Speak of our justice system


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
I was pondering how we've gone to a state of affairs where the left stages many things, such as TDS and an "insurrection", all while they weaponize the justice and court system for political power to benefit the masters behind them, to include foreigners. The left can do no wrong, the fix is in. All while their greatest opponent Donald Trump is indicted for anything they can dream up. Then I reflected on this, which strikes me as more than a metaphor.

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Canadas justice system has been done for decades, using the old Soviet model. You had even the CIA shocked with how much power agencies here had, admitting they couodnt possibly get away with the same in the U.S. Some in your country want to emulate us and that would essentially be the end of the American Experiment. Many in Europe.have already concluded it is over. Your nations economy and declining global influence will follow us as well if you choose to replicate our justice system, I've warned you all for years.. Even Canada is now.worried you will emulate our system as they realize the long term consequences of that could end in an invasion of Canada. Our own police-state efforts have underminded our own security and prosperity.
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I was pondering how we've gone to a state of affairs where the left stages many things, such as TDS and an "insurrection", all while they weaponize the justice and court system for political power to benefit the masters behind them, to include foreigners. The left can do no wrong, the fix is in. All while their greatest opponent Donald Trump is indicted for anything they can dream up. Then I reflected on this, which strikes me as more than a metaphor.

Why because he banned military arsenals. He banned them like they should do, now. What was wrong with that???? What drugs, he has no doing what his son does..
I don't want anyone with my mother thwart someone on drugs, God rest their soul , even though there isn't a God.
I think the 94 crime bill was A ok.
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I was pondering how we've gone to a state of affairs where the left stages many things, such as TDS and an "insurrection", all while they weaponize the justice and court system for political power to benefit the masters behind them, to include foreigners. The left can do no wrong, the fix is in. All while their greatest opponent Donald Trump is indicted for anything they can dream up. Then I reflected on this, which strikes me as more than a metaphor.

That must be frustrating that the left gets away (allegedly) with so much while your idol is indicted on 91 different counts.

Perhaps its time you stopped worshiping felons?
Why because he banned military arsenals. He banned them like they should do, now. What was wrong with that???? What drugs, he has no doing what his son does..
I don't want anyone with my mother thwart someone on drugs, God rest their soul , even though there isn't a God.
I think the 94 crime bill was A ok.

Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984​

you might want to read this?

1984 Crime Control Act Leads to 32% Rise in Prisoners​

Ronald Reagon did this all by himself.

Title V: Drug Enforcement Amendments - Controlled Substances Penalties Amendments Act of 1984 - Increases the fine levels for drug trafficking. Increases the penalties for trafficking in large amounts of controlled substances. Provides increased penalties for distributing controlled substances in or near a school.

S.1762 - Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984​

So it was mostly blacks, some deserved to be locked up. Many whites too.
Canadas justice system has been done for decades, using the old Soviet model. You had even the CIA shocked with how much power agencies here had, admitting they couodnt possibly get away with the same in the U.S. Some in your country want to emulate us and that would essentially be the end of the American Experiment. Many in Europe.have already concluded it is over. Your nations economy and declining global influence will follow us as well if you choose to replicate our justice system, I've warned you all for years.. Even Canada is now.worried you will emulate our system as they realize the long term consequences of that could end in an invasion of Canada. Our own police-state efforts have underminded our own security and prosperity.

The Canadian Justice system isn't modelled on the old "soviet model", since the Soviet union didn't exist when our Justice system was created, you stupid little shit.

You've been howling at the moon since you first started posting here. Oh the horrors of living in the Best Country in the World. And nobody has hauled you away in chains for saying any of it.
The Canadian Justice system isn't modelled on the old "soviet model", since the Soviet union didn't exist when our Justice system was created, you stupid little shit.

You've been howling at the moon since you first started posting here. Oh the horrors of living in the Best Country in the World. And nobody has hauled you away in chains for saying any of it.
Compare the free speech in this forum compared to Canadian forums and news sites. That alone tells you what you need to know. How about transparency of.government and police? Durham Region just hired a chief of police who was involved in blocking investigations into TPS and DRPS after a young black kid lost an eye fron police abuse. Please, we are bloody sham and Americans know it now. I did my best as you and your ilk did your worst. The housing collapse is coming soon as I predicted, let us see what excuses you present then. I've tried to be a mensch among mice as I awake yet again with the brain aneurysm pain our noble "healthcare" system refuses to address. I promise you this, as I know the police were lying to set me up for my wifes decade+ of abuses, I will go to trial.and I will pus the facts there, in the U.S and Europe. G_d give me the strength to.expose these corrupt, cowardly apparatuses and those who assist them.
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I was pondering how we've gone to a state of affairs where the left stages many things, such as TDS and an "insurrection", all while they weaponize the justice and court system for political power to benefit the masters behind them, to include foreigners. The left can do no wrong, the fix is in. All while their greatest opponent Donald Trump is indicted for anything they can dream up. Then I reflected on this, which strikes me as more than a metaphor.

I'd be more worried about the complete lack of reality in this post, and your slavish devotion to a lifelong criminal and con artist. Your delusions are dangerous to your long term mental health.

It's not that the "left can do no wrong", it's that the left isn't engaging in criminal activities, and isn't running lifelong felons for office. The GOP has brought all of this down on themselves by running unvetted criminals like George Santos and Donald Trump for office. Donald Trump's criminal administration can't stop committing felonies.

Everything that Trump has been indicted for has to do with his criminall actions AFTER losing the election. If he had conceded the election, packed up his personal belongings - and ONLY his personal belongings, and retired to Florida, he would only be facing charges for the financial crimes of the Trump Corporation, which he could buy his way out of like always.

Trying to overturn the election, even AFTER every court challenge was dismissed, sending a mob to the Capitol, the Fake Electors Scheme - hugely illegal and he KNEW IT. Stealing classified documents????? Lying about having them.

In the fantasy world you live in, Donald Trump is a poor beleagured man who loves his country.

In the real world where I live, Donald Trump is the greatest con artist the world has ever seen. Trump ran up the national debt, allowed white nationalist terrorists to run wild in the streets, killed over a million people with his politicized denial of the covid pandemic, and collapsed the US economy, tore up your trade deals, increased your trade deficit by billions of dollars, and cut oil production, to drive up prices.

When you read the cold hard statistics - employment, stock market, international trade, budget deficit numbers, the rosy picture you paint of the "Greatest Aministration Ever" is revealled to be a complete illlusion - like the Red Witch taking off her necklace, to reveal her youth and beauty was just a trick to fool the gullible.
Compare the free speech in this forum compared to Canadian forums and news sites. That alone tells you what you need to know. How about transparency of.government and police? Durham Region just hired a chief of police who was involved in blocking investigations into TPS and DRPS after a young black kid lost an eye fron police abuse. Please, we are bloody sham and Americans know it now. I did my best as you and your ilk did your worst. The housing collapse is coming soon as I predicted, let us see what excuses you present then. I've tried to be a mensch among mice as I awake yet again with the brain aneurysm pain our noble "healthcare" system refuses to address. I promise you this, as I know the police were lying to set me up for my wifes decade+ of abuses, I will go to trial.and I will pus the facts there, in the U.S and Europe. G_d give me the strength to.expose these corrupt, cowardly apparatuses and those who assist them.

There is absolutely no difference - except that hate speech isn't allowed.

Wow - one incident of police abuse of a black person. Where were you when black men were being shot in the back on the streets of Toronto, when Julian Fantino was Chief of Police? Fantino was fired for his racist treatment of the black community, and then went on to become the Minister of Veterans Affairs under Stephen Harper, denying benefits to veterans of the Afghan War?

It's always something with you. The government has wronged you in oh so many ways. You wouldn't even get treatment for your aneyrysm in the USA because you can't afford the copay, and the cost of treatment will take you over your lifelong cap.

So you've been arrested and are going on trial????? Why am I not surprised. Typical conservative. Everyone is out to get you. Nothing is ever your fault. No wonder you hate law and order.
I was pondering how we've gone to a state of affairs where the left stages many things, such as TDS and an "insurrection", all while they weaponize the justice and court system for political power to benefit the masters behind them, to include foreigners. The left can do no wrong, the fix is in. All while their greatest opponent Donald Trump is indicted for anything they can dream up. Then I reflected on this, which strikes me as more than a metaphor.

Trump isn’t being indicted for anything the Democrats dreamt up, but for a nightmare of his own concoction.

Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984​

you might want to read this?

1984 Crime Control Act Leads to 32% Rise in Prisoners​

Ronald Reagon did this all by himself.

Title V: Drug Enforcement Amendments - Controlled Substances Penalties Amendments Act of 1984 - Increases the fine levels for drug trafficking. Increases the penalties for trafficking in large amounts of controlled substances. Provides increased penalties for distributing controlled substances in or near a school.

S.1762 - Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984

That's amazing. How did a President pass a bill into law all by himself? I guess they've changed the Constitution since then.....
There is absolutely no difference - except that hate speech isn't allowed.

Well that and there's no Constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech. Which means the Government can whenever it wants deem whatever you are saying that it doesnt like as "hate speech" as well.
There is absolutely no difference - except that hate speech isn't allowed.

Wow - one incident of police abuse of a black person. Where were you when black men were being shot in the back on the streets of Toronto, when Julian Fantino was Chief of Police? Fantino was fired for his racist treatment of the black community, and then went on to become the Minister of Veterans Affairs under Stephen Harper, denying benefits to veterans of the Afghan War?

It's always something with you. The government has wronged you in oh so many ways. You wouldn't even get treatment for your aneyrysm in the USA because you can't afford the copay, and the cost of treatment will take you over your lifelong cap.

So you've been arrested and are going on trial????? Why am I not surprised. Typical conservative. Everyone is out to get you. Nothing is ever your fault. No wonder you hate law and order.
The police were keeping their 32 yewrs of abuse up, and, my wife told.me she wss working with the police. This was a set up and if she was telling me t ruth I basiclaly being beaten on behakf of the state. It will go to trial and I wn't be sy aboit speaking the truth, inckuding the delay, I wonder why they were delaying? Who said I was conservative?
I'd be more worried about the complete lack of reality in this post, and your slavish devotion to a lifelong criminal and con artist. Your delusions are dangerous to your long term mental health.

It's not that the "left can do no wrong", it's that the left isn't engaging in criminal activities, and isn't running lifelong felons for office. The GOP has brought all of this down on themselves by running unvetted criminals like George Santos and Donald Trump for office. Donald Trump's criminal administration can't stop committing felonies.

Everything that Trump has been indicted for has to do with his criminall actions AFTER losing the election. If he had conceded the election, packed up his personal belongings - and ONLY his personal belongings, and retired to Florida, he would only be facing charges for the financial crimes of the Trump Corporation, which he could buy his way out of like always.

Trying to overturn the election, even AFTER every court challenge was dismissed, sending a mob to the Capitol, the Fake Electors Scheme - hugely illegal and he KNEW IT. Stealing classified documents????? Lying about having them.

In the fantasy world you live in, Donald Trump is a poor beleagured man who loves his country.

In the real world where I live, Donald Trump is the greatest con artist the world has ever seen. Trump ran up the national debt, allowed white nationalist terrorists to run wild in the streets, killed over a million people with his politicized denial of the covid pandemic, and collapsed the US economy, tore up your trade deals, increased your trade deficit by billions of dollars, and cut oil production, to drive up prices.

When you read the cold hard statistics - employment, stock market, international trade, budget deficit numbers, the rosy picture you paint of the "Greatest Aministration Ever" is revealled to be a complete illlusion - like the Red Witch taking off her necklace, to reveal her youth and beauty was just a trick to fool the gullible.

I stopped reading at bolded. Last thing I need is a leftist to describe what's real.

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