Stop killing Muslims in BURMA WHERE is UNO & Human Rights


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Karachi, Pakistan
Stop killing Muslims in BURMA WHERE is UNO & Human Rights

I want to highlight the continues killing of innocent Burma Muslim community and force to get shelther in other safe place, the question is what reason you killing Muslims of Burma for getting what secret reward or gift from whom.

I have no idea what role Saudi Arabia assembles 34 Muslim country coalition to fight ‘terrorism which do not include key player Iraq Syria and Iran in their coalition. Why not this new coalition help Burma Muslim and save them from cruel people who want to kill them without any reason and media remain silent observer in this particular issue.

I must question form the head of UNO and Human Rights what you doing your efforts to help or save the innocent Burma Muslims or in directly encourage cruel people to do more devil act fearless and give assurance no question or punishment will be later awarded.

Please Muslim world leaders awake and took notice of this innocent killing if you late ( die ) than very high price you have to pay at GOD place for not supporting or raising voice for the safety of Muslim of BURMA that time no regret or influence will be helpful or keep away from God punishment.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )
I find my faith in human nature restored to see religious oppression happening across religions.

You know damn well that makes no sense. Religious oppression has been going on as long as organized religion has.

There's a stream of refugees flowing from Myanmar into Bangladesh as we sit here in our easy chairs.
As Violence Intensifies, Israel Continues to Arm Myanmar
The violence directed at Myanmar’s Rohingya minority by the country’s regime has intensified. United Nations data show that about 60,000 members of the minority group have recently fled Myanmar’s Rahine state, driven out by the increasing violence and the burning of their villages, information that has been confirmed by satellite images. But none of this has led to a change in the policy of the Israeli Defense Ministry, which is refusing to halt weapons sales to the regime in Myanmar, the southeast Asian country formerly known as Burma.

Despite what is known at this point from the report of the United Nations envoy to the country and a report by Harvard University researchers that said the commission of crimes of this kind is continuing, the Israeli government persists in supplying weapons to the regime there.

In a preliminary response issued in March, the Defense Ministry argued that the court has no standing in the matter, which it called “clearly diplomatic.”

On June 5, in answer to a parliamentary question by Knesset member Tamar Zandberg on weapons sales to Myanmar, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel “subordinates [itself] to the entire enlightened world, that is the Western states, and first of all the United States, the largest arms exporter. We subordinate ourselves to them and maintain the same policy.”

He said the Knesset plenum may not be the appropriate forum for a detailed discussion of the matter and reiterated that Israel complies with “all the accepted guidelines in the enlightened world.”

Lieberman statement was incorrect. The United States and the European Union have imposed an arms embargo on Myanmar. It’s unclear whether the cause was ignorance, and Lieberman is not fully informed about Israel’s arms exports (even though he must approve them), or an attempt at whitewashing.

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