Study: FOX Republicans: The most uninformed

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

You have just proved that left wingers are not for freedom. Even though you say you're not.
Right wingers would never tell others who they should or should not watch.

That Bookings Survey is not true.
You can do any Survey and make it into the results that anyone wants to hear.
Do you see any right wing studies that say how uninformed people are who watch MSNBC?
No you don't, because right wingers believe you have the right to watch that news station.
Even though it is not doing very well in it's ratings.

PROVE IT! More innuendo. Nothing of substance. More right-wing paranoia.

That is what I think, you have proved nothing in the link, you are dishonest, prove the title of the thread, so far you are a major fail.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
You have just proved that left wingers are not for freedom. Even though you say you're not.
Right wingers would never tell others who they should or should not watch.

That Bookings Survey is not true.
You can do any Survey and make it into the results that anyone wants to hear.
Do you see any right wing studies that say how uninformed people are who watch MSNBC?
No you don't, because right wingers believe you have the right to watch that news station.
Even though it is not doing very well in it's ratings.

PROVE IT! More innuendo. Nothing of substance. More right-wing paranoia.

That is what I think, you have proved nothing in the link, you are dishonest, prove the title of the thread, so far you are a major fail.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Empty words. No proof. My point was made clear and not one person in this thread has done anything to counter it other than spew insults and throw childish tantrums. I am still waiting for an intelligent, rational counter claim.
PROVE IT! More innuendo. Nothing of substance. More right-wing paranoia.

That is what I think, you have proved nothing in the link, you are dishonest, prove the title of the thread, so far you are a major fail.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Empty words. No proof. My point was made clear and not one person in this thread has done anything to counter it other than spew insults and throw childish tantrums. I am still waiting for an intelligent, rational counter claim.

Your article does not substantiate your claim in the title of the thread, nothing in the article proves it, just your little assertion and you engaging everyone that disagreed with you proves you cannot support your view. I have learned from little liberal whiners such as yourself, you will claim victory because a guy in an op-ed piece agrees with you.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
You were told it's been posted before, so I don't think people are going to debate you and your silly thread..If anything it's proved that you are a demanding, whiny ass who now has a reputation for neg repping people for the stupidest things...

move along
You were told it's been posted before, so I don't think people are going to debate you and your silly thread..If anything it's proved that you are a demanding, whiny ass who now has a reputation for neg repping people for the stupidest things...

move along

To be honest, Stephanie, I could care less about rep as I see now it is too easily abused.

I am going to declare this one a victory. I was hoping for a challenge but I see now that this in not possible with so many idiots, windbags and childish assholes failing miserably at having a real debate on this issue.

I am going to enjoy my time here. I look forward to putting you in your place time and time again.
You were told it's been posted before, so I don't think people are going to debate you and your silly thread..If anything it's proved that you are a demanding, whiny ass who now has a reputation for neg repping people for the stupidest things...

move along

To be honest, Stephanie, I could care less about rep as I see now it is too easily abused.

I am going to declare this one a victory. I was hoping for a challenge but I see now that this in not possible with so many idiots, windbags and childish assholes failing miserably at having a real debate on this issue.

I am going to enjoy my time here. I look forward to putting you in your place time and time again.

ok declare it a victory if that's what's going to blow your skirt up
I guess some need some goals in life no matter how trivial.
so goal is to put people in place...Now you know folks he is just here antagonize and argue...a typical left winger
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You were told it's been posted before, so I don't think people are going to debate you and your silly thread..If anything it's proved that you are a demanding, whiny ass who now has a reputation for neg repping people for the stupidest things...

move along

To be honest, Stephanie, I could care less about rep as I see now it is too easily abused.

I am going to declare this one a victory. I was hoping for a challenge but I see now that this in not possible with so many idiots, windbags and childish assholes failing miserably at having a real debate on this issue.

I am going to enjoy my time here. I look forward to putting you in your place time and time again.

ok declare it a victory if that's what's going to blow your skirt up
I guess some need some goals in life no matter how trivial.
so goal is to put people in place...Now you know folks he is just here antagonize and argue...a typical left winger

Left wing nut, we get another one, has no proof and uses op-ed pieces to prove the ridiculous, claims victory based on refuting nothing. No intelligent conversation can be had, they just can't do it.
To be honest, Stephanie, I could care less about rep as I see now it is too easily abused.

I am going to declare this one a victory. I was hoping for a challenge but I see now that this in not possible with so many idiots, windbags and childish assholes failing miserably at having a real debate on this issue.

I am going to enjoy my time here. I look forward to putting you in your place time and time again.

ok declare it a victory if that's what's going to blow your skirt up
I guess some need some goals in life no matter how trivial.
so goal is to put people in place...Now you know folks he is just here antagonize and argue...a typical left winger

Left wing nut, we get another one, has no proof and uses op-ed pieces to prove the ridiculous, claims victory based on refuting nothing. No intelligent conversation can be had, they just can't do it.

they are crawling in like cockroaches.. how is it we get so lucky:rolleyes:
I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

You have just proved that left wingers are not for freedom. Even though you say you're not.
Right wingers would never tell others who they should or should not watch.

That Bookings Survey is not true.
You can do any Survey and make it into the results that anyone wants to hear.
Do you see any right wing studies that say how uninformed people are who watch MSNBC?
No you don't, because right wingers believe you have the right to watch that news station.
Even though it is not doing very well in it's ratings.

PROVE IT! More innuendo. Nothing of substance. More right-wing paranoia.

Bookings based their Survey on people who only watch Fox News. Most fox viewers watch other news outlets besides just Fox. - POLITIFACT: Fox News Viewers Consistently MORE and BETTER Informed Than Other News and Yes John Stewart Viewers Too:)

Fox’s 35 percent score places it exactly at the national
average. This seems paradoxical -- Fox ranks near the bottom of a long
list of media outlets, yet it sits right at the national average. But
there’s an explanation. Lots of respondents reported following none of
the media outlets they were asked about, and those respondents did quite
poorly on the knowledge quiz -- not surprisingly. That meant that the
non-media-using respondents brought down the national average, but they
didn’t constitute a separate category that ranked lower than Fox on
Pew’s chart.
You have just proved that left wingers are not for freedom. Even though you say you're not.
Right wingers would never tell others who they should or should not watch.

That Bookings Survey is not true.
You can do any Survey and make it into the results that anyone wants to hear.
Do you see any right wing studies that say how uninformed people are who watch MSNBC?
No you don't, because right wingers believe you have the right to watch that news station.
Even though it is not doing very well in it's ratings.

PROVE IT! More innuendo. Nothing of substance. More right-wing paranoia.

Bookings based their Survey on people who only watch Fox News. Most fox viewers watch other news outlets besides just Fox. - POLITIFACT: Fox News Viewers Consistently MORE and BETTER Informed Than Other News and Yes John Stewart Viewers Too:)

Fox’s 35 percent score places it exactly at the national
average. This seems paradoxical -- Fox ranks near the bottom of a long
list of media outlets, yet it sits right at the national average. But
there’s an explanation. Lots of respondents reported following none of
the media outlets they were asked about, and those respondents did quite
poorly on the knowledge quiz -- not surprisingly. That meant that the
non-media-using respondents brought down the national average, but they
didn’t constitute a separate category that ranked lower than Fox on
Pew’s chart.

THANK YOU PEACH! I am up to this challenge. I take my victory back. Let's get to the nuts and bolts.

First, this is a dated article (2011), but that does not mean it has no credibility. I read it all and it is compelling reading but this really deals with a very specific statement John Stewart made and it is one that I would even somewhat disagree with.

Here is one important point that you may have overlooked form the politifact article itself:

"This study focused on the Iraq War and the lead-up to it. It asked three questions: "Is it your impression that the U.S. has or has not found clear evidence in Iraq that Saddam Hussein was working closely with the al-Qaida terrorist organization?" "Since the war with Iraq ended, is it your impression that the US has or has not found Iraqi weapons of mass destruction?" And whether, "The majority of people favor the US having gone to war."

On these questions, Fox clearly did the worst among the major news outlets. The "misperception rate" for Fox was 45 percent. The highest for other news outlets was CBS News at 36 percent; those with lower "misperception rates" included CNN, ABC, NBC, the print media and NPR/PBS, which was lowest at 11 percent.

This study is probably the strongest support we found for Stewart’s claim, in part because the difference between Fox and the other news outlets was so stark, and in part because the questions asked have pretty clear-cut "right" and "wrong" answers.

This is very important becasue this is where I am going with my OP.

The way Stewart phrased the comment, it’s not enough to show a sliver of evidence that Fox News’ audience is ill-informed. The evidence needs to support the view that the data shows they are "consistently" misinformed -- a term he used not once but three times. It’s simply not true that "every poll" shows that result. So we rate his claim False.

OK. With that out of the way it is also important to mention that the Brookings Study, only recently came out. So this does not disprove it in the least. Out of respect for your ability to put forth information without namecalling and childish insults, I have also put in requests to both and Politifact and asked them either validate or invalidate this latest study.

To be continued.
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I should also clarify that it was disingenuous of me to to not fully clarify the title of my thread as the Brookings study is about immigration reform. If a moderator can change the title to reflect that, it would be appreciated. I apologize for this, in my haste I clearly neglected to clarify this.

I should also clarify, that I am singling out FOX News Republicans, not ALL republicans as there is a clear divide on issues.

This makes a huge difference for the policy preferences among Republicans. For instance, 42 percent of Fox News Republicans support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. For Non-Fox News Republicans, it’s 60 percent. That puts the views of Non-Fox News Republicans closer to those of Independents (61 percent support a path to citizenship) and Democrats (70 percent).

The difference is even starker in terms of views of immigrants. Sixty percent of Fox News Republicans say immigrants are a burden, compared to just 33 percent who believe they strengthen the country. For Non-Fox News Republicans, the numbers are nearly reversed: 56 percent believe immigrants strengthen the country, compared with 38 percent who believe they are a burden.

Still shows clear misinformation about immigration being disseminated by FOX News.
I should also clarify that it was disingenuous of me to to not fully clarify the title of my thread as the Brookings study is about immigration reform. If a moderator can change the title to reflect that, it would be appreciated. I apologize for this, in my haste I clearly neglected to clarify this.

I should also clarify, that I am singling out FOX News Republicans, not ALL republicans as there is a clear divide on issues.

This makes a huge difference for the policy preferences among Republicans. For instance, 42 percent of Fox News Republicans support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. For Non-Fox News Republicans, it’s 60 percent. That puts the views of Non-Fox News Republicans closer to those of Independents (61 percent support a path to citizenship) and Democrats (70 percent).

The difference is even starker in terms of views of immigrants. Sixty percent of Fox News Republicans say immigrants are a burden, compared to just 33 percent who believe they strengthen the country. For Non-Fox News Republicans, the numbers are nearly reversed: 56 percent believe immigrants strengthen the country, compared with 38 percent who believe they are a burden.

Still shows clear misinformation about immigration being disseminated by FOX News.


mommy mommy! My Messiah Obama is a failure; my progressive agenda is failing; and it's all Fox News' fault!!!
what is a "Fox News Republican"?

is that different than any other Republican the loser left cant handle?
I should also clarify that it was disingenuous of me to to not fully clarify the title of my thread as the Brookings study is about immigration reform. If a moderator can change the title to reflect that, it would be appreciated. I apologize for this, in my haste I clearly neglected to clarify this.

I should also clarify, that I am singling out FOX News Republicans, not ALL republicans as there is a clear divide on issues.

This makes a huge difference for the policy preferences among Republicans. For instance, 42 percent of Fox News Republicans support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. For Non-Fox News Republicans, it’s 60 percent. That puts the views of Non-Fox News Republicans closer to those of Independents (61 percent support a path to citizenship) and Democrats (70 percent).

The difference is even starker in terms of views of immigrants. Sixty percent of Fox News Republicans say immigrants are a burden, compared to just 33 percent who believe they strengthen the country. For Non-Fox News Republicans, the numbers are nearly reversed: 56 percent believe immigrants strengthen the country, compared with 38 percent who believe they are a burden.

Still shows clear misinformation about immigration being disseminated by FOX News.

I think that it is not so much as misinformation as it is more about influencing peoples opinions by most news outlets, especially opinion news commentator shows.
This is why it is important to watch many news outlets.
The biggest problem is that many do not watch c-span on the hearings or what is actually being said on the floor of the house and senate.
Many do not read the bills and just rely on the news.
This is also because many people are too busy with work and their families and don't have the time to do so.
This is where all of our news outlets let us down on actual facts about things being reported.
They are all about influencing what they think people should know & think and their ratings, not about actually informing the people.
One of the biggest flaws our news does is not giving us more world news.
There was a time when the people actually got news rather than opinions. When real news was reported and they did some digging on actual facts and set aside their own opinions.
Walter Cronkite was a great newsman. No one knew if he was a Democrat, Independent or a Republican. He stayed with the facts and withheld his own opinions.
It is really bad and sad when the people have to do their own digging for actual facts on news now days.
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I think that it is not so much as misinformation as it is more about influencing peoples opinions by most news outlets, especially opinion news commentator shows.
This is why it is important to watch many news outlets.
The biggest problem is that many do not watch c-span on the hearings or what is actually being said on the floor of the house and senate.
Many do not read the bills and just rely on the news.
This is also because many people are too busy with work and their families and don't have the time to do so.
This is where all of our news outlets let us down on actual facts about things being reported.
They are all about influencing what they think people should know & think and their ratings, not about actually informing the people.
One of the biggest flaws our news does is not giving us more world news.
There was a time when the people actually got news rather than opinions. When real news was reported and they did some digging on actual facts and set aside their own opinions.
Walter Cronkite was a great newsman. No on knew if he was a Democrat, Independent or a Republican. He stayed with the facts and withheld his own opinions.
It is really bad and sad when the people have to do their own digging for actual facts on news now days.

I agree on all points. All of the media today is about ratings and picks the most controversial stuff and sensationalizes it but FOX does stretch the truth. Not all programs mind you. I think Chris Wallace is pretty fair and balanced, for FOX anyway but Cafferty, O'Reilly and Hannity are over the top. They shout down anyone who makes a great counterpoint.

MSNBC is rapidly beginning to be the leftist version of FOX so I digest that material like I would FOXs—with a great deal of skepticism. Maddow is still pretty fair in terms of disseminating facts, where she goes awry is in her commentary by over-dramatizing some issues but at least you can get the facts straight. Sharpton annoys the hell of me as does Ed Sullivan.

CSPAN is a great place to get info from the horses mouth but there are still a lot of bills that get passed under the radar and that scares me.

These days, I do not watch TV. Don't even have cable. I get all my programming from the internet and my news from various sites. I find this to be more efficient when researching the stories which one must do in this day and age if they want to get to the heart of any issue.
I think that it is not so much as misinformation as it is more about influencing peoples opinions by most news outlets, especially opinion news commentator shows.
This is why it is important to watch many news outlets.
The biggest problem is that many do not watch c-span on the hearings or what is actually being said on the floor of the house and senate.
Many do not read the bills and just rely on the news.
This is also because many people are too busy with work and their families and don't have the time to do so.
This is where all of our news outlets let us down on actual facts about things being reported.
They are all about influencing what they think people should know & think and their ratings, not about actually informing the people.
One of the biggest flaws our news does is not giving us more world news.
There was a time when the people actually got news rather than opinions. When real news was reported and they did some digging on actual facts and set aside their own opinions.
Walter Cronkite was a great newsman. No on knew if he was a Democrat, Independent or a Republican. He stayed with the facts and withheld his own opinions.
It is really bad and sad when the people have to do their own digging for actual facts on news now days.

I agree on all points. All of the media today is about ratings and picks the most controversial stuff and sensationalizes it but FOX does stretch the truth. Not all programs mind you. I think Chris Wallace is pretty fair and balanced, for FOX anyway but Cafferty, O'Reilly and Hannity are over the top. They shout down anyone who makes a great counterpoint.

MSNBC is rapidly beginning to be the leftist version of FOX so I digest that material like I would FOXs—with a great deal of skepticism. Maddow is still pretty fair in terms of disseminating facts, where she goes awry is in her commentary by over-dramatizing some issues but at least you can get the facts straight. Sharpton annoys the hell of me as does Ed Sullivan.

CSPAN is a great place to get info from the horses mouth but there are still a lot of bills that get passed under the radar and that scares me.

These days, I do not watch TV. Don't even have cable. I get all my programming from the internet and my news from various sites. I find this to be more efficient when researching the stories which one must do in this day and age if they want to get to the heart of any issue.

I have never seen Fox ever say really nasty things like what has been said on MSNBC.
I have never seen Fox ever say really nasty things like what has been said on MSNBC.

I have seen questionable content from both. As I said MSNBC has become the leftist FOX and I feel the credibility of both networks is for shit with a few minor exceptions.

CNN just mostly wants to scare the shit out of you. They are highly sensationalistic.

With regards to all media, a lot of times it is not what they broadcast so much as what they choose NOT to broadcast. This is why I get most of my info from multiple internet sources, including the highly polarizing ones. TV media spends most of it's time speculating on various issues. FOX and MSNBC are the worst at this.....again, with a few exceptions.

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