New Hampshire governor wants to ban cell phones from schools

My brother did not hit students unless it would be self-defense.

Yippee. Yee ha. Woo hoo. Are you attempting to make some sort of POINT with your deflection?

I agree with your sister. You should fully explain yourself.

My sister? Seriously...are you on some sort of drugs?

You lied, deflected, and managed to ignore the answer that you asked for. Seriously, are you on crack?
Yippee. Yee ha. Woo hoo. Are you attempting to make some sort of POINT with your deflection?

My sister? Seriously...are you on some sort of drugs?

You lied, deflected, and managed to ignore the answer that you asked for. Seriously, are you on crack?

So the Nun kicked her ass, OK.
So the Nun kicked her ass, OK.
Do you have some sort of serious cognitive problem?

I guess I need to explain this like I were dealing with a mentally-challenged child.

Crazy nun hated left-handed people. My wife was and is left-handed. Crazy nun hit people who wrote left-handed. Because she was crazy and sadistic, she used a broken piece of a draftsman's square honed to a razor edge. The first time, it took my wife completely by surprise, which is why she did not react before the shank cut her. Immediately after wrapping her hand with anything she could to stop the bleeding, she decided there would not be a second time. Because the nun was used to dealing with terrified, cowed victims, she was totally unprepared for ANYONE to fight back and wound up in the hospital with a broken jaw.

If that's still too complicated for your limited intellect, tough. I cannot simplify it any more.
Do you have some sort of serious cognitive problem?

I guess I need to explain this like I were dealing with a mentally-challenged child.

Crazy nun hated left-handed people. My wife was and is left-handed. Crazy nun hit people who wrote left-handed. Because she was crazy and sadistic, she used a broken piece of a draftsman's square honed to a razor edge. The first time, it took my wife completely by surprise, which is why she did not react before the shank cut her. Immediately after wrapping her hand with anything she could to stop the bleeding, she decided there would not be a second time. Because the nun was used to dealing with terrified, cowed victims, she was totally unprepared for ANYONE to fight back and wound up in the hospital with a broken jaw.

If that's still too complicated for your limited intellect, tough. I cannot simplify it any more.

Thank you for FINALLY explaining in full as you should have done the first time.

You are on IGNORE for the rest of this thread.
Cell phones should be banned fron the democrat controlled schools. If cell phones are allowed the next thing you know kids will be recording teachers misconduct, we can't have that
They usually record the teacher getting their ass beat by a fellow student while the other students yell “dayum!!!”.
Go find any experienced teacher who thinks cell phones in school are anything but a disaster. Ask them to post here.
Why should the whole school "lose their recess" due to the students with brain trains that can only travel so far a distance?

God bless you and the responsible kids always!!!

Cell phones in schools also greatly increases violence in and around schools.
Alex Jones is a bum who peddles in lies. How much does he have to cough up for calling the victims crisis actors? LOL. What a disgrace.
Jones was denied his 7A right to a jury trial. The decision must be overturned but it probably won't be. Not one honest judge in america.
Cell phones in schools also greatly increases violence in and around schools.
And because cellular phones can also be used as cameras, they also help to make sure that perpetrators do not get away with whatever it is that they are guilty of.

God bless you always!!!


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