Study: men who care about the environment are more attractive

I wait until my ashtray is full, and dump it in the ocean, and I'm a pretty good looking guy.

This is more attractive to women?

xView attachment 375354
maybe so if they do not want to have children

These are the kinds of studies the East Germans would produce.

"Vee have scientific evidence, zhat, zee most amorous and bountiful in all East Germans come from zee most loyal citizens. If zhou see anyvone against zee Party, call zem ugly (and contact us)!"
This is no surprise. People who are thoughtful, intelligent, kind, empathetic, and articulate are much better company than an ignorant, arrogant oaf. Who would want one of these pests around the house all the time, and they can be quite high-maintenance. Even if a guy is physically gorgeous, but is an ignorant, arrogant oaf, he's only useful for about 12 hours. Bedroom fun is one thing, but the real question is whether you want to have breakfast with him in the morning.
There's nothing wrong with caring about the environment, in fact it's a good thing, as long as one isn't misled by the agenda-driven powers who hijacked true environmentalism for their own purposes.

So I think that it's sad that these days caring about the environment is seen as a "liberal" or weak/feminine thing, in the eyes of conservatives.

That said, it's pretty obvious that this 'study' is just about promoting 'green' politics ('climate change', etc) which as I said before is being used as a pretext for ulterior agendas.
My wife hit the jackpot then. I had a 30 year career as an Environmental Engineer.
Ah ... that explains why I have to drag young beautiful naked women's bodies out of my bed so often ... I need to start pouring used motor oil down the storm drains ...
Ah ... that explains why I have to drag young beautiful naked women's bodies out of my bed so often ... I need to start pouring used motor oil down the storm drains ...
I think them being dead has more to do with why you have to drag them naked out of your bed. :)

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