Student debt is a HOAX


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
The high majority of those making bad decisions are PROG, so of course that applies to student debt too

If "they" had a clue they'd know community college is already free or close. My daughter's nursing school runs about $900 a term (4 classes), and that's BEFORE tax credits. If people had a job perhaps they'd know something about tax credits. Sure she has a moderate scholarship for applying herself, that's how shit works. The sky is the limit for her in medicine, good decision.

Then there are the ENTITLED right. They probably don't know what a day's work entails, and surely they're mentally lazy making poor decisions too. Socialism steers everyone to the lowest common denominator. These assholes want to go to Stanford and such, have a good time earning degrees in worthless arts, socialism etc. Might get you a government job, see the connection? So naturally these students are graduated lazy in addition to indoctrinated, and naturally they desire the govt. take care of them because it's the environment they're adjusted for.
If you don't understand by now you never will. Pretty much the only route to the middle class is to take on an outrageous debt load before you have even earned a degree. If it was just the academic degrees that were having trouble paying their loans no one would care. Business and law degrees are now practically worthless unless they come from an Ivy League school.
If you don't understand by now you never will. Pretty much the only route to the middle class is to take on an outrageous debt load before you have even earned a degree. If it was just the academic degrees that were having trouble paying their loans no one would care. Business and law degrees are now practically worthless unless they come from an Ivy League school.
My son went into the Air Force and is going to work F-15s like his dad did, with his skills and the education the Air Force will provide, he wont be a College Grad Barista at Starbucks which was the new norm under that brown turd Obammy...He will have no debt, and has a stock portfolio at 18 that is better than most college educated morons...
so of course that applies to student debt too
Actually, that applies to conservatives as well

If "they" had a clue they'd know community college is already free or close.
Free is unencumbered- those instructors don't instruct for free- take it to the bank- close counts with horse shoes and hand grenades-

So naturally these students are graduated lazy in addition to indoctrinated, and naturally they desire the govt. take care of them because it's the environment they're adjusted for.
Can you tell us the education experience the current or past alphabet agencies heads of depts?
We can start with the Department of Education- since the head is in control of "national education", and a "conservative" (and the liberal teaching unions despise her) she might consider mandating a dictionary as a requirement for graduation- or mandating that words mean things- of course she'd have to give up her cushy gov't job as an alpabet agency head because it ain't in the constitution as a gov't power or authority-
If you don't understand by now you never will. Pretty much the only route to the middle class is to take on an outrageous debt load before you have even earned a degree.
I can offer anecdotal evidence to the contrary- wanna play tit for tat?
There are certainly trades that end up being fairly lucrative but not everyone is inclined to that sort of occupation. I do pretty good now as a homebuilder but it took 25 years of pounding nails to learn how to do it. It's also important to note that benefits in the trades are crappy if they are offered at all.
The high majority of those making bad decisions are PROG, so of course that applies to student debt too

If "they" had a clue they'd know community college is already free or close. My daughter's nursing school runs about $900 a term (4 classes), and that's BEFORE tax credits. If people had a job perhaps they'd know something about tax credits. Sure she has a moderate scholarship for applying herself, that's how shit works. The sky is the limit for her in medicine, good decision.

Then there are the ENTITLED right. They probably don't know what a day's work entails, and surely they're mentally lazy making poor decisions too. Socialism steers everyone to the lowest common denominator. These assholes want to go to Stanford and such, have a good time earning degrees in worthless arts, socialism etc. Might get you a government job, see the connection? So naturally these students are graduated lazy in addition to indoctrinated, and naturally they desire the govt. take care of them because it's the environment they're adjusted for.
The high majority of those making bad decisions are PROG, so of course that applies to student debt too

If "they" had a clue they'd know community college is already free or close. My daughter's nursing school runs about $900 a term (4 classes), and that's BEFORE tax credits. If people had a job perhaps they'd know something about tax credits. Sure she has a moderate scholarship for applying herself, that's how shit works. The sky is the limit for her in medicine, good decision.

Then there are the ENTITLED right. They probably don't know what a day's work entails, and surely they're mentally lazy making poor decisions too. Socialism steers everyone to the lowest common denominator. These assholes want to go to Stanford and such, have a good time earning degrees in worthless arts, socialism etc. Might get you a government job, see the connection? So naturally these students are graduated lazy in addition to indoctrinated, and naturally they desire the govt. take care of them because it's the environment they're adjusted for.

Ok. That sounds like you have not been educated about the subject matter.

Additionally, there are other things at play. You go to college and get a degree and then your job is off shored. In fact, they will bring in people from India and have you train them. The Democratic Party loves to play that bullshit. Bill Gates requests more H1B visas yearly. Hillary adored it herself.
There are certainly trades
I ain't talking about Trades- or myself- I'm talking about my youngest son, who is an independent outside sales person straight commission- he is definitely middle class income- well in excess of 100k year (down here that is good money)- he went to 1 semester of college- he supports a wife and a kid and one on the way any day now(paid for in advance unless there is an unexpected emergency or problem), is buying his home, has 1 new vehicle and a dream truck, 2013 f-250 4wd power stroke (his 5th truck since he started buying his own), a travel trailer and does what he wants when he wants-
You go to college and get a degree and then your job is off shored.
NWO- who first related to it? Hint - Republican, George W Bush- yeah, the no new taxes mans- who, in my time, opened trade relations with China? Answer: Republican, Richard M Nixon- who implemented Wage and Price controls in my time? Answer: Republican, Richard M Nixon- who said "I guess we're all Keynesean now." Answer: Republican,Richard M Nixon-

Playin my side's a saint is a no win proposition-
If you don't understand by now you never will. Pretty much the only route to the middle class is to take on an outrageous debt load before you have even earned a degree. If it was just the academic degrees that were having trouble paying their loans no one would care. Business and law degrees are now practically worthless unless they come from an Ivy League school.
My son went into the Air Force and is going to work F-15s like his dad did, with his skills and the education the Air Force will provide, he wont be a College Grad Barista at Starbucks which was the new norm under that brown turd Obammy...He will have no debt, and has a stock portfolio at 18 that is better than most college educated morons...

Thank you both for your service.
There are certainly trades
I ain't talking about Trades- or myself- I'm talking about my youngest son, who is an independent outside sales person straight commission- he is definitely middle class income- well in excess of 100k year (down here that is good money)- he went to 1 semester of college- he supports a wife and a kid and one on the way any day now(paid for in advance unless there is an unexpected emergency or problem), is buying his home, has 1 new vehicle and a dream truck, 2013 f-250 4wd power stroke (his 5th truck since he started buying his own), a travel trailer and does what he wants when he wants-
Not everyone is cut out to sell shit either. It's a skill like anything else that potentially makes good money. If I had to actually sell the houses I build I'd go broke. We have attractive, personable people for that. I'm a grizzled old biker looking guy that has spent the last 40 summers working in the Florida sun.
The high majority of those making bad decisions are PROG, so of course that applies to student debt too

If "they" had a clue they'd know community college is already free or close. My daughter's nursing school runs about $900 a term (4 classes), and that's BEFORE tax credits. If people had a job perhaps they'd know something about tax credits. Sure she has a moderate scholarship for applying herself, that's how shit works. The sky is the limit for her in medicine, good decision.

Then there are the ENTITLED right. They probably don't know what a day's work entails, and surely they're mentally lazy making poor decisions too. Socialism steers everyone to the lowest common denominator. These assholes want to go to Stanford and such, have a good time earning degrees in worthless arts, socialism etc. Might get you a government job, see the connection? So naturally these students are graduated lazy in addition to indoctrinated, and naturally they desire the govt. take care of them because it's the environment they're adjusted for.
The high majority of those making bad decisions are PROG, so of course that applies to student debt too

If "they" had a clue they'd know community college is already free or close. My daughter's nursing school runs about $900 a term (4 classes), and that's BEFORE tax credits. If people had a job perhaps they'd know something about tax credits. Sure she has a moderate scholarship for applying herself, that's how shit works. The sky is the limit for her in medicine, good decision.

Then there are the ENTITLED right. They probably don't know what a day's work entails, and surely they're mentally lazy making poor decisions too. Socialism steers everyone to the lowest common denominator. These assholes want to go to Stanford and such, have a good time earning degrees in worthless arts, socialism etc. Might get you a government job, see the connection? So naturally these students are graduated lazy in addition to indoctrinated, and naturally they desire the govt. take care of them because it's the environment they're adjusted for.

Ok. That sounds like you have not been educated about the subject matter.

Additionally, there are other things at play. You go to college and get a degree and then your job is off shored. In fact, they will bring in people from India and have you train them. The Democratic Party loves to play that bullshit. Bill Gates requests more H1B visas yearly. Hillary adored it herself.

I was in information systems for some time, for Govt. For the most part the Indian's who were mostly on contract were only people worth a shit. Not only competent but unentitled & good natured. My colleagues generally had college degrees, and all but one with a Masters was completely worthless. In her case she was wise too and a nice person. For the most part those with college degrees had to be told by others how to do their job, constantly, no exaggeration. Half the people earning $ didn't even know what was going on, yet they're suppose to fix and improve, amazing.
If you don't understand by now you never will. Pretty much the only route to the middle class is to take on an outrageous debt load before you have even earned a degree.
I can offer anecdotal evidence to the contrary- wanna play tit for tat?
There are certainly trades that end up being fairly lucrative but not everyone is inclined to that sort of occupation. I do pretty good now as a homebuilder but it took 25 years of pounding nails to learn how to do it. It's also important to note that benefits in the trades are crappy if they are offered at all.
No, the prog slaves of today have had no responsibility in the upbringing of their children passing them off to the indoctrination centers where the kids arent taught Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, they are taught how to put a condom on a cucumber, it is okay to be queer, if you are white you are a monster, then they get to go to college where they can learn how to riot by burning, looting and murder.

Mathematics association declares math is racist | The Post Millennial
The statement called out several specific recent actions taken by the federal government, including President Trump’s executive order banning government trainings on “critical race theory” and “white privilege.”
When you are born and taught that you are fucked no matter what you do, then you grow up a victim of progressivism, and can never make something out of yourself....which is why i call you progs, slave...
Department of Education- since the head is in control of "national education", and a "conservative" (and the liberal teaching unions despise her)
The Gov Department of Education needs to go away and put it in the hands of the States.
Screw it if Mississippi is less educated than Minnesota.
Who cares if Alabama has lower standards than Oregon.
Yes, teachers unions despise DeVos because she is trying to take tax payer money away from communities by saying they can use that money at Private Schools, which is complete bullshit. Or Charter Schools, which are fraud, over 50% of the time. School choice is already available, it is called buying a home. You don't like the school, then don't buy a house in that district. Or Rent, if you rent, then move. That is the school choice.
Department of Education- since the head is in control of "national education", and a "conservative" (and the liberal teaching unions despise her)
The Gov Department of Education needs to go away and put it in the hands of the States.
Screw it if Mississippi is less educated than Minnesota.
Who cares if Alabama has lower standards than Oregon.
Yes, teachers unions despise DeVos because she is trying to take tax payer money away from communities by saying they can use that money at Private Schools, which is complete bullshit. Or Charter Schools, which are fraud, over 50% of the time. School choice is already available, it is called buying a home. You don't like the school, then don't buy a house in that district. Or Rent, if you rent, then move. That is the school choice.
That's all well and good- but doesn't address the UNconstituional aspect of ALL alphabet agencies- I chose it because of the OT- period. Typically, conservatives like to tout "the constitution"- BOTH sides subscribe to the UNconstitutonal, as in BOTH sides- BOTH sides use "tax payer money" so they can claim their tweaking helped- No. It Doesn't. It adds to.

And she, as the conservative, should address that-
My son went into the Air Force and is going to work F-15s like his dad did, with his skills and the education the Air Force will provide, he wont be a College Grad Barista at Starbucks which was the new norm under that brown turd Obammy...He will have no debt, and has a stock portfolio at 18 that is better than most college educated morons...
My SIL went to the Air Force, very proud of him. He flies and has zero college debt.
My daughter went to Trade School, $13,000 and 18 months of living away from home. Currently no debt.
I teach public school, and 100% support trade schools, a thing called 'running start', internships/apprenticeships, joining the military, starting your own business or working for the family, or going to College.

But I agree, choose your college degree carefully or you will end up in huge debt and a shitty job trying to pay off that debt.

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