Stick a fork in the Dems.

Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
We did not. He inherited a shitsto from the Republican.
Jimmy Carter loves people like yourself.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.

Imagine that, the opposition party making gains in the mid terms during a President's second term. That's never happened before so who could have seen this coming?
Wait, I thought the GOP was the party of old racist white men who were fading away and dying off.
Get your fantasies straight there, Hubert.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
We did not. He inherited a shitsto from the Republican.
And managed to make it much worse!
Almost every economic and politiical measure is worse today than the day Obama took over.

Are you better off now than you were 6 years ago?
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
We're going to send Bills for his signature that will force Obama to veto God, puppies and apple pie. The people finally will be sick of democrat presidents before we're through with him.

People do not need any of that symbolic shit and see it for what it is, distractions without substance. Course people like you will love it, using internet troll tactics instead of doing anything positive or constructive.
Obama is going to veto good, decent legislation so we're going to make him veto Mothers too. Even Bill Maher will end up hating him.
Perhaps, but they are going to make him veto a lot of corporate socialism gifts to the plutocrats, that and an immediate and constant impeachment effort.
It's Democrats constantly giving corporate gifts to plutocrats. Green energy, Solyndra, etc.
Not that the GOP is immune but the Dems are definitely the party of the rich here.
And you silly asses won't have the votes to override that veto. And by 2016, the nation will be so sick of the party of 'NO' that they will vote in a Dem President, a Dem Congress and Senate. Then some real progress will be made in this nation.
Tell Me something moron.

If Obama is the only one saying no, how is it that the Republican's will be label as such?

Sheesh.....I've heard the term "Shit for brains" but have never actually seen it in real life.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.

Imagine that, the opposition party making gains in the mid terms during a President's second term. That's never happened before so who could have seen this coming?
Wait, I thought the GOP was the party of old racist white men who were fading away and dying off.
Get your fantasies straight there, Hubert.

You're the one who relies on stereotypical characterizations to explain everything.....not me.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
We're going to send Bills for his signature that will force Obama to veto God, puppies and apple pie. The people finally will be sick of democrat presidents before we're through with him.

People do not need any of that symbolic shit and see it for what it is, distractions without substance. Course people like you will love it, using internet troll tactics instead of doing anything positive or constructive.
Obama is going to veto good, decent legislation so we're going to make him veto Mothers too. Even Bill Maher will end up hating him.
Perhaps, but they are going to make him veto a lot of corporate socialism gifts to the plutocrats, that and an immediate and constant impeachment effort.
It's Democrats constantly giving corporate gifts to plutocrats. Green energy, Solyndra, etc.
Not that the GOP is immune but the Dems are definitely the party of the rich here.

Because giving massive tax incentives to multi national petroleum corporations isn't corporate welfare.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.

Imagine that, the opposition party making gains in the mid terms during a President's second term. That's never happened before so who could have seen this coming?
Wait, I thought the GOP was the party of old racist white men who were fading away and dying off.
Get your fantasies straight there, Hubert.

You're the one who relies on stereotypical characterizations to explain everything.....not me.
Tell me about it, you pathetic loser. You and your pals are constantly engaging in stereotypes of white knuckle dragging racist Republicans.
I'm just calling you on it.
We're going to send Bills for his signature that will force Obama to veto God, puppies and apple pie. The people finally will be sick of democrat presidents before we're through with him.

People do not need any of that symbolic shit and see it for what it is, distractions without substance. Course people like you will love it, using internet troll tactics instead of doing anything positive or constructive.
Obama is going to veto good, decent legislation so we're going to make him veto Mothers too. Even Bill Maher will end up hating him.
Perhaps, but they are going to make him veto a lot of corporate socialism gifts to the plutocrats, that and an immediate and constant impeachment effort.
It's Democrats constantly giving corporate gifts to plutocrats. Green energy, Solyndra, etc.
Not that the GOP is immune but the Dems are definitely the party of the rich here.

Because giving massive tax incentives to multi national petroleum corporations isn't corporate welfare.
Please detail; the massive tax incentives given. I'll wait.
Another liberal meme that just doesnt quite add up.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
President Bush was the greatest president of the 21st Century. Obozo won only because racists voted for him in numbers reaching 100% in some districts. By definition that is racist. Sadly this country is finding out that affirmative action is no reason to elect someone to leadership of our beloved country. That is painfully apparent to most of the country now.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.

Imagine that, the opposition party making gains in the mid terms during a President's second term. That's never happened before so who could have seen this coming?
. You people believed down to your toes that obama would be so wonderful that even the most rabid conservative would have to agree Obama was all this country needed. Well, he is a flop. We can't wait until January 2017 when we put his ass on the street so we can fumigate our White House.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
President Bush was the greatest president of the 21st Century. Obozo won only because racists voted for him in numbers reaching 100% in some districts. By definition that is racist. Sadly this country is finding out that affirmative action is no reason to elect someone to leadership of our beloved country. That is painfully apparent to most of the country now.
lol president Bush was the greatest
President Bush was the greatest president of the 21st Century.

So that's what we are down to now with Bush. I'm glad reality has finally sunk in. Bush is not the greatest of all time. Not the greatest since WWII. Not the greatest of the last 50 years.

He's just the greatest of the 21st century.

There have only been two. Not exactly a very high bar.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
We did not. He inherited a shitsto from the Republican.
Economy in the dumpster was caused by the democrats pushing housing for people who can't afford it. Democrats crashed the economy.
Economy in the dumpster was caused by the democrats pushing housing for people who can't afford it. Democrats crashed the economy.

You should just put an "I'M A CREDULOUS IDIOT" sticker on your TV remote to remind yourself whenever you tune in to Fox News.
President Bush was the greatest president of the 21st Century.

So that's what we are down to now with Bush. I'm glad reality has finally sunk in. Bush is not the greatest of all time. Not the greatest since WWII. Not the greatest of the last 50 years.

He's just the greatest of the 21st century.

There have only been two. Not exactly a very high bar.
. Nothing wrong with it. Reagan won it for the 20th Century. I'll tell you one thing, Obama wins worst president of all time...worldwide.
Barack Obama is the best President at golf of the 21st century.

George Bush is the most vacationing President of the 21st century.

Barack Obama is the hippest President of the 21st century.

George Bush is the whitest President of the 21st century.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
We did not. He inherited a shitsto from the Republican.
Economy in the dumpster was caused by the democrats pushing housing for people who can't afford it. Democrats crashed the economy.

not to worry, another Clinton will be along soon and jumpstart the economy, then you can bitch about a better economy ..
Economy in the dumpster was caused by the democrats pushing housing for people who can't afford it. Democrats crashed the economy.

You should just put an "I'M A CREDULOUS IDIOT" sticker on your TV remote to remind yourself whenever you tune in to Fox News.
Do we have to show you Youtube proof of democrat after democrat demanding housing be made more affordable for the poor?

Then again, why bother because you'll still push the bullshit notion that President Bush crashed the economy and democrats had nothing to do with it.
Barack Obama is the best President at golf of the 21st century.

George Bush is the most vacationing President of the 21st century.

Barack Obama is the hippest President of the 21st century.

George Bush is the whitest President of the 21st century.
When President Bush sent our boys to war, he gave up playing golf. Shame on Obama and you for passing on vicious lies about Him

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