talked to the dude.
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The bridge was probably much higher than that but 26 feet down is where the air cushion was. They said that particular bridge has many suicide attempts so it has to be higher than that.. Twenty six feet is like two stories of a building. Not that high but you could hurt yourself. The article says he did get hurt and they took the guy who pushed him into custody.
The bridge was probably much higher than that but 26 feet down is where the air cushion was. They said that particular bridge has many suicide attempts so it has to be higher than that.. Twenty six feet is like two stories of a building. Not that high but you could hurt yourself. The article says he did get hurt and they took the guy who pushed him into custody.

The guy who pushed him should get a frickin medal.
The bridge was probably much higher than that but 26 feet down is where the air cushion was. They said that particular bridge has many suicide attempts so it has to be higher than that.. Twenty six feet is like two stories of a building. Not that high but you could hurt yourself. The article says he did get hurt and they took the guy who pushed him into custody.

The guy who pushed him should get a frickin medal.

I know, I would like to see him get a medal too but the cops couldn't let him just walk away after doing it.
The bridge was probably much higher than that but 26 feet down is where the air cushion was. They said that particular bridge has many suicide attempts so it has to be higher than that.. Twenty six feet is like two stories of a building. Not that high but you could hurt yourself. The article says he did get hurt and they took the guy who pushed him into custody.

The guy who pushed him should get a frickin medal.

I know, I would like to see him get a medal too but the cops couldn't let him just walk away after doing it.

Absolutely not.

I'm just still finding the whole thing to be a riot.

"Shut up and do it bitch" *push*

26 Feet bridge, if over water, sounds to me like a motel in a beach town with drunk college students on spring break.

The bridge was probably much higher than that but 26 feet down is where the air cushion was. They said that particular bridge has many suicide attempts so it has to be higher than that.. Twenty six feet is like two stories of a building. Not that high but you could hurt yourself. The article says he did get hurt and they took the guy who pushed him into custody.

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