Stick a fork in the Dems.

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
And you silly asses won't have the votes to override that veto. And by 2016, the nation will be so sick of the party of 'NO' that they will vote in a Dem President, a Dem Congress and Senate. Then some real progress will be made in this nation.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
I don't know if they're going to take the Senate, but I'm not sure how it matters so much.

As Rabbi points out, Obama can veto anything the party does, plus the Dems are going to have a similar advantage in 2016, with the GOP having to defend more Senate seats.

Crazy me, rather than watching each party taking turns annoying the electorate and power going back and forth, I'd like to see them worry less about "winning" and paying more attention to the fact that this country has some serious problems that require adult supervision.

I think the REAL change that we need is in our electoral system.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
We're going to send Bills for his signature that will force Obama to veto God, puppies and apple pie. The people finally will be sick of democrat presidents before we're through with him.
I don't know what the final outcome will be, but the Dems are going to take a beating. Reid will become the official Senate Cloak Room monitor and work will FINALLY begin to get done. The gridlock that has been perpetrated by Obama via Harry Reid will soon be over.
And you silly asses won't have the votes to override that veto. And by 2016, the nation will be so sick of the party of 'NO' that they will vote in a Dem President, a Dem Congress and Senate. Then some real progress will be made in this nation.
Progress like Obamacare? More bowing to Arab sheiks? Losing more wars? Allowing illegals infected with disease to enter our country? The People are sick and tired of Democrat "progress".
And you silly asses won't have the votes to override that veto. And by 2016, the nation will be so sick of the party of 'NO' that they will vote in a Dem President, a Dem Congress and Senate. Then some real progress will be made in this nation.
Progress like Obamacare? More bowing to Arab sheiks? Losing more wars? Allowing illegals infected with disease to enter our country? The People are sick and tired of Democrat "progress".

Indeed. Their idea of "progress" is the destruction of our country.
We warned Democrats 8 years ago that Obama will destroy them. He only cares about himself and his agenda and he loses no sleep over democrats losing the elections.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
We're going to send Bills for his signature that will force Obama to veto God, puppies and apple pie. The people finally will be sick of democrat presidents before we're through with him.

People do not need any of that symbolic shit and see it for what it is, distractions without substance. Course people like you will love it, using internet troll tactics instead of doing anything positive or constructive.
The GOP will retain the House (maybe Pelosi will retire at that point) and the GOP will pick up some Senate seats, I still doubt they'll gain control.
In the end, with Obama's continual decline in the polls, and with a solid wall of defense from the House, Obama won't wield a lot of power in his remaining two years.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
We're going to send Bills for his signature that will force Obama to veto God, puppies and apple pie. The people finally will be sick of democrat presidents before we're through with him.

People do not need any of that symbolic shit and see it for what it is, distractions without substance. Course people like you will love it, using internet troll tactics instead of doing anything positive or constructive.
Obama is going to veto good, decent legislation so we're going to make him veto Mothers too. Even Bill Maher will end up hating him.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Yes, you have done so well in the past.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
We're going to send Bills for his signature that will force Obama to veto God, puppies and apple pie. The people finally will be sick of democrat presidents before we're through with him.

People do not need any of that symbolic shit and see it for what it is, distractions without substance. Course people like you will love it, using internet troll tactics instead of doing anything positive or constructive.
Obama is going to veto good, decent legislation so we're going to make him veto Mothers too. Even Bill Maher will end up hating him.
Perhaps, but they are going to make him veto a lot of corporate socialism gifts to the plutocrats, that and an immediate and constant impeachment effort.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.

Imagine that, the opposition party making gains in the mid terms during a President's second term. That's never happened before so who could have seen this coming?
Moderates and millennials have turned against Obama and the Dems. When Dems talked about "Change" we naturally assumed it would be for the better.

Time for Dems to get to the back of the bus
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
Democrats are pulling ads in the Kentucky race. They're pulling ads in some Congressional races as well. This is an admission they know they will lose those races.
2014 shaping up to be the biggest GOP blow out in history. I hope Obama has his veto pen ready.
Is this like your guarantee that Rick Perry was going to be the next President?
What else are you going to make out of this, numbnuts?
The Dems are finished for a while. They have made a complete goat fuck out of the economy, out of healthcare, out of regulation, out of banking, and out of foreign policy. Blaming Bush, blaming the GOP for their mistakes isnt washing any more. Even the news media has cooled on them. All that "war on women" bullshit and "they're gonna put you back in chains" bullshit isnt flying.
Dems need to sit down and shut up and let the adults take charge for a while.
Obama has been in power for two terms because the last Repiblican President was such a fuck up. Deal with the truth for a change instead of blind hatred.
So that makes it okay that y'all elected a worse president?
We did not. He inherited a shitsto from the Republican.

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