“stand down” means stand down in military language.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

McCain is a liar. Obama said the day after and there after “no act of terrorism will go unpunished” when referring the Benghazi. Rice reported on the information she had at the time. There is no cover up because only a fool would have made that assessment if facts were otherwise. You cannot possible hide a terrorist attack. And Obama and Rice are no fools. There had been violent protesting against the video in Benghazi at the Embassy.
If the four Americans killed during the attack had followed orders to stand back, they would be alive and possible others who were searching for them also. Others may have died searching for them since seven in security were also killed. Since they were the only civilians that lost their lives lead me to assume everything was under control and civilians were being evacuated. They are not heroes, they are fools.

Still no reporting on how many American lives were saved by the evacuation? Foxnews much have that number but is not releasing it. They know everything else concerning Benghazi.
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The four Americans were not all killed at the same time.

The Ambassador and one other were killed in the first attack that night. The first attack occurred at the consulate. This was the first attack, and did not occur seven hours after other attacks. Obama was not watching from a C-130 or a drone or the moon. There was no "stand down order". Obama did not "watch while they died".

The CIA annex heard of the attack on the consulate and left to help the consulate within 24 minutes of hearing of the attack.

The rescuers arrived at the consulate too late to save the Ambassador and the other man who was killed. They evacuated the building of all survivors and fought their way back to the CIA annex.

All subsequent attacks occurred at the Annex. During one such attack, a mortar round killed two more Americans who were on the roof.

There's an ocean of manufactured bullshit which has been eaten by the shoveful over this. And it started with Fox News getting their "facts" completely wrong and the perpetually willfully ignorant mob running with it off a cliff.

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The four Americans were not all killed at the same time.

The Ambassador and one other were killed in the first attack that night. The first attack occurred at the consulate. This was the first attack, and did not occur seven hours after other attacks. Obama was not watching from a C-130 or a drone or the moon. There was no "stand down order". Obama did not "watch while they died".

The CIA annex heard of the attack on the consulate and left to help the consulate within 24 minutes of hearing of the attack.

The rescuers arrived at the consulate too late to save the Ambassador and the other man who was killed. They evacuate the building of all survivors and fought their way back to the CIA annex.

All subsequent attacks occurred at the Annex. During one such attack, a mortar round killed two more Americans who were on the roof.

There's an ocean of manufactured bullshit which has been eaten by the shoveful over this. And it started with Fox News getting their "facts" completely wrong and the perpetually willfully ignorant mob running with it off a cliff.


You don't know WHAT Obama was doing. You don't know if there was a stand down order and you don't know if Obama was watching the live feed. You are doing exactly what you claim others are doing and manufacturing bullshit. What was Obama doing while the consulate and the embassy were under attack?
The four Americans were not all killed at the same time.

The Ambassador and one other were killed in the first attack that night. The first attack occurred at the consulate. This was the first attack, and did not occur seven hours after other attacks. Obama was not watching from a C-130 or a drone or the moon. There was no "stand down order". Obama did not "watch while they died".

The CIA annex heard of the attack on the consulate and left to help the consulate within 24 minutes of hearing of the attack.

The rescuers arrived at the consulate too late to save the Ambassador and the other man who was killed. They evacuate the building of all survivors and fought their way back to the CIA annex.

All subsequent attacks occurred at the Annex. During one such attack, a mortar round killed two more Americans who were on the roof.

There's an ocean of manufactured bullshit which has been eaten by the shoveful over this. And it started with Fox News getting their "facts" completely wrong and the perpetually willfully ignorant mob running with it off a cliff.


Wait, did CIA Director Petraeus testify truthfully before Congress that it was because of a video?

Did Susan Rice tell the truth on the Sunday news shows where she was ordered to appear

Will they call you to review their testimony? You seem to know so much more than even the CIA Director.

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