Stop worrying about Critical Race theory ( skin pimp 101 ) is doomed already


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Latinos will be the majority everything in this country by 2040 or sooner. Right now they out-birthing the blacks almost five to one. The numbers on this are in folks....

When they begin to represent the majority of votes in local, state and federal offices....which they will.....CRT will be relegated to the toilet paper heap cuz Latino's are not going to pay reparations to blacks for

Latinos will be the majority everything in this country by 2040 or sooner. Right now they out-birthing the blacks almost five to one. The numbers on this are in folks....

When they begin to represent the majority of votes in local, state and federal offices....which they will.....CRT will be relegated to the toilet paper heap cuz Latino's are not going to pay reparations to blacks for

CRT applies to hispanics too.
It's a shame most of us won't be around to see it. Watching people like IM2, Paul and Mariam trying to pull their copywritten black victim game on Latinos who have no guilt to pull on would be a real laugh.

There is no black victim game and what you delusionsl motherfuckers don't get is that Latinos have the same grievances as we do.

The Bath Riots: Indignity Along the Mexican Border​

For decades, U.S. health authorities used noxious, often toxic chemicals to delouse Mexicans seeking to cross the border into the United States. A new book tells the story of what happened when a 17-year-old Mexican maid refused to take a gasoline bath and convinced 30 other trolley passengers in 1917 to do the same.


The maid, Carmelita Torres, crossed every day from Juarez to El Paso to clean American homes. The gasoline bath was noxious, but effective at killing lice, which carry typhus, says David Dorado Romo, an El Paso, Texas, author whose new book is called Ringside Seat to a Revolution. Before being allowed to cross, Mexicans had to bathe, strip nude for an inspection, undergo the lice treatment, and have their clothes treated in a steam dryer.

When Torres and the others resisted the humiliating procedure, onlookers began protesting, sparking what became known as the Bath Riots.

The Mexican housekeepers who revolted had good cause to be upset. Inside a brick disinfectant building under the bridge, health personnel had been secretly photographing women in the nude and posting the snapshots in a local cantina. A year earlier, a group of prisoners in the El Paso jail died in a fire while being deloused with gasoline.

U.S. and Mexican troops eventually quelled the riot, and young Torres was arrested. Though she's been compared to Rosa Parks, Torres' protest had little effect, Romo says.

The baths and fumigations (DDT and other insecticides were later used) continued for decades, long after the Mexican typhus scare ended. The practice was finally discontinued as health authorities realized the chemicals were dangerous.

I don't think you saltines quite understand the position you are truly in.
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JUNE 23, 2007

Zyklon B on the US Border​


Zyklon B came to El Paso in the 1920s. In 1929, for example, a U.S. Public Health Service officer, J.R. Hurley, ordered $25 worth of the material–hydrocyanic acid in pellet form–as a fumigating agent for use at the El Paso delousing station, where Mexicans crossed the border from Juárez. Zyklon, developed by DEGESCH (the German Vermin-combating Corporation) was made in varying strengths, with Zyklon C, D and E representing gradations in potency and price. As Raul Hilberg describes it in The Destruction of the European Jews, ” strength E was required for the eradication of specially resistant vermin, such as cockroaches, or for gassings in wooden barracks. The ‘normal’ preparation, D, was used to exterminate lice, mice, or rats in large, well-built structures containing furniture. Human organisms in gas chambers were killed with Zyklon B.” In 1929, DEGESCH divided the world market with an American corporation, Cyanamid, so Hurley presumably got his Zyklon B from the latter.

The Manual had its list of excludables from the U.S. of A., , a ripe representation of the obsessions of the eugenicists: “imbeciles, idiots, feeble-minded person, persons of constitutional psychopathic inferiority (homosexuals), vagrants, physical defectives, chronic alcoholics, polygamists, anarchists, persons afflicted with loathsome or dangerous contagious diseases, prostitutes, contracts laborers, all aliens over 16 who cannot read.” In that same year U.S. Public Health Service Agents “bathed and deloused” 127,123 Mexicans at the Santa Fe International Bridge between Juárez and El Paso.

The mayor of El Paso at the time, Tom Lea Sr., represented, in Romo’s words, “the new type of Anglo politician in the ‘Progressive Era’. Progressive didn’t necessarily mean liberal back then. In Lea’s case, ‘progress’ meant he would clean up the city.” As part of his cleansing operations, Lea made his city the first in the U.S. to ban hemp, aka marijuana, as an alien Mexican substance. He had a visceral fear of contamination and, so his son later disclosed, wore silk underwear because his friend, Dr. Kluttz, had told him typhus lice didn’t stick to silk. His loins thus protected, Lea battered the U.S. government with demands for a full quarantine camp on the border where all immigrants could be held for up to 14 days. Local health officer B.J. Lloyd thought this outlandish, telling the U.S. surgeon general that typhus fever “is not now, and probably never will be, a serious menace to our civilian population.”

Lloyd was right about this. Lea forced health inspectors to descend on Chihuahuita, the Mexican quarter of El Paso, forcing inhabitants suspected of harboring lice to take kerosene and vinegar baths, have their heads shaved and clothes incinerated. Inspection of 5,000 rooms did not stigmatize Chihuahuita as a plague zone. The inspectors found two cases of typhus, one of rheumatism, one of TB, and one of chicken pox. Ironically, Kluttz, presumably wearing silk underwear, contracted typhus while supervising these operations and died.

But Lloyd did recommend delousing plants, saying he was willing to “bathe and disinfect all the dirty, lousy people coming into this country from Mexico.”

I don't really think you white racists understand what's about to happen to you.
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Excerpts: 'Ringside Seat to a Revolution'​

"Documents show that beginning in the 1920s, U.S. officials at the Santa Fe Bridge deloused and sprayed the clothes of Mexicans crossing into the U.S. with Zyklon B. The fumigation was carried out in an area of the building that American officials called, ominously enough, "the gas chambers." I discovered an article written in a German scientific journal written in 1938, which specifically praised the El Paso method of fumigating Mexican immigrants with Zyklon B. At the start of WWII, the Nazis adopted Zyklon B as a fumigation agent at German border crossings and concentration camps. Later, when the Final Solution was put into effect, the Germans found more sinister uses for this extremely lethal pesticide. They used Zyklon B pellets in their own gas chambers not just to kill lice but to exterminate millions of human beings."

Whites used the same chemical on Latinos that Hitler used to exterminate Jews. Latinos know this history. Apparently you racists seem to think they don't.

1942: Bracero Program

An executive order called the Mexican Farm Labor Program established the Bracero Program in 1942. This series of diplomatic accords between Mexico and the United States permitted millions of Mexican men to work legally in the United States on short-term labor contracts. These agreements addressed a national agricultural labor shortage during WWII and implicitly, they redressed previous depression era deportations and repatriations that unjustly targeted Mexican Americans who were U.S. citizens. Upon its termination in 1964, the Bracero Program had brought more than four million Braceros (arms) to work in U.S. agriculture and on railroads.

During World War II, the U.S. sought labor from millions of Braceros, who would return to their country of origin after their work permit expired. El Paso, Texas, the U.S. point of entry from Ciudad Juarez, served as a recruitment center for the program, which the U.S. Agricultural Department and independent farmer associations administered with the Farm Bureau managing English-language contracts. The United States and Mexico agreed on a set of protocols that would protect Braceros from discrimination and poor wages. Nonetheless, discrimination continued and Braceros experienced sub charges for room and board, deducted pay, and exposure to deadly chemicals.

The Bracero Program concluded on December 31, 1964.

You racists just don't get it.
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Operation Wetback

In the United States, Operation Wetback was enacted in the 1950s by immigration and Naturalization service. The effects of World War 2 caused a massive exodus of Mexican migrants into the U.S through the Rio Grande, into the Southwest part of the United States, to work as farm hands.

It was characterized by massive exploitation, and abuse of Mexican farm workers, by southwest farmers, law enforcement and Immigration agents. Due to the massive abuse, the Mexican government, in response, in conjunction with the United States enacted a treaty to protect migrant Mexican bracero worker rights

This agreement did not stop the abuse, despite the Mexican government demand that the united States cease to use all Mexican workers. The United States immigration service with pressure from southwest farmers retaliated by enacting operation wetback, unlawful ceasing, detaining, and deporting any person who looked Mexican.

You racists fail to realize the truth you are about to face.
And then you had trumps southern border policy.

Lol! You racists are some delusional motherfuckers.

Excerpts: 'Ringside Seat to a Revolution'​

"Documents show that beginning in the 1920s, U.S. officials at the Santa Fe Bridge deloused and sprayed the clothes of Mexicans crossing into the U.S. with Zyklon B. The fumigation was carried out in an area of the building that American officials called, ominously enough, "the gas chambers." I discovered an article written in a German scientific journal written in 1938, which specifically praised the El Paso method of fumigating Mexican immigrants with Zyklon B. At the start of WWII, the Nazis adopted Zyklon B as a fumigation agent at German border crossings and concentration camps. Later, when the Final Solution was put into effect, the Germans found more sinister uses for this extremely lethal pesticide. They used Zyklon B pellets in their own gas chambers not just to kill lice but to exterminate millions of human beings."

Whites used the same chemical on Latinos that Hitler used to exterminate Jews. Latinos know this history. Apparently you racists seem to think they don't.
African Americans can not stand Jewish people. They believe them as part of the agendas to keep them impoverished. You already know that.
Latinos will be the majority everything in this country by 2040 or sooner. Right now they out-birthing the blacks almost five to one. The numbers on this are in folks....

When they begin to represent the majority of votes in local, state and federal offices....which they will.....CRT will be relegated to the toilet paper heap cuz Latino's are not going to pay reparations to blacks for

They won't be the majority. They are a plurality in a state like Cali. And something like 35-45% of latino women marry white guys, same for E. Asian women. CRT will fail because it is hogwash. Employment and other types of discrimination against white males, largely by governments, is appalling and should be illegal across the board.
They won't be the majority. They are a plurality in a state like Cali. And something like 35-45% of latino women marry white guys, same for E. Asian women. CRT will fail because it is hogwash. Employment and other types of discrimination against white males, largely by governments, is appalling and should be illegal across the board.
I hear ya....and I have heard about the genetic pool leveling theory.....I dunno..... I think the Latino Culture will be the dominant one in the near future....I don't want it to be....but I don't see any way out frankly. The kicker is.....Latino Culture naturally melds with conservatism.....

Latinos will be the majority everything in this country by 2040 or sooner. Right now they out-birthing the blacks almost five to one. The numbers on this are in folks....

When they begin to represent the majority of votes in local, state and federal offices....which they will.....CRT will be relegated to the toilet paper heap cuz Latino's are not going to pay reparations to blacks for


1. Whoa! You have talked about the elephant in the room, something that people prefer to ignore and not discuss in polite society.

2. I will just say this and then stop: Man, oh man, when Caucasians are just a small minority by the next century, a certain group that is constantly badmouthing them nowadays are going to sooooo miss them!
There is no black victim game and what you delusionsl motherfuckers don't get is that Latinos have the same grievances as we do.
No they don't. They are too busy working to get ahead to whine about things. The closest I've heard are Mexicans complaining about how the gringos stole California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from Mexico.
No they don't. They are too busy working to get ahead to whine about things. The closest I've heard are Mexicans complaining about how the gringos stole California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from Mexico.
Keep on telling yourself that lie.
1. Whoa! You have talked about the elephant in the room, something that people prefer to ignore and not discuss in polite society.

2. I will just say this and then stop: Man, oh man, when Caucasians are just a small minority by the next century, a certain group that is constantly badmouthing them nowadays are going to sooooo miss them!
I doubt that.

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