Stick a fork in the Dems.


When George W Bush left office, he left behind not one, but TWO horrific wars in the Middle East, a one trillion dollar deficit and an economy in literal collapse.

I'm no fan of Obama, but holy crap guys, praising the guy is straight up crazy.

When Bush left office Iraq wqas a relatively stable democracy and we had a negotiated timetable for withdrawal. Afghanistan was on low simmer.
The economy was not in literal collapse. Quit being a drama queen. Yes, there were problems but those were mostly behind us. Most of the bank bailouts and really scary stuff had happened already.
Obama came and made things much worse on all fronts.

Velocity of money throughout the financial system had completely locked up and only a massive infusion of taxpayer money (partially) greased the skids and kept things going. That was a mess of historic proportions, and we knew it was going to take a helluva long time to deal with it. And regarding the Middle East, we created a nice, big, empty playground for Iran, ISIS and their friends. I suppose we could have refused to leave when told to, we seem to think this is our planet and all, but that would not have stopped the formation of ISIS. Bush kicked over a hornet's nest among other Middle East hornet's nests.

If a Democrat President had left behind what Bush left behind, 4.4 million job losses in his last year, the Republicans would be calling him The Worst President Ever.

Are you really going to deny that?

I certainly wouldn't want to feel like I had to defend that.

This is what it looks like when we have two lousy Presidents in a row. Bush left behind a massive mess, Obama wasn't able to handle it.

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I can't see the GoP winning a Presidential election for some years yet....not until they shake off the Albatross of the Tea Party.

Ideally, I think the party would split into two, and give voters a choice between moderate conservatism and right-wing extremism, but the US system renders that unlikely.

Hence you are left with a GoP that is simply too extreme for most undecideds, and by quite a distance. Not many people vote for negativity, hatred, bitterness and fear, at the end of the day.
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
We did not. He inherited a shitsto from the Republican.
Economy in the dumpster was caused by the democrats pushing housing for people who can't afford it. Democrats crashed the economy.

not to worry, another Clinton will be along soon and jumpstart the economy, then you can bitch about a better economy ..
You said that about Obama, after him there will be no democrat president for a while. Democrat = laziness. Hillary and bengazi. No way.
And you silly asses won't have the votes to override that veto. And by 2016, the nation will be so sick of the party of 'NO' that they will vote in a Dem President, a Dem Congress and Senate. Then some real progress will be made in this nation.

veto would =the party of no

Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.

"Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while"

Oh and they will. They will be forced to shut up and let the adults lead.

In three weeks you'll see so many of these inept libs crying it will be hard to stop laughing.

As for people who say "so what" .....they can sit back and shut up too. Obama's goose is roasted. There will be PLENTY to do to that inept community organizer.
That whole fake "war on women" lying Dems made up is kicking Udall's ass in Colorado.

Karma is a beeetch
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.

LOL, there's drugs to help you with delusions.

When George W Bush left office, he left behind not one, but TWO horrific wars in the Middle East, a one trillion dollar deficit and an economy in literal collapse.

I'm no fan of Obama, but holy crap guys, praising the guy is straight up crazy.

When Bush left office Iraq wqas a relatively stable democracy and we had a negotiated timetable for withdrawal. Afghanistan was on low simmer.
The economy was not in literal collapse. Quit being a drama queen. Yes, there were problems but those were mostly behind us. Most of the bank bailouts and really scary stuff had happened already.
Obama came and made things much worse on all fronts.

It's worse now than losing 700,000 jobs a month at the end of the Bush presidency?

If it weren't you, I'd ask if you were serious.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.

The GOP doesn't gain a Senate seat if they win Kentucky.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.

but the pendulum will swing back...
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?

That's their whole platform..."bush did it, too"

The most juvenile, ridiculous their minds, misconduct in the past justifies their misconduct today...breathtakingly immature and stupid.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
We did not. He inherited a shitsto from the Republican.

...and 6 years later he isn't responsible for....ANYthing..LMAO...silly partisans
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.

Imagine that, the opposition party making gains in the mid terms during a President's second term. That's never happened before so who could have seen this coming?
Wait, I thought the GOP was the party of old racist white men who were fading away and dying off.
Get your fantasies straight there, Hubert.

You're the one who relies on stereotypical characterizations to explain everything.....not me.
Tell me about it, you pathetic loser. You and your pals are constantly engaging in stereotypes of white knuckle dragging racist Republicans.
I'm just calling you on it.

That probably wouldn't happen if you weren't such a racist dick head all the time.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
We did not. He inherited a shitsto from the Republican.


6 fucking years ago

If he wasn't up to fixing the problems, why run in the first place?
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Economy in the dumpster was caused by the democrats pushing housing for people who can't afford it. Democrats crashed the economy.

You should just put an "I'M A CREDULOUS IDIOT" sticker on your TV remote to remind yourself whenever you tune in to Fox News.
Do we have to show you Youtube proof of democrat after democrat demanding housing be made more affordable for the poor?

Then again, why bother because you'll still push the bullshit notion that President Bush crashed the economy and democrats had nothing to do with it.
this is why i never did drugs. they make you this stupid
. Search Democrats and Fannie Mae on YouTube. Plenty of proof in their own words democrats forced banks to approve loans to people who can't afford them and regulators to back off.
wow youtube....that legit shit there. jesus you really are top 5 dumbest people on this board. Congrats

So ya think they did a voice over ya idiot....
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.

LOL, there's drugs to help you with delusions.

The drugs must give you comfort. Are you denying that Obama was elected as a response to 8 fucked up years under Bush? You must be on drugs.

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