Student Arrested For Not Deleting Video From Phone

Some of the principles stated in this article are relevant here.

Bert P. Krages - Attorney at Law



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"When a fight erupted in the courtyard of Palm View K-8 School in September, one 12-year-old student took out her cellphone and recorded video of the melee. School administrators ended the fight. Then, they quickly shifted their attention to the girl, demanding she delete the video and give up her phone.

The student refused, setting off a chain of events that ended with a deputy twice forcing the seventh-grader to the ground and arresting her. School staff repeatedly said they wanted the video deleted from the girl’s phone, alleging the student committed a crime by recording school employees as they broke up the fight — a statement refuted by experts and the county sheriff.

Assistant principal, Michelle Clark, after they repeatedly stood in front of her and demanded her phone. And it was in that room where the deputy twice forced the student to the ground, charging her with battery on a law enforcement officer, battery on a school employee and resisting arrest."

Now, some may say the student had it coming and she should have been slammed to the ground and arrested for recording a video that the staff wanted her to delete....but.....she broke no law by doing this....before you condemn this little girl, else will students be able to expose teachers for teaching CRT if they aren't allowed to record...and if we aren't willing to condemn the way this student was treated for her recording -- what if this is how they treat other students who record CRT being taught??
Teaching the truth and facts isn't something that needs to be exposed. Preventing the truth and facts should be.

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