stop comparing C19 with Vietnam deaths

No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.

You aren't "one of the last"

There are still WWII and Korea vets around. My grandfather is one of them, he is 100.

You have no idea if you are a 100% fatality from COVID, and wouldn't be from the flu or even a cold if you are that sick.

And you know how many of us are left? Are you aware I was in on the last draft? Yes, there were others with draft numbers but most states stopped calling them up astaring in 1971. MOST Vietnam Vets are well into their 70s. And with the various physical and mental problems we received, we are dying at a much higher rate than the civilian counterpart.

I would like to give your Grandfather a salute. But I look at the time line for WWII. My Father was a WWII Vet. He died at age 82 in 2003. He was drafted in 1942 and served in North Africa, The invasion of Sicily, Italy and the Invasion of Southern France. If he were alive today, he would be right around 100 years old as well. These were the Greatest Americans that EVER lived and will probably ever live. And you bringing him up in your BS post, he should slap you across the head.

You claimed you are "one of the last", you are not.

He would call you out on that.

Depends on what you are using for the numbers. He can call me on it all he wants. But all he is doing is trying to use it to win an argument using those of us that served during that time period. There used to be about a hundred million of us and there are one hell of a lot less of us today. You "The Party of the Rump" have no dignity.

100 million US servicemen/women served in Vietnam?

Take you medication. If you don't have any, go see a Doctor and get some. You really are not making any sense.

You said there were 100 million veterans of Vietnam. is that true or not?

Yes, I said it. It may have been a slight exaggeration but not by much. There were over 610,000 that were actually stationed there. But there were a hell of a lot more that served OVER Vietnam that it doesn't count. People like me. And I was only over Vietnam 3 times. The rest of the time I was serving either in Laos or over Laos which wasn't any less dangerous than serving right on the DMZ line. Then there are the guys from Guam, the F-111s and F-105s from Thailand and more. And let's not forget the Wet Service operating from the Carriers flying all sorts of Down Town Missions. You would think that the Hanoi Hilton had mostly US Servicemen in it that were stationed in Vietnam. You would be wrong. Over half of the people were Nickel Pilots and there were a lot of Navy A-7 and A-6 pilots there as well. There were very few Hanoi Hilton Residence that were actually stationed in South Vietnam. So I stand by my 1 million number.

You said 100 million. I bolded the section for your review.

And I backed it up, creampuff.

you backed up 1 million.

You first said 100 million, and then you said you stand by your 1 million.

You are missing two orders of magnitude between the two.

There were 100 million Vietnam Era Veterans. Almost an entire generation of the Males served. Well, except for your hero, bone spur. I have no idea why you are hammering away at this. It's silly. Your Leader Dodged the Draft at least 3 times using his Daddy's money. And you want to tell us Vietnam Era Vets what we should think? Newsflash: Any Vietnam Era Vet that worships the Rump definitely should turn themselves into the top floor of the nearest VA Hospital.

Vietnam era now. That's different. My dad was in the Navy during Vietnam, but only Atlantic Fleet, he never considered himself a Vietnam vet.

Why are you choosing this hill to die on? Just admit you made a mistake, and I will drop this.

Your Dad paid his dues. You paid nothing and are paying nothing today. You are just taking. Your Dad and many others did pay for you to have the right to take but that doesn't make it moral. I will ask one more time. Do you have no Dignity?

Now you are just dodging, and my right to question you comes from me being an American Citizen, regardless of my service status.

Again, why are you not just admitting you fucked up with the 100 million?

You have no blood in the Vietnam equation. You are just a nothing. And your nothingburger proves it. You need to go back to capturing flies and pulling the wings off for fun. At least you would be more exiting.

Dude, you said 100 million, then backed up 1 million. It isn't about the actual conflict,it's about math and the truth.

Stop trying to dodge and admit you fucked up the first number.

I know you have something better to do like pulling the wings off of house flies. Go upstairs and ask your Mother for more crayons for your coloring books.

Admit you made a mistake. Own up to it.

Why admit to something that is just a figment of your imagination? Get out of that basement more often. Yes, I know, you can't hang out in the comic book store right now but you can go to the forest and enjoy nature.
In many ways what you typed has "guilted" people because of our "just in time" culture. That is, for the moment spews by people with agendas of a flaw by someone that is turned into a major issue when there is nothing. In this case the Viet Nam era is over but it fits your agenda. To many Progs have done the same or worse.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

So the people who died in Vietnam were more or less important that the people dying now?

Are not all lives equal
WRONG's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

So the people who died in Vietnam were more or less important that the people dying now?

Are not all lives equal
Please explain why

That is if you can
No one is comparing COVID-19 deaths to deaths of U.S. servicemen in Vietnam.

They are using the numbers to give some perspective.

Perspective... something that is sorely lacking on this board... as well as many others...

It's meaningless perspective, with political undertones. People equate Vietnam with losing, or fuckups by those in power, or both.

I don't know about you but we militarily won vietnam and had the hearts and the minds of the people. In the last 3 years, the North was completely defeated with only Minor (but deadly) situations. General Abrams made the brag that he could fly anywhere in South Vietnam in a Chopper and not draw one single angry round. Now, what the Politicos did was the failure.

Dodge. how many Vietnams die from flu every year?

No dodge, just not applicable. I am one of the last Vietnam Era Vets alive at age 69 (I turn 70 this year) and we just don't sorry about the flue nearly as much about other things. Like not dying of cancer. I get shots every year for the Flu because a bad case of the Flu CAN be deadly due to severe lung problems. But there are things I do that keeps me from getting a full fledged Flu. With that in mind, if I get infected with Corvid 19 there is almost a 100% chance I am a dead man. I can't speak for others, only myself. You want to know the answer, I doubt there is one available. But, in my case, I will probably die of the Flu one day but not in the near future. But if I am infected with Corvid 19 I will be gone in about a week. I am sure there are a few hundred thousand of others in the same boat of all ages.

You aren't "one of the last"

There are still WWII and Korea vets around. My grandfather is one of them, he is 100.

You have no idea if you are a 100% fatality from COVID, and wouldn't be from the flu or even a cold if you are that sick.

And you know how many of us are left? Are you aware I was in on the last draft? Yes, there were others with draft numbers but most states stopped calling them up astaring in 1971. MOST Vietnam Vets are well into their 70s. And with the various physical and mental problems we received, we are dying at a much higher rate than the civilian counterpart.

I would like to give your Grandfather a salute. But I look at the time line for WWII. My Father was a WWII Vet. He died at age 82 in 2003. He was drafted in 1942 and served in North Africa, The invasion of Sicily, Italy and the Invasion of Southern France. If he were alive today, he would be right around 100 years old as well. These were the Greatest Americans that EVER lived and will probably ever live. And you bringing him up in your BS post, he should slap you across the head.

You claimed you are "one of the last", you are not.

He would call you out on that.

Depends on what you are using for the numbers. He can call me on it all he wants. But all he is doing is trying to use it to win an argument using those of us that served during that time period. There used to be about a hundred million of us and there are one hell of a lot less of us today. You "The Party of the Rump" have no dignity.

100 million US servicemen/women served in Vietnam?

Take you medication. If you don't have any, go see a Doctor and get some. You really are not making any sense.

You said there were 100 million veterans of Vietnam. is that true or not?

Yes, I said it. It may have been a slight exaggeration but not by much. There were over 610,000 that were actually stationed there. But there were a hell of a lot more that served OVER Vietnam that it doesn't count. People like me. And I was only over Vietnam 3 times. The rest of the time I was serving either in Laos or over Laos which wasn't any less dangerous than serving right on the DMZ line. Then there are the guys from Guam, the F-111s and F-105s from Thailand and more. And let's not forget the Wet Service operating from the Carriers flying all sorts of Down Town Missions. You would think that the Hanoi Hilton had mostly US Servicemen in it that were stationed in Vietnam. You would be wrong. Over half of the people were Nickel Pilots and there were a lot of Navy A-7 and A-6 pilots there as well. There were very few Hanoi Hilton Residence that were actually stationed in South Vietnam. So I stand by my 1 million number.

You said 100 million. I bolded the section for your review.

And I backed it up, creampuff.

you backed up 1 million.

You first said 100 million, and then you said you stand by your 1 million.

You are missing two orders of magnitude between the two.

There were 100 million Vietnam Era Veterans. Almost an entire generation of the Males served. Well, except for your hero, bone spur. I have no idea why you are hammering away at this. It's silly. Your Leader Dodged the Draft at least 3 times using his Daddy's money. And you want to tell us Vietnam Era Vets what we should think? Newsflash: Any Vietnam Era Vet that worships the Rump definitely should turn themselves into the top floor of the nearest VA Hospital.

Vietnam era now. That's different. My dad was in the Navy during Vietnam, but only Atlantic Fleet, he never considered himself a Vietnam vet.

Why are you choosing this hill to die on? Just admit you made a mistake, and I will drop this.

Your Dad paid his dues. You paid nothing and are paying nothing today. You are just taking. Your Dad and many others did pay for you to have the right to take but that doesn't make it moral. I will ask one more time. Do you have no Dignity?

Now you are just dodging, and my right to question you comes from me being an American Citizen, regardless of my service status.

Again, why are you not just admitting you fucked up with the 100 million?

You have no blood in the Vietnam equation. You are just a nothing. And your nothingburger proves it. You need to go back to capturing flies and pulling the wings off for fun. At least you would be more exiting.

Dude, you said 100 million, then backed up 1 million. It isn't about the actual conflict,it's about math and the truth.

Stop trying to dodge and admit you fucked up the first number.

I know you have something better to do like pulling the wings off of house flies. Go upstairs and ask your Mother for more crayons for your coloring books.

Admit you made a mistake. Own up to it.

Why admit to something that is just a figment of your imagination? Get out of that basement more often. Yes, I know, you can't hang out in the comic book store right now but you can go to the forest and enjoy nature.

Dude, it's in this chain. It is no figment. you said 100 million, then you pivoted and tried to justify 1 million.
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap
Pretty much. Your OP is CB pretty much a steaming pile of crap so it was easy.

So you’re OK with the virus “culling the herd”. Given that old white men, Trump’s most loyal base”, are the ones who are dying, that’s fewer people who would vote for Trump.

Trump said that only 60,000 people would die by the end of August. Today you will hit 70,000. Nearly a million more people are sick and in danger. We’re looking at 100,000 dead, or more, by the end of May.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
What would the filthy Democrats have done? Remember ,the filthy Democrays were doing a fake Impeachment. While Corona grew. This is 100% Pelosis fault. Hope SHE catches it.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
What would the filthy Democrats have done? Remember ,the filthy Democrays were doing a fake Impeachment. While Corona grew. This is 100% Pelosis fault. Hope SHE catches it.

Well, that is the right wing talking point. It's bullshit, of course, as usual, but you memorized it nicely.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
What would the filthy Democrats have done? Remember ,the filthy Democrays were doing a fake Impeachment. While Corona grew. This is 100% Pelosis fault. Hope SHE catches it.

Well, that is the right wing talking point. It's bullshit, of course, as usual, but you memorized it nicely.
No. It is a Proven Fact. The Fake impeachment was to cover what WILL be brought out by Durham. TICK TOCK!
donny said that 'AIDS was his vietnam'


it's COVID-19.
wow--you really refuted my OP with that crap
Pretty much. Your OP is CB pretty much a steaming pile of crap so it was easy.

So you’re OK with the virus “culling the herd”. Given that old white men, Trump’s most loyal base”, are the ones who are dying, that’s fewer people who would vote for Trump.

Trump said that only 60,000 people would die by the end of August. Today you will hit 70,000. Nearly a million more people are sick and in danger. We’re looking at 100,000 dead, or more, by the end of May.
the OP is air tight, baby!!!!
young and old are OPPOSITES
healthy and not healthy are OPPOSITES's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

So the people who died in Vietnam were more or less important that the people dying now?

Are not all lives equal
Please explain why

That is if you can
I never said lives were not equal
hahahahahahhahahah's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

So the people who died in Vietnam were more or less important that the people dying now?

Are not all lives equal
Please explain why

That is if you can
I never said lives were not equal
Sure you did
Another scary pic of the coronavirus please. Gimme fire engine red.
Esalla is right. Harmonica did say that lives were not equal, and if anyone wants to verify it, just hit the "click to expand" button on post 192.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

So the people who died in Vietnam were more or less important that the people dying now?

Are not all lives equal
Please explain why

That is if you can
I never said lives were not equal
Sure you did
...yours is a PERFECT example of come in with PRECONCEIVED hate/ideas/etc--that's your problem and a lot of others'
no I did not--plain and simple's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

So the people who died in Vietnam were more or less important that the people dying now?

Are not all lives equal
Please explain why

That is if you can
I never said lives were not equal
Sure you did
...yours is a PERFECT example of come in with PRECONCEIVED hate/ideas/etc--that's your problem and a lot of others'
no I did not--plain and simple
57,000 Americans died in Vietnam, 80,000 Americans died in 2018 from the flu.

So there was no reason to shut the USA down because there is a bad cold going round's disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
What would the filthy Democrats have done? Remember ,the filthy Democrays were doing a fake Impeachment. While Corona grew. This is 100% Pelosis fault. Hope SHE catches it.

Well, that is the right wing talking point. It's bullshit, of course, as usual, but you memorized it nicely.
No. It is a Proven Fact. The Fake impeachment was to cover what WILL be brought out by Durham. TICK TOCK!

I suppose that's gonna happen any day now-----right?'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
What would the filthy Democrats have done? Remember ,the filthy Democrays were doing a fake Impeachment. While Corona grew. This is 100% Pelosis fault. Hope SHE catches it.

Well, that is the right wing talking point. It's bullshit, of course, as usual, but you memorized it nicely.
Nope. Home grown. Democrats always lie ,accept graft ,and cheat. That is a Proven Fact.'s disrespectful to our Vets
1. the Vietnam deaths were YOUNG, healthy, in their prime, took physicals, did PTraining, ETC!!!!
NO pre-existing problems
..most of the C19 deaths are elderly with pre-existing problems/obesity/etc

2. only 2.6 million served in the Vietnam War--half of those did not serve in combat roles and/or in a combat zone you have a 300 million population you are comparing to 1 million

3. many thousands MORE Vets lost their legs/arms/both/etc

4. etc --it's just plain STUPID

It's not disrespectful to vets, and it is true. You just don't want to hear anything but praise for that great orange fool that could have reduced those virus deaths if he would have paid attention to the briefings.
What would the filthy Democrats have done? Remember ,the filthy Democrays were doing a fake Impeachment. While Corona grew. This is 100% Pelosis fault. Hope SHE catches it.

Well, that is the right wing talking point. It's bullshit, of course, as usual, but you memorized it nicely.
Nope. Home grown. Democrats always lie ,accept graft ,and cheat. That is a Proven Fact.

You are certainly free to believe all that crap you choose to believe. No reason to think you are any different from the rest of the crazies.
So you’re OK with the virus “culling the herd”. Given that old white men, Trump’s most loyal base”, are the ones who are dying, that’s fewer people who would vote for Trump.
Trump said that only 60,000 people would die by the end of August. Today you will hit 70,000. Nearly a million more people are sick and in danger. We’re looking at 100,000 dead, or more, by the end of May.
The alternative of destroying our economy is not an option. Trump has it right, full speed ahead!

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