Straight up propaganda from MSM

the title says critics when the story clearly says protestors that intended to disrupt the event. Trying to imply the event censored critics not prevent protestors from disrupting things. Does the press ever tell the truth?
The Mainstream Media and their leftist shills have become irrelevant. Their storytelling pretzel logic has become boring and predictable.
Same critics.......

Event 1 -

Naked adults parading where children are present...


Event 2 - A man speaking about moral values.....


CRITICS - istockphoto-142279067-612x612.jpg

Polls show over 70% of democrats TRUST the MSM. Democrats believe what the TV tells them.
Polls show over 70% of democrats TRUST the MSM. Democrats believe what the TV tells them.
One edit to that: Democrats like to believe what the TV tells them.
Which I will also say - anyone habitually watching Fox News is doing the same thing.
Which is exactly why otherwise perfectly reasonable people believe the opposite on the same topic/event. It only depends on which news brand they watch.
Just for the record, explain to me how all the right wing news stations aren't a part of the MSM.
all? how many are there and how mainstream are they? One Major cable company that is NOT actually conservative and a few off the mainstream programs don't equate to the big Liberal news stations and newspapers.

the title says critics when the story clearly says protestors that intended to disrupt the event. Trying to imply the event censored critics not prevent protestors from disrupting things. Does the press ever tell the truth?
No, not really. The best they can be given credit for is either stretching the truth like Gumby or reporting only the facts from one side while totally ignoring the facts from the other side. Other than that, it's just all lies.

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