Suburban Women are Turned Off by Trump's Rhetoric

It is the Obama-Trump economy. Neither deserve any credit.

3 years in after tax cuts, tariffs, trade deals, etc, it's the Trump economy.

The key for the D's in 2020 is to somehow tank the economy. Their stooge economists like Krugman have done their best, but they are going to have to work harder to get people put out of work and, hopefully for them, starving on the streets so they can blame Trump.

No, the Republicans lost the House in the midterm elections
because after 2 years of the never ending drama and noise
Pelosi and her ilk had created but attributed it to
Democrats no longer in a position to ‘stop the(ir)madness’

On top of the nonstop propaganda campaign
of Russian collusion and Orange Man Bad

For the love of, government has ceased to function
because of the nonsense the left has engaged in
because they don’t act like adults

Pelosi convinced naive voters that the only way
civility would be restored in Washington
was with Democrats back in power

These suburban women said what they had to
because you best believe they were white

They were actually short of the overall turnover from Republican to Dem. not exactly "dead on"

Wow a sitting President loses the House in his first term.... that has never happened before, EVER

Final Results Republicans 53.3 Democrats 44.9 Democrats +8.4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 11/1 - 11/3 774 LV Republicanscreated this. 50 Democrats 43 Democrats +7
CNN 11/1 - 11/3 1151 LV Republicans 55 Democrats 42 Democrats +13
ABC News/Wash Post 10/29 - 11/1 737 LV Republicans 52 Democrats 44 Democrats +8
Rasmussen Reports 10/28 - 11/1 2500 LV Republicans 45 Democrats 46 Republicans +1
IBD/TIPP 10/25 - 11/3 798 LV Republicans 50 Democrats 41 Democrats +9
Economist/YouGov 10/28 - 10/30 1296 RV Republicans 47 Democrats 42 Democrats +5
NPR/PBS/Marist 10/28 - 10/29 509 LV Republicans 52 Democrats 43 Democrats +9
Harvard-Harris 10/26 - 10/28 1835 RV Republicans 47 Democrats 38 Democrats +9
Reuters/Ipsos 10/24 - 10/30 1383 LV Republicans 49 Democrats 42 Democrats +7
USA Today/Suffolk 10/18 - 10/22 1000 LV Republicans 51 Democrats 43 Democrats +8
FOX News 10/13 - 10/16 841 LV Republicans 49 Democrats 42 Democrats +7

5 pollsters missed by less than a point. 3 missed by 1-2 points. The only one who completely missed was Rasmussen who had Republicans up by 1.

Many of these states where gerrymandered so Democrats could not take control. However the suburban move from Republican to Democrat was unexpected and Trump has worsened it.

And NY and California aren't gerrymandered?

California redraws it's districts with a commission made up of private citizens. In New York, redistricting has been handled in a bipartisan manner although that could change in the next map. Voters in Missouri, Ohio and Michigan voted overwhelmingly for taking away the power to redistrict from the state legislature.


My area of Queens is Republican, yet we get lumped in with part of the South Bronx to dilute our vote.

In 2012, a federal judge drew the maps after rejecting both parties' maps.

And all judges are impartial.....

What a fucking rube you are.
Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics

Once again another example of how the MSM biases the news and WHY the majority of Trump supporters
like me continue to point this out to those people like these suburban women!

“I just don’t like the way he talks about other people,” Evans, a 79-year-old retired data entry supervisor, said recently as she walked through a shopping mall in Brookfield, Wisconsin, days after Trump fired off a racist tweet at Democratic congresswomen.
Many professional, suburban women — a critical voting bloc in the 2020 election — recoil at the abrasive, divisive rhetoric, exposing the president to a potential wave of opposition in key battlegrounds across the country.

BUT do these "many professional, suburban women" really understand how their "emotions" are manipulated by the MSM like AP?
For example... what was the "racist tweet at Democratic congresswomen."
This is exactly the supposedly "racist" tweet:
"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

A) NO where did he talk about SENDING!!! He said why don't they go back... freely... no forcing..
B) Why don't they fix their places from which they came...Detroit, Somalia...etc...
C) HE asked them to come back and show us how it is done!

So where is the "RACISM" in that tweet? NO WHERE! Trump was being an honest person who was pointing out what the Bible said in Matthew 7:5.
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "
Women and other independent voters know what they hear from our president
Most Americans are embarrassed by how our president acts

It is his base that makes excuses and blames the media
Those women won't put their lives on the line for their convictions. They are helping to bring us all down. They are a detriment to their own lifestyles. They don't deserve to be protected by men. And many men will not anymore.

You are bringing us down. The Republican Party was great under Ronald Reagan. It was optimistic and about finding conservative ways to run the country. Today it is about fostering hate and dividing people. Women need some protection FROM men. That is what we learned from the Kavanaugh hearings. If you are a powerful man, you can get away with sexually assaulting a woman.
The Republican Party is not very like able

They villainize the poor, minorities, immigrants, non-Christians
They shamelessly pander to business and the ultra wealthy at the expense of the poor and working class

And Democratic TRAITORS are now the party of ILLEGAL aliens!!
Trumps antics solidify his base

But it is independent women and men who will decide close elections. With a booming economy, Trump should be a shoe-in for re-election.
But he constantly shows himself to be unfit to be president.

Makes 2020 that much more difficult

You admit Trump's economy is booming, but say he's unfit. Uh what? LOL Liberals. smh

It is the Obama-Trump economy. Neither deserve any credit.

3 years in after tax cuts, tariffs, trade deals, etc, it's the Trump economy.

The key for the D's in 2020 is to somehow tank the economy. Their stooge economists like Krugman have done their best, but they are going to have to work harder to get people put out of work and, hopefully for them, starving on the streets so they can blame Trump.

Voters are prepared to throw out Trump out regardless of the economy. From the Fox poll.

If President Trump is re-elected, do you think economic conditions will get better, get worse, or stay about the same?
21-23 Jul 19
Better 33%
Worse 39%
The same 26%

37. If a Democratic candidate wins the 2020 presidential election, do you think economic conditions will get better, get worse, or stay about the same
21-23 Jul
Better 33%
Worse 36%
The same 24%

Essentially the numbers are the same no matter which party controls the White House.
Questions 38-43 are held for future release.

You keep thinking that, snowflake. Your rude awakening date is 11/9/2020.

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