Critical Theory- What is it, How to Spot it & its Destructive Influence on Race Relations & Religion


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Most people have heard of Critical Theory only in the context of DTs attempt to stop the spread of this insidious doctrine in schools (1619 Project) and govt agencies.

So what is it?
Critical Theory is summarized by the belief that, because society is inherently unfair, it creates a system of oppression that the most vulnerable are forced to live under and therefore it is the duty of society to adopt radical solutions to de-legitimize the so-called "oppressors" and empower the "oppressed" in the name of "social justice".
At it's core, it seeks to discredit and demonize Western Civilization, religion and societal structure because whites are the cause of injustice in the world and inherently racist, evil people.
It's end goal is to bring down a capitalist system, to be replaced by a Marxist system that subjugates individual rights & liberties to the "greater good" of society as a whole, where everybody is happy & we all get a magic unicorn that craps gold.

How to spot it?
Critical Theory is not focused solely on race. It has spread its tentacles into most aspects of culture, from early indoctrination of school children, continuing through college, to sports & entertainment, global corporations, media, govt and religions.
Claims of "systemic racism", "social justice", "white privilege", "sexism", "xenophobia" and "hate speech" are catch phrases designed to appeal to the masses to divide people into distinct groups that can then be manipulated into conflict or joined together, whatever furthers the agenda.
Demonization of police, attacks on free speech, cancel culture, censorship of contrary opinions, Burning Looting Murder & amifa are all just tools used by the true believers in this marxist/fascist doctrine.
Even face diaper fascists telling you to put on a mask is just another form in that they believe you are actually oppressing them by failing to subjugate your individual rights to their irrational fears. How dare you.

BLM & other fascist/marxist/racist organizations are powered by adherents indoctrinated into this philosophy of envy, greed and destruction. They have stoked division, mistrust, animosity and violence every place they show up.
They claim to be fighting for justice for the oppressed while burning out and looting many of the minority owned businesses & neighborhoods they claim to champion.
They attack POC who refuse to bow down to their delusional views of the world at large, calling them Uncle Tom or saying they aren't black enough.
Saying something as innocuous as All Lives Matter or stating support for the police is often enough to trigger these fascists into attack mode (if they outnumber you).

Saul Alinskys ideology in Rules For Radicals is an example of this destructive philosophy and he managed to convert some religious scholars to his point of view. These in turn started a Marxist movement cloaked as "social justice" within the Catholic Church which has since spread through much of mainstream liberal Christian Theology.
It is a seditious view against the word of God in that it believes in a utopian version of heaven on Earth instead of the biblical doctrine of the Kingdom of God. It twists the words of scripture out of context and tries to convince faithful believers that, because we don't have perfect equality, Orthodox religion is to blame for not correcting all of societies ills.
Unfortunately, many young believers have been poisoned by this philosophy and have since turned their backs on God completely. They have been blinded by an indoctrination that only allows a view of the world through a prism of "social justice", in which any attempt to reach the equality they believe in (ultimately impossible because of human nature) is doomed to failure and therefore erodes their faith.

While started by German Marxists in Frankfurt in 1923, it migrated to America in the 1930's and made it's base at Columbia University and has since permeated almost every aspect of our society. It reaches every level of govt, from judges to politicians to bureaucrats. It has been infiltrating our culture for decades and fighting it is no small task.
How do you combat a destructive philosophy that is deeply ingrained in so many of the most violent & emotionally fragile malcontents in the country? They are on TV, pretending to be journalists. They are preaching from pulpits. They are issuing rulings and edicts from benches & offices.
My fallback answer for most things is it's not my business but this tearing apart of our national fabric must be stopped before they complete the destruction of our great nation.
Fight them with facts. Lefties run from facts like a Frenchman from a cap gun. It is almost impossible to lose an argument with one because they rarely have them on their side.
An honest debate is the cornerstone of a free society but I have found very few that haven't let their distorted views color their perspective & ability to think things through in a rational manner.

And when engaging them in debate, backed by facts, at least attempt to keep it civil if possible because they often turn violent when you counter their long held dogma. Most suffer from cognitive dissonance and have been brainwashed by a system actively trying to turn them into the unthinking zombie progs from Orwells 1984 dystopian & totalitarian world of Big Brother.
The fact that it is all self-serving BS is proven by its promoters who immediately resort to ad hominem attacks on anyone who questions their "theory."
Critical race theory was not started by German marxists. And what is tearing this society up is the doctrine of white supremacy which was taught to German marxist which allowed them to come to a belief of a master race.
Critical race theory was not started by German marxists. And what is tearing this society up is the doctrine of white supremacy which was taught to German marxist which allowed them to come to a belief of a master race.

Critical Race Theory is a doctrine of white supremacy. It assumes that the white race is dominant over other races because of innate differences between them.
Most people have heard of Critical Theory only in the context of DTs attempt to stop the spread of this insidious doctrine in schools (1619 Project) and govt agencies.

So what is it?
Critical Theory is summarized by the belief that, because society is inherently unfair, it creates a system of oppression that the most vulnerable are forced to live under and therefore it is the duty of society to adopt radical solutions to de-legitimize the so-called "oppressors" and empower the "oppressed" in the name of "social justice".
At it's core, it seeks to discredit and demonize Western Civilization, religion and societal structure because whites are the cause of injustice in the world and inherently racist, evil people.
It's end goal is to bring down a capitalist system, to be replaced by a Marxist system that subjugates individual rights & liberties to the "greater good" of society as a whole, where everybody is happy & we all get a magic unicorn that craps gold.

How to spot it?
Critical Theory is not focused solely on race. It has spread its tentacles into most aspects of culture, from early indoctrination of school children, continuing through college, to sports & entertainment, global corporations, media, govt and religions.
Claims of "systemic racism", "social justice", "white privilege", "sexism", "xenophobia" and "hate speech" are catch phrases designed to appeal to the masses to divide people into distinct groups that can then be manipulated into conflict or joined together, whatever furthers the agenda.
Demonization of police, attacks on free speech, cancel culture, censorship of contrary opinions, Burning Looting Murder & amifa are all just tools used by the true believers in this marxist/fascist doctrine.
Even face diaper fascists telling you to put on a mask is just another form in that they believe you are actually oppressing them by failing to subjugate your individual rights to their irrational fears. How dare you.

BLM & other fascist/marxist/racist organizations are powered by adherents indoctrinated into this philosophy of envy, greed and destruction. They have stoked division, mistrust, animosity and violence every place they show up.
They claim to be fighting for justice for the oppressed while burning out and looting many of the minority owned businesses & neighborhoods they claim to champion.
They attack POC who refuse to bow down to their delusional views of the world at large, calling them Uncle Tom or saying they aren't black enough.
Saying something as innocuous as All Lives Matter or stating support for the police is often enough to trigger these fascists into attack mode (if they outnumber you).

Saul Alinskys ideology in Rules For Radicals is an example of this destructive philosophy and he managed to convert some religious scholars to his point of view. These in turn started a Marxist movement cloaked as "social justice" within the Catholic Church which has since spread through much of mainstream liberal Christian Theology.
It is a seditious view against the word of God in that it believes in a utopian version of heaven on Earth instead of the biblical doctrine of the Kingdom of God. It twists the words of scripture out of context and tries to convince faithful believers that, because we don't have perfect equality, Orthodox religion is to blame for not correcting all of societies ills.
Unfortunately, many young believers have been poisoned by this philosophy and have since turned their backs on God completely. They have been blinded by an indoctrination that only allows a view of the world through a prism of "social justice", in which any attempt to reach the equality they believe in (ultimately impossible because of human nature) is doomed to failure and therefore erodes their faith.

While started by German Marxists in Frankfurt in 1923, it migrated to America in the 1930's and made it's base at Columbia University and has since permeated almost every aspect of our society. It reaches every level of govt, from judges to politicians to bureaucrats. It has been infiltrating our culture for decades and fighting it is no small task.
How do you combat a destructive philosophy that is deeply ingrained in so many of the most violent & emotionally fragile malcontents in the country? They are on TV, pretending to be journalists. They are preaching from pulpits. They are issuing rulings and edicts from benches & offices.
My fallback answer for most things is it's not my business but this tearing apart of our national fabric must be stopped before they complete the destruction of our great nation.
Fight them with facts. Lefties run from facts like a Frenchman from a cap gun. It is almost impossible to lose an argument with one because they rarely have them on their side.
An honest debate is the cornerstone of a free society but I have found very few that haven't let their distorted views color their perspective & ability to think things through in a rational manner.

And when engaging them in debate, backed by facts, at least attempt to keep it civil if possible because they often turn violent when you counter their long held dogma. Most suffer from cognitive dissonance and have been brainwashed by a system actively trying to turn them into the unthinking zombie progs from Orwells 1984 dystopian & totalitarian world of Big Brother.
Yep. Straight out of the Frankfurt school of commie bullshit.

Commies never went away. They just changed their name.
Critical race theory was not started by German marxists. And what is tearing this society up is the doctrine of white supremacy which was taught to German marxist which allowed them to come to a belief of a master race.
You are seriously mistaken and being mislead.

You are being used and a communist tool and you don't appear to be aware of it.
Critical race theory was not started by German marxists. And what is tearing this society up is the doctrine of white supremacy which was taught to German marxist which allowed them to come to a belief of a master race.

Critical Race Theory is a doctrine of white supremacy. It assumes that the white race is dominant over other races because of innate differences between them.
No it isn't. And no it doesn't.

Critical race theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. According to critical race theory, racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain white interests in labor markets and politics.

There is 400 years worth of evidence that supports this view.
Critical race theory was not started by German marxists. And what is tearing this society up is the doctrine of white supremacy which was taught to German marxist which allowed them to come to a belief of a master race.

Critical Race Theory is a doctrine of white supremacy. It assumes that the white race is dominant over other races because of innate differences between them.
No it isn't. And no it doesn't.

Critical race theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. According to critical race theory, racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain white interests in labor markets and politics.

There is 400 years worth of evidence that supports this view.
Literally, nothing you said here is true & we are all dumber for reading your indoctrinated response mechanism.
Go sell it to fellow fools who might be ignorant enough to believe you
Critical race theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. According to critical race theory, racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain white interests in labor markets and politics.

1. Why does it apply only to white people?
2. Is there some innate difference between them and other people?
3. Doesn't it exist in Asia and Africa?
4. Do you think they have superior social structures?
5. If so, why?

Please enumerate your responses. (Or is that a racist request?)
Critical race theory was not started by German marxists. And what is tearing this society up is the doctrine of white supremacy which was taught to German marxist which allowed them to come to a belief of a master race.
You are seriously mistaken and being mislead.

You are being used and a communist tool and you don't appear to be aware of it.
I am not being used by jack squat. I know exactly what I am talking about and furthermore I am 100 percent correct .
Critical race theory was not started by German marxists. And what is tearing this society up is the doctrine of white supremacy which was taught to German marxist which allowed them to come to a belief of a master race.

Critical Race Theory is a doctrine of white supremacy. It assumes that the white race is dominant over other races because of innate differences between them.
No it isn't. And no it doesn't.

Critical race theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. According to critical race theory, racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain white interests in labor markets and politics.

There is 400 years worth of evidence that supports this view.
Literally, nothing you said here is true & we are all dumber for reading your indoctrinated response mechanism.
Go sell it to fellow fools who might be ignorant enough to believe you
Everything I said is true and you know it's true because you practice what is described by the theory.
Critical race theory was not started by German marxists. And what is tearing this society up is the doctrine of white supremacy which was taught to German marxist which allowed them to come to a belief of a master race.

Critical Race Theory is a doctrine of white supremacy. It assumes that the white race is dominant over other races because of innate differences between them.
No it isn't. And no it doesn't.

Critical race theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. According to critical race theory, racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain white interests in labor markets and politics.

There is 400 years worth of evidence that supports this view.
Literally, nothing you said here is true & we are all dumber for reading your indoctrinated response mechanism.
Go sell it to fellow fools who might be ignorant enough to believe you
Everything I said is true and you know it's true because you practice what is described by the theory.
Right... is it because of my controversial thoughts like All Lives Matter or am I a white racist because I support the police?
What practice of mine are you talking about? Pointing out the lunatic delusions in your favorite racist theory proves I'm the actual racist how exactly?
I notice you didn't try to disprove anything I said other than a vague statement that "400 years of evidence that supports this view".
What happens when I refuse your label?
Critical race theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. According to critical race theory, racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain white interests in labor markets and politics.

1. Why does it apply only to white people?
2. Is there some innate difference between them and other people?
3. Doesn't it exist in Asia and Africa?
4. Do you think they have superior social structures?
5. If so, why?

Please enumerate your responses. (Or is that a racist request?)
These are dumb ass deflections since CRT is a theory explaining the American system. There is no mention of innate in this theory and the concept of race itself was first introduced in Europe by whites.
No it isn't. And no it doesn't.

Critical race theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. According to critical race theory, racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain white interests in labor markets and politics.

There is 400 years worth of evidence that supports this view.

If you are waiting for the rest of the world to change, so you can do whatever it is you may want to do ... That's in itself is not very productive.

No it isn't. And no it doesn't.

Critical race theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color. According to critical race theory, racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain white interests in labor markets and politics.

There is 400 years worth of evidence that supports this view.

If you are waiting for the rest of the world to change, so you can do whatever it is you may want to do ... That's in itself is not very productive.

That comment is so fucking stupid... Where in the hell do whites like you get such stupidity?

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