Students Will Stay After School 20 Minutes Each Day to Make Up For Teacher Sick-Outs

You realy need to stop with the "parents teaching the kids that school is punishment crap"
Your useing parents as the scapegoat for your own shortcomings. After all you cant blame the students that would reflect badly on the teachers. And you sure as hell wont take the couldnt demand more money if you did.
I have never in all my 45 years have heard a parent tell a child that school was punishment!
So just shut up about sound ridiculous.:cuckoo:

My own shortcomings? I'm teaching MY kid to respect school and education. School is not a drag to her, nor is it punishment.

But, tell find it acceptable for those parents to impart on their children that school is a chore and that teachers are lazy adversaries? Do you find that 'helpful' in kids getting a good education?

Actually, your post showed us how you are teaching your daughter to admire employees for walking off the job when they are not happy with something. Youre teaching your daughter that there are times where it is rtight to lie to your emplyer if you feel you are being wronged...and use false documents to support your lie.

That may be appropriate to you...but it is not to me and I would never tell my children to admire such actions.

I teach my children that elections have consequences...and that not all people think as they do. And what may seem wrong to you seems right to others....and if you want to be heard, do it in an ethical proper way.

My son wanted to drop his poli sci course becuase he did not like his "liberal" professor. I tralked him into keeping the course and learning how the other side thinks.

I told him something I have said on this board many can not respect your adversary if you do not understand why they think as they do. You see...I dont agree with Reid and Pelosi and Obama...but I wll never call them idiots...or retards....or morons...or socialists.....I understand why they think as they do. I dont agree with them...but I understand their logic...

Can you say the same about those that you disagree with?

OK, show me saying that? Thank you in advance.
So, you think a person can have that attitude that school is punishment...but their kids and grandkids will never pick up on that attitude? Really?

I think that a person can have an opinion on a forum such as this without it reflecting on their children.

A prevalent opinion about a group of people or a career or a system....I disagree....unless they are just bloviating here without convictions....that too is possible, I suppose.

It was an opinion about a specific group of teachers, not all teachers in general. If you cannot see the difference then perhaps you shouldn't be teaching school.
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What a joke. Do you think those kids are disliking ONLY the teachers who were not there? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents to distinguish teachers who left and those who stayed? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents that if these extra minutes were due to snow days that it would be any less a PUNISHMENT?

No....they learn at home that school is unpleasant. They learn at home that teachers are at best baby sitters, at worst lazy commies. This comes from the HOME. Do you think the Japanese students who will have to eventually make up missed school will think on it as PUNISHMENT? No, because of the respect for education and their teachers that they learn AT HOME.

You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

What I put in bold. you will werent referring to their were simply referring to their character.

You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

What I put in bold. you will werent referring to their were simply referring to their character.


Yet their actions reflect their character, don't know if the two can be separated.
I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

What I put in bold. you will werent referring to their were simply referring to their character.


Yet their actions reflect their character, don't know if the two can be separated.

Yeah...exactly my point.
If they simply protested on their own time....I would say they did nothing wrong.
When they called in sick..and lied..and used phony notes to avoid a suspensiuon or loss of pay?
They lost all of my respect.
You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

What I put in bold. you will werent referring to their were simply referring to their character.


Ah, I accept your concession then.
This thread might as well end right here because Bodecea will never admit that what those teachers did was wrong.
She will continue to blame parents for students failures.(never teachers failures)
She will only answer the points she can BS her way thru,and ignore the rest.
She will contiue to insist that it doesnt matter what your major in college is you should get paid the same as doctor who spent the same amount of time getting that education.
Forget all about market driven pay.
And it all boils down to one thing..........she's a teacher with cash on her mind.
Thank god for private schools!!!!!
This thread might as well end right here because Bodecea will never admit that what those teachers did was wrong.
She will continue to blame parents for students failures.(never teachers failures)
She will only answer the points she can BS her way thru,and ignore the rest.
She will contiue to insist that it doesnt matter what your major in college is you should get paid the same as doctor who spent the same amount of time getting that education.
Forget all about market driven pay.
And it all boils down to one thing..........she's a teacher with cash on her mind.
Thank god for private schools!!!!!

Amazing how you seem to make stuff up.....private schools that what a private school education gets you? Dear me. More the pity....considering all the money spent.
Why is it that it is well known, even to the layman, that teaching includes extra hours after school hours, but you did not know it when you opted to go into teaching?

When people opt to go into law, they are well aware that there will be late nights on a reglar basis without compensation when they are associates. Young accounting students are well aware that when they go into the real world they will be working 15 hour days from January to April and September through October.

Putting you aside, I believe that most that go into teaching are well aware of the demands of the position. They have exposure with student teaching and most speak with teching professionals well before hand to find out what to expect.

SO, again, I say....teachers accept the positions knowing what to expect. To complain about it and put themselves on a pedestal as something special is inappropriate. They could have always turned down the job.
That young lawyer or accountant that puts in 15 hour days has not just the opportunity to earn a very comfortable income but the opportunity to become very wealthy. A teacher's opportunity to advance is very limited. Of course teachers accept the fact they will never become wealthy teaching, but they do expect to be able to earn enough so they can afford a nice home, send their kids to college, and have a decent retirement. For someone who spends 4 to 6 years training to do one of the most important jobs in our country, I don't think that's too much to expect.

Aaaahhh could maybe work a little harder and become a principal?
You know ....that thing you have to do to advance in your chosen career!!!
And getting rich and being anaccountant is pure BS. In order for that to happen you have to work your ass off and then maybe make controller. Which pays well but you wont get there without working your ass off.
Trust me,my wife did just that......and the hours a teacher works pale in comparision.
Soooooo.....bad example try again.
The point is in a financial field such as accounting or finance you can make a 6 or 7 digit salary or more if you work hard enough, are very capable, and have a lot of luck. There is no chance that a teacher could ever make that kind money without leaving the field of education. A teacher's average salary in the US is $41,000 for elementary and $42,000 for high school The average salary of an accountant in the US is $65,000, 50% higher than the average teacher. For the average teacher to make as much as the average accountant they would have give up teachers and become an assistant principal. For a teacher to qualify for an assistant principal position they would need to get a master's degree costing 10 to 15 thousand dollars. Even then the teacher's chances are not that good. For ever assistant principal there are about 25 or 30 teachers. Teaching is now and always has been financially a dead end job.
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Madison students will have up to 20 minutes added to their school day to make up for missed school last month because their teachers were attending protests at the state capitol.

The district received more than 1,000 sick notes, including some from doctors who were handing them out at the Capitol protests.

The UW Health entities that employ the physicians, are investigating of the reported fraud. reported:

Students in the Madison School District will have up to 20 minutes of additional classroom time each day starting Monday to make up for four days canceled last month because teachers were attending protests.

Because no additional days will be added to the calendar, most teachers will not receive additional compensation for that time, district spokesman Ken Syke said.

Madison schools were closed to students Feb. 16-18 and Feb. 21 because a significant number of teachers called in sick to attend protests against a state proposal to limit public employee collective bargaining. Gov. Scott Walker signed it into law Friday.

The School Board reached an agreement with Madison Teachers Inc. over the weekend that allowed the district to set the makeup calendar. The agreement also ensures teachers with unexcused absences will not be paid for those days and that teachers who submitted fraudulent sick notes will be suspended.

The district has not yet released the number of teachers that missed school to work those days. The district received more than 1,000 sick notes, including some from doctors who were handing them out at the Capitol protests, assistant legal counsel Matt Bell said.

So the students are being held over because their teachers are raging liberal moonbats?
The kids will love that.

LOL! So will the pampered parents..........:lol:
Madison students will have up to 20 minutes added to their school day to make up for missed school last month because their teachers were attending protests at the state capitol.

The district received more than 1,000 sick notes, including some from doctors who were handing them out at the Capitol protests.

The UW Health entities that employ the physicians, are investigating of the reported fraud. reported:

Students in the Madison School District will have up to 20 minutes of additional classroom time each day starting Monday to make up for four days canceled last month because teachers were attending protests.

Because no additional days will be added to the calendar, most teachers will not receive additional compensation for that time, district spokesman Ken Syke said.

Madison schools were closed to students Feb. 16-18 and Feb. 21 because a significant number of teachers called in sick to attend protests against a state proposal to limit public employee collective bargaining. Gov. Scott Walker signed it into law Friday.

The School Board reached an agreement with Madison Teachers Inc. over the weekend that allowed the district to set the makeup calendar. The agreement also ensures teachers with unexcused absences will not be paid for those days and that teachers who submitted fraudulent sick notes will be suspended.

The district has not yet released the number of teachers that missed school to work those days. The district received more than 1,000 sick notes, including some from doctors who were handing them out at the Capitol protests, assistant legal counsel Matt Bell said.

So the students are being held over because their teachers are raging liberal moonbats?
The kids will love that.

LMAO. No body count of kids in the money for the....:eek: teachers...oops schools. Its a win win for the union teachers. Fuck the kids.

And how much you want to bet they get overtime for it too.
This thread might as well end right here because Bodecea will never admit that what those teachers did was wrong.
She will continue to blame parents for students failures.(never teachers failures) And it all boils down to one thing..........she's a teacher with cash on her mind.
Thank god for private schools!!!!!

Hmm, how do you blame a teacher for a student failure? LMAO!!!:lol::lol:
Actually, your post showed us how you are teaching your daughter to admire employees for walking off the job when they are not happy with something.

Hmm, so if your boss stops paying you a wage and benefits, you stay on the job and keep working like a good little suck-ass? LMAO!!!:lol:
A lot has been said in this thread about teachers and whether they make too much or not enough. I believe a teacher should be paid as much as the average lawyer or accountant which is about 50% higher than they currently make, certainly more than a plumber with an average salary of about 20% more than a teacher. In many of our major cities we are paying people more to collect our garbage than educate our kids. This is just plain wrong.

I think teachers should work to raise teachers salaries 25 to 50% above their current level. Most of the problems we see in education would be solved by higher salaries. Why? Because education simply does not pay enough to attract our best people. We need smarter and more capable people in education and we are not going to get them at the current salary levels. Most kids entering college with 3.9 GPA's and 1350 SAT scores don't even consider education. In most universities, majoring in education is looked upon as a last resort.

We complain about our school district administration and how inept they are. We complain our incompetent school boards. Most district administrators started out as teachers. A third of all school board members are ex-teachers. If you get better people going into education, you improve the whole system which is what we need.
Teachers’ hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year. It’s time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do – babysit. We can get that for less than minimum wage.

That’s right. Let’s give them $3 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan– that equals 6 1/2 hours).

Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now how many students do they teach in a day…maybe 30? So that’s $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day.

However, remember they only work 180 days a year. I am not going to pay them for any vacations.

LET’S SEE…That’s $585 X 180= $105,300 per year. (Hold on. My calculator needs new batteries.)

What about those special education teachers and the ones with master’s degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year.

Wait a minute — there’s something wrong here. There sure is.

The average teacher’s salary (nationwide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days = $277.77/per day/30 students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student– a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!)

Actually, your post showed us how you are teaching your daughter to admire employees for walking off the job when they are not happy with something.

Hmm, so if your boss stops paying you a wage and benefits, you stay on the job and keep working like a good little suck-ass? LMAO!!!:lol:

Yes, and he expects people to think that that is the right thing to do and respect him for being a cowardly toady.
Actually, your post showed us how you are teaching your daughter to admire employees for walking off the job when they are not happy with something.

Hmm, so if your boss stops paying you a wage and benefits, you stay on the job and keep working like a good little suck-ass? LMAO!!!:lol:

Yes, and he expects people to think that that is the right thing to do and respect him for being a cowardly toady.

It is so sad that people like you and Shintoa see unethical reactions as the only option.
There are so many other options that are available...

1) File a grievance with your boss
2) Contact the labor board if you feel you have been illegally or unethically wronged
3) Look for another job

But to you guys?

Strong arm your employer or sit back and do nothing.

Start thinking out of the box...I know it is tough for people like you....but try it. It works.
Actually, your post showed us how you are teaching your daughter to admire employees for walking off the job when they are not happy with something.

Hmm, so if your boss stops paying you a wage and benefits, you stay on the job and keep working like a good little suck-ass? LMAO!!!:lol:

Yeah...I guess other options like looking for another employer is rediculous.

You are pathetic with your "balck and white" thinking.
This thread might as well end right here because Bodecea will never admit that what those teachers did was wrong.
She will continue to blame parents for students failures.(never teachers failures) And it all boils down to one thing..........she's a teacher with cash on her mind.
Thank god for private schools!!!!!

Hmm, how do you blame a teacher for a student failure? LMAO!!!:lol::lol:

Funny....people like you blamed mortgage brokers when people who lied on their applications were forced to foreclose.

You blamed credit card companies for those that exprienced financial failure becuase they signed without reading the fine print.

You blmaed wall street for people who lost money in the market as they were trying to have their money make easy money for them.

But you dont see a teacher at all responsible if a student does not perform?

WHy is that?
Typical liberal.......always blaming others.
An entire thread dedicated to demonizing teachers and not the parents who raise unruly kids due to lack of discipline.

LOL!!! You really crack me up. Your name itself is an ironic joke.


Typical liberal.......always blaming others.

she's spent all morning bashing parents. teachers are off the hook for lying,

Look...anudda one.



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