Staggering climate contradiction - data that can be fudged says "warming," data that cannot be fudged says "no warming"


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Let's start with ocean temps.

We all know the Co2 Fraud claims "warmest ever ocean temps" just about every year. If so, then hurricanes would be breaking out. But the strongest decade for canes is still the 1940s...

Just last summer was "warmest ever." But the cane season was a complete DUD, with just one Atlantic cane reaching Cat 5 for a total of about 15 hours. Water off FLA was called "warmest ever" yet two canes got near FLA and neither got to Cat 5. In 1938, a Cat 5 got to LONG ISLAND, like NEW YORK, a bit further north...

So here we have a classic "what can be fudged and what cannot." It is hard to "fudge" a cane, although cane strength can be "fudged" and in 2014 it was, at least with one "cat 5" that did ABSOLUTELY NO DAMAGE to Mexico when "it hit as a Cat 5."

It is easy to FUDGE a temperature chart. There is a complete contradiction with the claim of "warmest ever ocean temps" and NO BREAKOUT IN CANES....

from Google

1. The first condition is that ocean waters must be above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit). Below this threshold temperature, hurricanes will not form

HELLO. If the average temp was RISING there would be MORE CANES. THERE ARE NOT MORE CANES.

Hence the claim of "ocean temp rise" is CONTRADICTED/REFUTED by Canes.

It isn't hard to figure out what is going on. The oceans are NOT WARMING and the CANES VALIDATE that claim.

The only "evidence" of "ocean warming" is 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD.

Ditto for "ocean rise." The Co2 FRAUD claims "ocean rise." If there was an ongoing net ice melt on planet Earth, oceans WOULD RISE. They AREN'T. Once again, what can be fudged "ocean rise charts" and what CANNOT BE FUDGED.... actual photos documenting NO OCEAN RISE....

Statue of Liberty
Hawaii 5-0 beach
Norfolk Naval Base

It is time to wake up and get a clue. The Co2 FRAUD is COMPLETE FRAUD, Planet Earth is NOT WARMING, and increasing atmospheric Co2 did NOT WARM ANYTHING....
Let's start with ocean temps.

We all know the Co2 Fraud claims "warmest ever ocean temps" just about every year. If so, then hurricanes would be breaking out. But the strongest decade for canes is still the 1940s...

Just last summer was "warmest ever." But the cane season was a complete DUD, with just one Atlantic cane reaching Cat 5 for a total of about 15 hours. Water off FLA was called "warmest ever" yet two canes got near FLA and neither got to Cat 5. In 1938, a Cat 5 got to LONG ISLAND, like NEW YORK, a bit further north...

So here we have a classic "what can be fudged and what cannot." It is hard to "fudge" a cane, although cane strength can be "fudged" and in 2014 it was, at least with one "cat 5" that did ABSOLUTELY NO DAMAGE to Mexico when "it hit as a Cat 5."

It is easy to FUDGE a temperature chart. There is a complete contradiction with the claim of "warmest ever ocean temps" and NO BREAKOUT IN CANES....

from Google

1. The first condition is that ocean waters must be above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit). Below this threshold temperature, hurricanes will not form

HELLO. If the average temp was RISING there would be MORE CANES. THERE ARE NOT MORE CANES.

Hence the claim of "ocean temp rise" is CONTRADICTED/REFUTED by Canes.

It isn't hard to figure out what is going on. The oceans are NOT WARMING and the CANES VALIDATE that claim.

The only "evidence" of "ocean warming" is 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD.

Ditto for "ocean rise." The Co2 FRAUD claims "ocean rise." If there was an ongoing net ice melt on planet Earth, oceans WOULD RISE. They AREN'T. Once again, what can be fudged "ocean rise charts" and what CANNOT BE FUDGED.... actual photos documenting NO OCEAN RISE....

Statue of Liberty
Hawaii 5-0 beach
Norfolk Naval Base

It is time to wake up and get a clue. The Co2 FRAUD is COMPLETE FRAUD, Planet Earth is NOT WARMING, and increasing atmospheric Co2 did NOT WARM ANYTHING....
Even were it warming, places such as the CA desert called Death Valley would surely show it to be warming. But hold the phone. It is not warming at Death Valley. It still is many degrees cooler than it was in 1913.

Professor Richard Lindzen is the US premier expert on climate and he tells us over and over, since the late 1900s, do not be alarmed. What warming there is is not dangerous at all. There is no reason to panic as Biden does.
Even were it warming, places such as the CA desert called Death Valley would surely show it to be warming. But hold the phone. It is not warming at Death Valley. It still is many degrees cooler than it was in 1913.

Professor Richard Lindzen is the US premier expert on climate and he tells us over and over, since the late 1900s, do not be alarmed. What warming there is is not dangerous at all. There is no reason to panic as Biden does.

Linzden cannot be fully trusted because he is funded by the Co2 FRAUD, which is why he turns a blind eye to the truth of WHAT ACTUALLY DOES CAUSE Earth climate change, and how easy it is to prove it...

Linzden cannot be fully trusted because he is funded by the Co2 FRAUD, which is why he turns a blind eye to the truth of WHAT ACTUALLY DOES CAUSE Earth climate change, and how easy it is to prove it...

Please do not spread that rumor about Richard Lindzen. He has explained over and over we should not be alarmed. That the Climate pigs are lying to us.
Please do not spread that rumor about Richard Lindzen. He has explained over and over we should not be alarmed. That the Climate pigs are lying to us. Lindzen has a good retirement from MIT and speakers fees where he downplays dangerous climate is good proof he is not our danger, he is our friend.
Please do not spread that rumor about Richard Lindzen. He has explained over and over we should not be alarmed. That the Climate pigs are lying to us.

He does have a conflict of interest. Bust the Co2 FRAUD cold and he's out of job...

That's why he and Milloy and the other "skeptics" never get it right, and won't ask the questions...

He does have a conflict of interest. Bust the Co2 FRAUD cold and he's out of job...

That's why he and Milloy and the other "skeptics" never get it right, and won't ask the questions...

Lindzen is retired. He is anti the fraud of CO2 being the cause.
Let's start with ocean temps.

We all know the Co2 Fraud claims "warmest ever ocean temps" just about every year. If so, then hurricanes would be breaking out. But the strongest decade for canes is still the 1940s...

Just last summer was "warmest ever." But the cane season was a complete DUD, with just one Atlantic cane reaching Cat 5 for a total of about 15 hours. Water off FLA was called "warmest ever" yet two canes got near FLA and neither got to Cat 5. In 1938, a Cat 5 got to LONG ISLAND, like NEW YORK, a bit further north...

So here we have a classic "what can be fudged and what cannot." It is hard to "fudge" a cane, although cane strength can be "fudged" and in 2014 it was, at least with one "cat 5" that did ABSOLUTELY NO DAMAGE to Mexico when "it hit as a Cat 5."

It is easy to FUDGE a temperature chart. There is a complete contradiction with the claim of "warmest ever ocean temps" and NO BREAKOUT IN CANES....

from Google

1. The first condition is that ocean waters must be above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit). Below this threshold temperature, hurricanes will not form

HELLO. If the average temp was RISING there would be MORE CANES. THERE ARE NOT MORE CANES.

Hence the claim of "ocean temp rise" is CONTRADICTED/REFUTED by Canes.

It isn't hard to figure out what is going on. The oceans are NOT WARMING and the CANES VALIDATE that claim.

The only "evidence" of "ocean warming" is 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD.

Ditto for "ocean rise." The Co2 FRAUD claims "ocean rise." If there was an ongoing net ice melt on planet Earth, oceans WOULD RISE. They AREN'T. Once again, what can be fudged "ocean rise charts" and what CANNOT BE FUDGED.... actual photos documenting NO OCEAN RISE....

Statue of Liberty
Hawaii 5-0 beach
Norfolk Naval Base

It is time to wake up and get a clue. The Co2 FRAUD is COMPLETE FRAUD, Planet Earth is NOT WARMING, and increasing atmospheric Co2 did NOT WARM ANYTHING....
The moonbats have all the bases covered...

Lots of hurricanes?....Goebbels warming.
No hurricanes?...Goebbels warming.
Drought?...Goebbels warming.
Deluge?...Goebbels warming.
Heat wave?...Goebbels warming.
Cold snap?...Goebbels warming.
Blizzards?...Goebbels warming.
No snow?...Goebbels warming.
Migrant Indigent squatter invasion crisis?...Goebbels warming.
Potholes?...Goebbels warming.
Ring around the collar?...Goebbels warming.
The moonbats have all the bases covered...

Lots of hurricanes?....Goebbels warming.
No hurricanes?...Goebbels warming.
Drought?...Goebbels warming.
Deluge?...Goebbels warming.
Heat wave?...Goebbels warming.
Cold snap?...Goebbels warming.
Blizzards?...Goebbels warming.
No snow?...Goebbels warming.
Migrant Indigent squatter invasion crisis?...Goebbels warming.
Potholes?...Goebbels warming.
Ring around the collar?...Goebbels warming.

It was funny when we had a Federal Debt under $6 trillion before W took office.

And, yes, BTW, W is the first President to cover up the FBI Fraud case against the warmers.

homO quickly followed...

Let's start with ocean temps.

We all know the Co2 Fraud claims "warmest ever ocean temps" just about every year. If so, then hurricanes would be breaking out. But the strongest decade for canes is still the 1940s...

Just last summer was "warmest ever." But the cane season was a complete DUD, with just one Atlantic cane reaching Cat 5 for a total of about 15 hours. Water off FLA was called "warmest ever" yet two canes got near FLA and neither got to Cat 5. In 1938, a Cat 5 got to LONG ISLAND, like NEW YORK, a bit further north...

So here we have a classic "what can be fudged and what cannot." It is hard to "fudge" a cane, although cane strength can be "fudged" and in 2014 it was, at least with one "cat 5" that did ABSOLUTELY NO DAMAGE to Mexico when "it hit as a Cat 5."

It is easy to FUDGE a temperature chart. There is a complete contradiction with the claim of "warmest ever ocean temps" and NO BREAKOUT IN CANES....

from Google

1. The first condition is that ocean waters must be above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit). Below this threshold temperature, hurricanes will not form

HELLO. If the average temp was RISING there would be MORE CANES. THERE ARE NOT MORE CANES.

Hence the claim of "ocean temp rise" is CONTRADICTED/REFUTED by Canes.

It isn't hard to figure out what is going on. The oceans are NOT WARMING and the CANES VALIDATE that claim.

The only "evidence" of "ocean warming" is 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD.

Ditto for "ocean rise." The Co2 FRAUD claims "ocean rise." If there was an ongoing net ice melt on planet Earth, oceans WOULD RISE. They AREN'T. Once again, what can be fudged "ocean rise charts" and what CANNOT BE FUDGED.... actual photos documenting NO OCEAN RISE....

Statue of Liberty
Hawaii 5-0 beach
Norfolk Naval Base

It is time to wake up and get a clue. The Co2 FRAUD is COMPLETE FRAUD, Planet Earth is NOT WARMING, and increasing atmospheric Co2 did NOT WARM ANYTHING....
Very true.

There is also a corollary to that. There are Ideas that can be debated with facts and reason, warmists will not be there. Like this thread.

Where all that is presented is name-calling and repetitive lies, the warmists will be there. Like the threads in which they state an opinion as fact then and name call anyone who asks a question.
EMH was caught making up a lie by showing the sea level at the statue of liberty being the same 100 years apart. He forgot to take into account tides.

There can't be a discussion when the OP is operating at a child's level of understanding.
That is not very much to gain. Also it is at Hawaii.
It's an average and that's because sea level rise isn't the same throughout the world. Do you understand the reason whyi?

I'm not interested in commenting on whether or not its very much. There will be a decent adult discussion here or I won't be taking part.

First I'll call on EMH to retract his lie so we can start clean.. That's not negotiable. If anybody wants to learn something then they will abide by my rules.
On of my ongoing points is that denialism, being purely political kookery, is now only pushed now by right-wing uber-fascist cranks. Denialism is a mandatory belief of that cult.

Thus, I thank the resident uber-fascist cranks here for jumping in to prove my point so conclusively. They're literally not capable of discussing the topic without melting down into various hysterical political conspiracy theories.

If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instanlty vanish along with it, because it's pure politics.

If left-wing politics vanished, the science wouldn't change a bit, because it's actual science.

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