Steele admits he used posts from 'random individuals' on CNN website for Trump dossier


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Steele admits he used posts from 'random individuals' on CNN website for Trump dossier
March 16, 2019 ~~ By Rick Moran ~~ The dossier that launched several investigations into Donald Trump and his presidential campaign was based, in part, on posts from "random individuals" from a CNN website that allows the public to publish unverified information.
Christopher Steele made the admission in a deposition given in connection with a lawsuit against the dossier. The judge released portions of the deposition this week.
Washington Examiner: [Christopher Steele admitted using posts by 'random individuals' on CNN website to back up Trump dossier ]
According to deposition transcripts []Judge Unseals Portions Of Christopher Steele’s Deposition In Dossier Lawsuit | The Daily Caller released this week, Steele said last year he used a 2009 report he found on CNN's iReport website []Wayback Machine and said he wasn't aware that submissions to that site are posted by members of the public and are not checked for accuracy.
A web archive from July 29, 2009 shows that CNN described the site in this manner: " is a user-generated site. That means the stories submitted by users are not edited, fact-checked, or screened before they post."​
The FBI was able to obtain several FISA warrants based on the dossier. Was the FISA judge told that some of the information was from an internet crank? Steele said his dossier contained "raw intelligence" that he admitted could contain untrue or even "deliberately false information."

Info used for FISA warrant was not only obtained from Russian agents with an agenda, but was pulled from a site provided by CNN for the public to post unverified garbage. How silly does the FBI look now?
Hmm...., What’s considered REAL information is fake, and REAL information is suppressed regularly. Trump is doing great, but unless we take back the media and our education system the numbers of indoctrinated children it will be too large in 20 years to overcome. In fact it may already be too late.
I still find it interesting that the FISA judges involved have apparently done nothing about the deception presented to them. And Chief Justice Roberts has been silent, other than to say we don't have Obama judges, etc. That leads me to believe they were in on it, along with all the rest In other words, Steele scammed the Obama/Hillary, the feds and the MSM collecting big bucks for it.
Chief Justice John Roberts was and is in charge of FISA Courts, and appoints judges who sit on FISA Courts. if he does nothing and/or remains silent, then he is guilty of destroying confidence in the Judicial system in the Court of Public Opinion. The entire FISA Court system needs to be investigated, and perhaps the Chief Justice should no longer be in charge.
We The People must have confidence that our Constitutional Rights are not being violated, this includes the requirement on the government for legitimate warrants protected under the 4th Amendment.
As an after though, Some day, in some dusty historical bin of our times, a small footnote will tell the story of how a political hit job was used to try to blow up a presidency in a failed coup d' etat.
Perhaps, but hopefully and more likely, the light of truth continues to expose the perpetrators of this failed coup attempt and the criminals are brought to justice. Then, instead of a footnote, this attempted power grab will be well documented. Remembered and recognized as the treasonous act it really was.
This has to be the ultimate disgrace. The "dossier" that all Trump hating snowflakes swear is valid is actually fake news! How can any respectable person continue to defend this piece of shit?

The dossier that launched several investigations into Donald Trump and his presidential campaign was based, in part, on posts from "random individuals" from a CNN website that allows the public to publish unverified information.

Christopher Steele made the admission in a deposition given in connection with a lawsuit against the dossier. The judge released portions of the deposition this week.

Washington Examiner:

According to deposition transcripts released this week, Steele said last year he used a 2009 report he found on CNN's iReport website and said he wasn't aware that submissions to that site are posted by members of the public and are not checked for accuracy.

A web archive from July 29, 2009 shows that CNN described the site in this manner: " is a user-generated site. That means the stories submitted by users are not edited, fact-checked, or screened before they post."

(See the link for the rest of the article.)
In other words...posts by liberal idiots like R-Derp? That's what Steele based parts of his "dossiers" on? That's what the Obama Justice Department used to get FISA warrants to spy on an opposing parties campaign? That's what the Mueller investigation was started to look into?

God, what a farce this whole thing has been!
In other words...posts by liberal idiots like R-Derp? That's what Steele based parts of his "dossiers" on? That's what the Obama Justice Department used to get FISA warrants to spy on an opposing parties campaign? That's what the Mueller investigation was started to look into?

God, what a farce this whole thing has been!
Exactly. It's nothing more than internet conspiracy theory. That's what this whole circus is based on.
It's worse that I thought. Info used for FISA warrant was not only obtained from Russian agents with an agenda, but was pulled from a site provided by CNN for the public to post unverified garbage. How silly does the FBI look now?
They probably had someone they know post the fictional article to cnn.

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