Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

Funny. I'd say Biden wrote the final chapter in Trumps Surrender.

Let's recap. In part A. The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will take the following measures in the first one hundred thirty-five (135) days: 1) They will reduce the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to eight thousand six hundred (8,600) and proportionally bring reduction in the number of its allies and Coalition forces. 2) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will withdraw all their forces from five (5) military bases.

For the rest of that story:

Not only did we comply with the above condition but also by Jan 15 had pulled an additional 6100 troops out. Our withdrawals were not based on all the conditions of Trumps Surrender Accords. The final pull out of the remaining 2500 was left to the next president so the PR team could paint it all on Joe.

“The worst State Of The Union in modern history” – C-SPAN callers react to Biden’s SOTU and it ain’t good [VIDEO]"​


Who'd you vote for, again????
I haven't bothered to read any of this thread....for obvious reasons *ahem* OP *ahem*. I just wanted to point out that thankfully we are not still stuck in that quagmire costing us hundreds of millions of dollars a day defending old equipment.
I haven't bothered to read any of this thread....for obvious reasons *ahem* OP *ahem*. I just wanted to point out that thankfully we are not still stuck in that quagmire costing us hundreds of millions of dollars a day defending old equipment.

"I haven't bothered to read...."

Tell me about it.

Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.
"I haven't bothered to read...."

Tell me about it.

Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.
I don't read your posts they've proven to be a waste of time.

I'm just glad we're not bogged down in Afghanistan. This would be a really, really bad time to be.
I don't read your posts they've proven to be a waste of time.

I'm just glad we're not bogged down in Afghanistan. This would be a really, really bad time to be.

How would you know if, as you claim, you don't read them?

If I had a dollar for every lying claims not to have read what they are responding to....I might be a little richer than I am currently. You read every word.....hated how it destroyed everything you were led to believe....and realized you had no way to dispute any of it.
How would you know if, as you claim, you don't read them?

If I had a dollar for every lying claims not to have read what they are responding to....I might be a little richer than I am currently. You read every word.....hated how it destroyed everything you were led to believe....and realized you had no way to dispute any of it.
I used to read your posts and then I asked, why?

We've gone over this, you're a professional goal post mover and even then when you lose a debate (you do a lot btw) you change the topic entirely. I'm only now responding to you since you quoted me, but even now I'm realizing that you're not worth the time.

Her responses below are just as pathetic.
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Joe Biden: Yah can’t have Russian Vodka, but You can have Russian Oil!

Hey Asterisk Joe, with you as an illegitimate president, I’d rather have The Vodka!
Funny. I'd say Biden wrote the final chapter in Trumps Surrender.

Let's recap. In part A. The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will take the following measures in the first one hundred thirty-five (135) days: 1) They will reduce the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to eight thousand six hundred (8,600) and proportionally bring reduction in the number of its allies and Coalition forces. 2) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will withdraw all their forces from five (5) military bases.

For the rest of that story:

Not only did we comply with the above condition but also by Jan 15 had pulled an additional 6100 troops out. Our withdrawals were not based on all the conditions of Trumps Surrender Accords. The final pull out of the remaining 2500 was left to the next president so the PR team could paint it all on Joe.

"Biden calls Ukrainians "Iranians" during State of the Union"

Remember when you wrote this:

I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.

'And I wrote:

Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?

You responded:


post 5

Who'd you vote for again????
I used to read your posts and then I asked, why?

We've gone over this, you're a professional goal post mover and even then when you lose a debate (you do a lot btw) you change the topic entirely. I'm only now responding to you since you quoted me, but even now I'm realizing that you're not worth the time.

I just baited a trap, and you stuck your head right it: no real loss......

......Now what were you saying about not reading my dolt.
Funny. I'd say Biden wrote the final chapter in Trumps Surrender.

Let's recap. In part A. The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will take the following measures in the first one hundred thirty-five (135) days: 1) They will reduce the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to eight thousand six hundred (8,600) and proportionally bring reduction in the number of its allies and Coalition forces. 2) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will withdraw all their forces from five (5) military bases.

For the rest of that story:

Not only did we comply with the above condition but also by Jan 15 had pulled an additional 6100 troops out. Our withdrawals were not based on all the conditions of Trumps Surrender Accords. The final pull out of the remaining 2500 was left to the next president so the PR team could paint it all on Joe.
Yes, you keep repeating that bullshit. Your excuse is that Joe is too weak to undo anything done by his predecessor.

Luckily his bootlickers and sycophants will continue to love him.
Yes, you keep repeating that bullshit. Your excuse is that Joe is too weak to undo anything done by his predecessor.

Luckily his bootlickers and sycophants will continue to love him.
That was the Agreement and the Conditions we met. How would you go back and enforce the agreement to have them negotiate with the other side within that 135 day time frame? Weakness was the problem. Benedict Donald put the US forces and Afghan Army in the weakest position since the occupation began, Biden had two choices. Tell the Generals to end the war or tell the Generals to continue the war.

He did that to the military on purpose, out of spite, seeking revenge. He even bragged about.
That was the Agreement and the Conditions we met. How would you go back and enforce the agreement to have them negotiate with the other side within that 135 day time frame? Weakness was the problem. Benedict Donald put the US forces and Afghan Army in the weakest position since the occupation began, Biden had two choices. Tell the Generals to end the war or tell the Generals to continue the war.

He did that to the military on purpose, out of spite, seeking revenge. He even bragged about.

Does a current President have an obligation to follow the 'agreements' of a previous President.

If that were the case, where is you choice, Biden, following Clinton's Budapest Memorandum, to guarantee the security and sovereignty of Ukraine?

Clearly you have been lying throughout this thread, and, probably, your entire life.
Does a current President have an obligation to follow the 'agreements' of a previous President.

If that were the case, where is you choice, Biden, following Clinton's Budapest Memorandum, to guarantee the security and sovereignty of Ukraine?

Clearly you have been lying throughout this thread, and, probably, your entire life.
You think President Biden should have enforced Trumps conditions months after the deadline passed after we met our conditions and more? Which ones? Blaming Biden for Trumps failures again? Does the prior president bear any responsibility for not enforcing most all of the conditions he set in his so called Conditioned based Surrender Accord? What about the compromised position his lame duck withdrawals put the US Army, the Afghan Army, hell everybody in Afghanistan in?

Russia is the Country destroying Ukraine right now and not living up to the agreement not the US.
You think President Biden should have enforced Trumps conditions months after the deadline passed after we met our conditions and more? Which ones? Blaming Biden for Trumps failures again? Does the prior president bear any responsibility for not enforcing most all of the conditions he set in his so called Conditioned based Surrender Accord? What about the compromised position his lame duck withdrawals put the US Army, the Afghan Army, hell everybody in Afghanistan in?

Russia is the Country destroying Ukraine right now and not living up to the agreement not the US.

This isn't 'Dancing With the Stars'......answer the question, liar.

Does a current President have an obligation to follow the 'agreements' of a previous President.

If that were the case, where is you choice, Biden, following Clinton's Budapest Memorandum, to guarantee the security and sovereignty of Ukraine?

Clearly you have been lying throughout this thread, and, probably, your entire life.
This isn't 'Dancing With the Stars'......answer the question, liar.

Does a current President have an obligation to follow the 'agreements' of a previous President.

If that were the case, where is you choice, Biden, following Clinton's Budapest Memorandum, to guarantee the security and sovereignty of Ukraine?

Clearly you have been lying throughout this thread, and, probably, your entire life.

The question you should ask is did Trump have an obligation to follow the terms of the Doha Accords he negotiated? His lame duck withdrawals made it very hard for the military to enforce the obligations Trump ignored without re-igniting the war with the Taliban.
Negotiated with "terrorists". I thought we didn't do that.

Hahaha it was a dodge like everything else.

.....the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban will start intra-Afghan negotiations with Afghan sides on March 10, 2020,........

Yes, you keep repeating that bullshit. Your excuse is that Joe is too weak to undo anything done by his predecessor.

Luckily his bootlickers and sycophants will continue to love him.
What? Was Trump wrong to sign the surrender? I never thought so. I thought he was right in criticizing our perpetual wars but HE NEVER HAD THE BALLS TO ACTUALLY STOP ONE, and he ended up getting more Syrians killed than did Obama ... and at least that was about ISIS.

I don't have any problem with ending forever wars. I do have a problem with weak presidents who didn't follow the the Wienberger Doctrine of 1. Detailing what existential threat requires us to allow our best kids to be maimed and killed and 2. Have an achievable end point to any war.

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