Study: FOX Republicans: The most uninformed

been posted 100 times already
would you believe a study that said liberalism is a mental disorder? or that Obama was a homosexual
just wondering

What, precisely, is your point?

No such studies you mentioned exist. Is this a new political philosophy? One where any proven, verifiable point made is dismissed because it conflicts with one's ideology?

Seriously, is that all you got?

And this is an op-ed piece from a poll, a survey, not a study. What we do know, is you are misleading in your thread title which makes you deceitful troll or you are just plain stupid.

What I find amusing is she's got more in her four sentences than you have in your entire opening op-ed piece. You do know the difference between fact and opinion?

He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.
What the fuck is a FOX Republican you dumbass? You left wing nuts think you can just make shit up and be taken seriously?

Ahh. Facts bother you I guess. None of what I posted is made up. If you were intelligent and rational and disagreed with my position, why not post sources to try an disprove my claim?

You can't because you one of the ignorant masses who calls the truth lies and lies the truth because they support your utter, irrational and baseless hatred. You are, sadly, in the minority and it is pathetic, low-class responses like this that will insure you and people like you will fade into obscurity over time. You are just angry because you matter less and less with each passing year.

You don't bother answering a question? What is a FOX Republican? Is it one of the talking heads on the show? Is it Sean Hannity? What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know?

The irony here is that you post ignorant crap like this and then call us ignorant.

A FOX Republican—this was also defined in the articles I provided—is one who gets all or most their political info from FOX News and uses it as validation for their ideology.
This opinion piece succinctly describes what I am talking about:

Age of Ignorance by Charles Simic | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

"In the past, if someone knew nothing and talked nonsense, no one paid any attention to him. No more. Now such people are courted and flattered by conservative politicians and ideologues as “Real Americans” defending their country against big government and educated liberal elites. The press interviews them and reports their opinions seriously without pointing out the imbecility of what they believe. The hucksters, who manipulate them for the powerful financial interests, know that they can be made to believe anything, because, to the ignorant and the bigoted, lies always sound better than truth:

Christians are persecuted in this country.
The government is coming to get your guns.
Obama is a Muslim.
Global Warming is a hoax.
The president is forcing open homosexuality on the military.
Schools push a left-wing agenda.
Social Security is an entitlement, no different from welfare.
Obama hates white people.
The life on earth is 10,000 years old and so is the universe.
The safety net contributes to poverty.
The government is taking money from you and giving it to sex-crazed college women to pay for their birth control. "

And another opinion piece that hits the nail on the head:

Right-Wing Christians ans Republican Policies Are Making America Stupid

"According to a Gallup poll released last week; “Americans continue to poll more like Iranians or Nigerians than Europeans or Canadians on questions of evolution, scriptural inerrancy, the presence of angels and demons, and so forth.” The poll also revealed that 42% of Americans, obviously fundamentalist Christians, still adhere to the creationists’ assertion that Earth, the Universe, and human beings were created in their present form less than 10,000 years ago. In another study conducted for the National Science Foundation, surveys revealed that one-in-five (20% for fundamentalist morons) still believe the Sun revolves around the Earth, cannot fathom that DNA is key to identifying heredity, or that radiation, including from the Sun, has deleterious effects on the human body."

Here is the poll mentioned: In U.S., 42% Believe Creationist View of Human Origins

Ha ha! You back it up with an opinion piece? Do you realize what a dumb ass thing that is to do.
What, precisely, is your point?

No such studies you mentioned exist. Is this a new political philosophy? One where any proven, verifiable point made is dismissed because it conflicts with one's ideology?

Seriously, is that all you got?

And this is an op-ed piece from a poll, a survey, not a study. What we do know, is you are misleading in your thread title which makes you deceitful troll or you are just plain stupid.

What I find amusing is she's got more in her four sentences than you have in your entire opening op-ed piece. You do know the difference between fact and opinion?

He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

He negged me for my comments and said I wasn't being an adult, how much do you want to bet that he didn't neg Old School for his comments on Megan Kelly. Which proves he negged me because I exposed him of lying and being a stupid troll.

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Ahh. Facts bother you I guess. None of what I posted is made up. If you were intelligent and rational and disagreed with my position, why not post sources to try an disprove my claim?

You can't because you one of the ignorant masses who calls the truth lies and lies the truth because they support your utter, irrational and baseless hatred. You are, sadly, in the minority and it is pathetic, low-class responses like this that will insure you and people like you will fade into obscurity over time. You are just angry because you matter less and less with each passing year.

You don't bother answering a question? What is a FOX Republican? Is it one of the talking heads on the show? Is it Sean Hannity? What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know?

The irony here is that you post ignorant crap like this and then call us ignorant.

A FOX Republican—this was also defined in the articles I provided—is one who gets all or most their political info from FOX News and uses it as validation for their ideology.

So what are the people like me who don't watch FOX? What are the independents who do watch? What are the democrats who watch?

Are you getting a clue yet?
And this is an op-ed piece from a poll, a survey, not a study. What we do know, is you are misleading in your thread title which makes you deceitful troll or you are just plain stupid.

What I find amusing is she's got more in her four sentences than you have in your entire opening op-ed piece. You do know the difference between fact and opinion?

He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

He negged me for my comments and said I wasn't being an adult, how much do you want to bet that he didn't neg Old School for his comments on Megan Kelly. Which proves he negged me because I exposed him of lying and being a stupid troll.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Yeah he negged me too. He can't win an argument, so he negs. Typical.
left-wing nutjobs who consider record welfare and food stamps under Obama have no business trying to talk about who is uniformed and who isn't. If Let-wing nutjobs cant recognize their own ignorance; how can they be trusted to judge others?
the world is in flames; there is an invasion on our southern border; record welfare and food stamps; and a divided country

you don't need Fox News to know Obama is a failure; all this whining about Fox News I just loser left-wing crybabies in denial over the failures of the Progressive agenda
Brookings is a liberal spin machine. You have to be a low information leftie not to understand that "surveys" aren't scientific polls. Nobody cares about "fact checking" MSNBC or CBS or CNN or the rest of the Obama propaganda arm. The low information left would be lost without the gigantic tax exempt Media Matters propaganda network and it's clones that are in the business of "monitoring (only) conservative speech" and spinning it to Huffington or the New Republic. Let it go lefties. The 1st Amendment ain't your enemy.
What, precisely, is your point?

No such studies you mentioned exist. Is this a new political philosophy? One where any proven, verifiable point made is dismissed because it conflicts with one's ideology?

Seriously, is that all you got?

And this is an op-ed piece from a poll, a survey, not a study. What we do know, is you are misleading in your thread title which makes you deceitful troll or you are just plain stupid.

What I find amusing is she's got more in her four sentences than you have in your entire opening op-ed piece. You do know the difference between fact and opinion?

He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.
Brookings is a liberal spin machine. You have to be a low information leftie not to understand that "surveys" aren't scientific polls. Nobody cares about "fact checking" MSNBC or CBS or CNN or the rest of the Obama propaganda arm. The low information left would be lost without the gigantic tax exempt Media Matters propaganda network and it's clones that are in the business of "monitoring (only) conservative speech" and spinning it to Huffington or the New Republic. Let it go lefties. The 1st Amendment ain't your enemy.

So basically, what we have here is a very simple formula.

If it challenges the right-wing status quo or even outright proves them wrong, it must be a liberal spin machine. Clever. Yet not one person has posted any source to challenge me. I am open-minded. Prove me wrong.

Are you going to say that sites like and Politifact are also liberal spin machines?

It's a dangerous world when one can pick and choose what is truth in the absence of any evidence. When the only responses here are childish insults, vitriol and hyperbole, how can any of the naysayers to my OP claim to really know what the truth is. I linked to the study directly and yet you will not read it.

None of these responses deserve any respect because they have not contributed to this thread in even the slightest constructive manner.
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And this is an op-ed piece from a poll, a survey, not a study. What we do know, is you are misleading in your thread title which makes you deceitful troll or you are just plain stupid.

What I find amusing is she's got more in her four sentences than you have in your entire opening op-ed piece. You do know the difference between fact and opinion?

He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

idiot; lots of left-wingers hate taxes; but they still support OTHERS having to pay more while they try to hide their own money; this includes much of the Hollywood crowd

as for loving guns of course many people identified with the Left love guns. how many were found face-down on the streets of liberal-run cities this morning?
there are a few types of left-wingnuts who rant about Fox News

Progressives who are to the Left of even today's far-Left Dem party and are all butt-hurt Obama isn't even MORE to the Left than he is now; so don't want to be associated with the Dem Party
He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

idiot; lots of left-wingers hate taxes; but they still support OTHERS having to pay more while they try to hide their own money; this includes much of the Hollywood crowd

as for loving guns of course many people identified with the Left love guns. how many were found face-down on the streets of liberal-run cities this morning?

Yet, other than acting like a complete child and calling me an idiot, you have contributed nothing constructive to this conversation. I am willing to bet that I am IQ points beyond your small mind. Instead of intelligently and civilly challenging my post you degrade yourself to the role of a schoolyard bully and buffoon.
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A "study" isn't bound by scientific data. Low information lefties should know that. It's a freaking editorial based on some selected biased factoids.
A "study" isn't bound by scientific data. Low information lefties should know that. It's a freaking editorial based on some selected biased factoids.

Here is the Brookings site:

Brookings - Quality. Independence. Impact.

You will find that all of these studies are credible. Many of them have been used by some of you very own right-wing lunatics in Congress. SOme of these studies even validate a few Republican talking points. Are those the only credible ones? This is so sad.
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A "study" isn't bound by scientific data. Low information lefties should know that. It's a freaking editorial based on some selected biased factoids.

This study is done by the Brookings Institute, a highly respected think tank.

Brookings states that its scholars "represent diverse points of view" and describes itself as non-partisan, while the media most frequently describe Brookings as "liberal-centrist" or "centrist." An academic analysis of Congressional records from 1993 to 2002 found that Brookings was referenced by conservative politicians almost as frequently as liberal politicians, earning a score of 53 on a 1-100 scale with 100 representing the most liberal score. The same study found Brookings to be the most frequently cited think tank by the U.S. media and politicians.

You don't like the results because they don't favor your position, but if they did, you'd be saying how accurate the results were. Hypocrites.
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And this is an op-ed piece from a poll, a survey, not a study. What we do know, is you are misleading in your thread title which makes you deceitful troll or you are just plain stupid.

What I find amusing is she's got more in her four sentences than you have in your entire opening op-ed piece. You do know the difference between fact and opinion?

He's a left winger, so he's just plain stupid.

I am not a left-winger. I am an independent. This is endemic of a larger issue with you rabid right-wingers. Anyone who challenges Republican talking points are relegated to "stinking liberals" and "left-wingers"

No way I could be left winger. I love guns and hate taxes. Try educating yourself and stop watching FOX news.

Oh great another "independent" with lots of liberal views that puts them on the left. So as a "independant" you voted for Obama (twice), Kerry, Gore and Clinton(twice).

Lol! You nuts crack me up, liberal independents.

Being an independent, did you neg Old School for his Megan Kelly comment? Did you consider his comment an adult type comment?

You also slant left on the lie and deceit on the thread.

BTW, the left hates taxes on themselves, they like it on others, like the rich.

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A "study" isn't bound by scientific data. Low information lefties should know that. It's a freaking editorial based on some selected biased factoids.

This study is done by the Brookings Institute, a highly respected think tank.

Brookings states that its scholars "represent diverse points of view" and describes itself as non-partisan, while the media most frequently describe Brookings as "liberal-centrist" or "centrist." An academic analysis of Congressional records from 1993 to 2002 found that Brookings was referenced by conservative politicians almost as frequently as liberal politicians, earning a score of 53 on a 1-100 scale with 100 representing the most liberal score. The same study found Brookings to be the most frequently cited think tank by the U.S. media and politicians.

You don't like the results because they don't favor your position, but if they did, you'd be saying how accurate the results were. Hypocrites.

It is a survey, not a study, it doesn't conclude that Republican FOXNews are the most uninformed, that is what the op-ed guy is concluding based on his bias. Did you read the article? It came to conclusions of Democrats and Republicans on their news choices, and on immigration.

How you guys come up with the rest is total bias. So take your BS about hypocrisy and stuff it. I tire of the willful ignorance of some on the left.

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A "study" isn't bound by scientific data. Low information lefties should know that. It's a freaking editorial based on some selected biased factoids.

This study is done by the Brookings Institute, a highly respected think tank.

Brookings states that its scholars "represent diverse points of view" and describes itself as non-partisan, while the media most frequently describe Brookings as "liberal-centrist" or "centrist." An academic analysis of Congressional records from 1993 to 2002 found that Brookings was referenced by conservative politicians almost as frequently as liberal politicians, earning a score of 53 on a 1-100 scale with 100 representing the most liberal score. The same study found Brookings to be the most frequently cited think tank by the U.S. media and politicians.

You don't like the results because they don't favor your position, but if they did, you'd be saying how accurate the results were. Hypocrites.

It is a survey, not a study, it doesn't conclude that Republican FOXNews are the most uninformed, that is what the op-ed guy is concluding based on his bias. Did you read the article? It came to conclusions of Democrats and Republicans on their news choices, and on immigration.

How you guys come up with the rest is total bias. So take your BS about hypocrisy and stuff it. I tire of the willful ignorance of some on the left.

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I read the article but I also read the entire study itself. I posted a link to it.

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