You maybe know what a "foresight programme" is. If not:
Foresight (futures studies) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Turkish state's "foresight program", dubbed Vizyon2023 (2023 = 100th anniversary of Republic)
is accessible from the Turkish Research Council:
TÜB?TAK - BTY Politikalar? - Vizyon 2023 - V?ZYON 2023
It is a shitload of pdf's, to read in days and unfrtunately Turkish.
But i will post selectively some parts.
The above table is the research budget and year table for space research (procurement costs of solutions is not budgeted to Research Council, but the end-user) .
Total research budget = 2,653 Billion $.
Under the table it says, that in 2016 the programm will go into revision and the 2016-2020 costs are only estimated and yet not budgeted for that period.
Project code 01-01: Development of launch roket (145 Million $)
Project code 01-02: Development of space shuttle for manned launches (1 Billion $)
Project code 01-03: Satellite capabilities (400 Million $)
Project code 01-04: Space center (1,1 Billion $)
Foresight (futures studies) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Turkish state's "foresight program", dubbed Vizyon2023 (2023 = 100th anniversary of Republic)
is accessible from the Turkish Research Council:
TÜB?TAK - BTY Politikalar? - Vizyon 2023 - V?ZYON 2023
It is a shitload of pdf's, to read in days and unfrtunately Turkish.
But i will post selectively some parts.
The above table is the research budget and year table for space research (procurement costs of solutions is not budgeted to Research Council, but the end-user) .
Total research budget = 2,653 Billion $.
Under the table it says, that in 2016 the programm will go into revision and the 2016-2020 costs are only estimated and yet not budgeted for that period.
Project code 01-01: Development of launch roket (145 Million $)
Project code 01-02: Development of space shuttle for manned launches (1 Billion $)
Project code 01-03: Satellite capabilities (400 Million $)
Project code 01-04: Space center (1,1 Billion $)
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