Sports you really stink at !!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Baseball !! I played as a kid and I was so awful they stuck me in the far outfield ,but when the ball came my way ..yikes

Basketball - I was ok in MS :as I was taller than anyone ..when the kids caught up to me in HS ...I realized I had no skills !!

best sport was tennis
I easily was second best In middle school
High school ..I quit but I was considered the 4th or 5th best on a state champion team
As an adult I was very dominating at 4.0 Singles and was average at 4.5
Keep in mind ..these are club ratings ..not pro
Roger Federer was 4.5 by age 7-8
But I still enjoy it,or at least I did before my hip problems.
I was very good at B Ball since I had teachers like Hakeem Olajuwon,Calvin Murphy,Kevin Kunnert,Robert Reid,Rudy T and a host of other Rocket Players when I was a kid.
Unfortunately I topped out at 5'9" and I sure as hell wasnt Muggsy Bogues or Calvin Murphy.
I excelled at BMX racing and had factory sponsors.
I absolutely suck at basketball and, while I'm a great fielder, I can't hit a baseball to save my life. Oh, and hockey. I suck at hockey.

I was a really good football player back in the day, and I'm a pretty damn good bowler (I have four perfect games under my belt). I'll also hurt your feelings on a dart board...
I seem to have peaked at age 16. I was good at baseball, basketball, tennis and bowling. Then I never got any better, while those who kept at it improved (for the most part).

I continued at tennis and bowling, and have gotten a little better over the years (I'm 71 now), but I never really caught on to the topspin thing in tennis, so I'm effectively a dinosaur, playing only against people who are also dino's.

I took up golf at age 50, thinking with my good hand-eye coordination I would quickly get good at it. What an illusion! Like everyone else, I got better for my first three years and have remained at the same level ever since, regardless of how much I play or practice. Golf is the most frustrating sport I've ever attempted. The only thing that keeps me coming back is the occasional great shot - usually on the 18th hole.

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