Eric Adams’s Public Library Cuts Would Devastate a System Average New Yorkers Need


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
New York’s public libraries are essential institutions providing a wide range of services and cultural programming on top of books and media. If Eric Adams’s proposed library cuts go through, huge numbers of New Yorkers will suffer immensely.

The Adams administration announced in November that it seeks to “balance” the NYC municipal budget through the “Program to Eliminate the Gap” (PEG). In September, Adams demanded that all city agencies, even the New York Police Department (NYPD), prepare for 3 percent cuts until the end of the fiscal year, plus an additional 4.5 percent cut over the following two years, as part of this program.

The municipal budget is being strained by factors that the Adams administration blames on rising labor costs, poor stock market performance (creating stressors on pensions), newly arrived asylum seekers, and rising energy costs. In releasing this program, Adams stated, “Fiscal discipline has been, and continues to be, a hallmark of my administration.” On November 15, Adams further called for a 50 percent reduction in existing city vacancies, ensuring an increasingly lean municipal workforce.
Yet the PEG also seeks to create a significant revenue reserve of $8.3 billion (exceeding the budget cuts over the next few years). Adams doesn’t just want a balanced budget — he wants billions of dollars in surplus, and he apparently believes that slashing desperately needed public services that enormous numbers of New Yorkers rely upon is the way to get there.

PEG claims to take a rational approach to city services, budgeting, and prioritizations. Under the PEG, the libraries would lose significant funding over the years. Adams’s plan demanded that libraries cut their budgets by $13.6 million between now and the end of fiscal year 2023, and another $20.5 million over the next three fiscal years. While this amount is small compared to the overall city budget, it will be devastating for the services and operations of the library system.

At this point, the only places where libraries can cut costs are in personnel. This will lead to shorter hours, reduced services, and potential building closures. Libraries, for all their social benefits and lean operating budgets, are not given any consideration for avoiding these cuts because they do not generate revenue or provide legally mandated services.

Mayor Adams has been obsessed with getting city workers back into the office and back to midtown — so obsessed that his December 14 press conference with Governor Kathy Hochul began with a discussion of revitalizing lower Manhattan and Midtown. Adams is inflexible on this point, demanding that city workers return to the office despite the persistence of flexible work in private sector and state workplaces. As a result, nineteen thousand municipal workers have left since 2020, twenty-one thousand vacancies currently exist, and agencies continue to have problems retaining workers. The inflexibility in office work policy is often cited by workers as one of the reasons they left.

Adams’s insistence that only the Central Business District needs revitalization demonstrates his disdain for New York City’s residential, noncentral neighborhoods, many of which blossomed during the pandemic. And Adams’s refusal to recognize the fundamental importance of local libraries to local neighborhoods reflects this disdain for the actual places where New Yorkers live, gather, and build communities.
Adams is also obsessed with public safety and crime. This move to cut library funding is puzzling in light of this goal.

Libraries create public spaces, promote literacy, and give young people information, activities, and opportunities. (Consider, for example, the NYPL’s program to help young people apply to college and the Brooklyn Public Library’s career assistance center). And New York public schools often do not have functioning libraries according to state standards, with 60 percent of schools lacking a library media specialist and over 40 percent lacking any library space at all. (Many public school teachers spend their own money to create libraries in their classroom to get paper books for their students). Criminologists have long pointed to the importance of afterschool, community activities to prevent both juvenile and adult criminal risk factors.

The decimation of the rich, active, and socially beneficial library system by the austerity-obsessed technocratic justifications of the Adams administration will further increase social inequality and worsen the social supports in place to enrich the lives of working people who live in the city. While Adams decries the reduction in tax revenue, his program is gutting a democratic cultural institution that supports the arts, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement. His callous approach to “fiscal discipline” will irreparably harm our city’s formerly robust welfare state, one that socialists must fight to protect and expand.

So New York City is cutting costs to balance their costs?

So? Big deal, millions of Americans have had to cut out things to fit their budgets with high inflation, it is what you have to do.
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So New York City is cutting costs to balance their costs?

So? Big deal, millions of Americans have had to cut out things to fit their budgets with high inflation, it is what you have to do.
education is an investment in our kids future and actually SAVES TONS OF MONEY
New York’s public libraries are essential institutions providing a wide range of services and cultural programming on top of books and media. If Eric Adams’s proposed library cuts go through, huge numbers of New Yorkers will suffer immensely.

The Adams administration announced in November that it seeks to “balance” the NYC municipal budget through the “Program to Eliminate the Gap” (PEG). In September, Adams demanded that all city agencies, even the New York Police Department (NYPD), prepare for 3 percent cuts until the end of the fiscal year, plus an additional 4.5 percent cut over the following two years, as part of this program.

The municipal budget is being strained by factors that the Adams administration blames on rising labor costs, poor stock market performance (creating stressors on pensions), newly arrived asylum seekers, and rising energy costs. In releasing this program, Adams stated, “Fiscal discipline has been, and continues to be, a hallmark of my administration.” On November 15, Adams further called for a 50 percent reduction in existing city vacancies, ensuring an increasingly lean municipal workforce.
Yet the PEG also seeks to create a significant revenue reserve of $8.3 billion (exceeding the budget cuts over the next few years). Adams doesn’t just want a balanced budget — he wants billions of dollars in surplus, and he apparently believes that slashing desperately needed public services that enormous numbers of New Yorkers rely upon is the way to get there.

PEG claims to take a rational approach to city services, budgeting, and prioritizations. Under the PEG, the libraries would lose significant funding over the years. Adams’s plan demanded that libraries cut their budgets by $13.6 million between now and the end of fiscal year 2023, and another $20.5 million over the next three fiscal years. While this amount is small compared to the overall city budget, it will be devastating for the services and operations of the library system.

At this point, the only places where libraries can cut costs are in personnel. This will lead to shorter hours, reduced services, and potential building closures. Libraries, for all their social benefits and lean operating budgets, are not given any consideration for avoiding these cuts because they do not generate revenue or provide legally mandated services.

Mayor Adams has been obsessed with getting city workers back into the office and back to midtown — so obsessed that his December 14 press conference with Governor Kathy Hochul began with a discussion of revitalizing lower Manhattan and Midtown. Adams is inflexible on this point, demanding that city workers return to the office despite the persistence of flexible work in private sector and state workplaces. As a result, nineteen thousand municipal workers have left since 2020, twenty-one thousand vacancies currently exist, and agencies continue to have problems retaining workers. The inflexibility in office work policy is often cited by workers as one of the reasons they left.

Adams’s insistence that only the Central Business District needs revitalization demonstrates his disdain for New York City’s residential, noncentral neighborhoods, many of which blossomed during the pandemic. And Adams’s refusal to recognize the fundamental importance of local libraries to local neighborhoods reflects this disdain for the actual places where New Yorkers live, gather, and build communities.
Adams is also obsessed with public safety and crime. This move to cut library funding is puzzling in light of this goal.

Libraries create public spaces, promote literacy, and give young people information, activities, and opportunities. (Consider, for example, the NYPL’s program to help young people apply to college and the Brooklyn Public Library’s career assistance center). And New York public schools often do not have functioning libraries according to state standards, with 60 percent of schools lacking a library media specialist and over 40 percent lacking any library space at all. (Many public school teachers spend their own money to create libraries in their classroom to get paper books for their students). Criminologists have long pointed to the importance of afterschool, community activities to prevent both juvenile and adult criminal risk factors.

The decimation of the rich, active, and socially beneficial library system by the austerity-obsessed technocratic justifications of the Adams administration will further increase social inequality and worsen the social supports in place to enrich the lives of working people who live in the city. While Adams decries the reduction in tax revenue, his program is gutting a democratic cultural institution that supports the arts, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement. His callous approach to “fiscal discipline” will irreparably harm our city’s formerly robust welfare state, one that socialists must fight to protect and expand.

No one goes into outer borough libraries except the homeless
The main library is beautiful
I used to love chillin in Bryant park near the bar

In the "bad "old days we used to cop grass there and pee lol
education is an investment in our kids future and actually SAVES TONS OF MONEY
Where has the education changed in the lower economic areas and impoverished areas over the decades as the taxes extruded from people kept paying for the farce.
New York’s public libraries are essential institutions providing a wide range of services and cultural programming on top of books and media. If Eric Adams’s proposed library cuts go through, huge numbers of New Yorkers will suffer immensely.

The Adams administration announced in November that it seeks to “balance” the NYC municipal budget through the “Program to Eliminate the Gap” (PEG). In September, Adams demanded that all city agencies, even the New York Police Department (NYPD), prepare for 3 percent cuts until the end of the fiscal year, plus an additional 4.5 percent cut over the following two years, as part of this program.

The municipal budget is being strained by factors that the Adams administration blames on rising labor costs, poor stock market performance (creating stressors on pensions), newly arrived asylum seekers, and rising energy costs. In releasing this program, Adams stated, “Fiscal discipline has been, and continues to be, a hallmark of my administration.” On November 15, Adams further called for a 50 percent reduction in existing city vacancies, ensuring an increasingly lean municipal workforce.
Yet the PEG also seeks to create a significant revenue reserve of $8.3 billion (exceeding the budget cuts over the next few years). Adams doesn’t just want a balanced budget — he wants billions of dollars in surplus, and he apparently believes that slashing desperately needed public services that enormous numbers of New Yorkers rely upon is the way to get there.

PEG claims to take a rational approach to city services, budgeting, and prioritizations. Under the PEG, the libraries would lose significant funding over the years. Adams’s plan demanded that libraries cut their budgets by $13.6 million between now and the end of fiscal year 2023, and another $20.5 million over the next three fiscal years. While this amount is small compared to the overall city budget, it will be devastating for the services and operations of the library system.

At this point, the only places where libraries can cut costs are in personnel. This will lead to shorter hours, reduced services, and potential building closures. Libraries, for all their social benefits and lean operating budgets, are not given any consideration for avoiding these cuts because they do not generate revenue or provide legally mandated services.

Mayor Adams has been obsessed with getting city workers back into the office and back to midtown — so obsessed that his December 14 press conference with Governor Kathy Hochul began with a discussion of revitalizing lower Manhattan and Midtown. Adams is inflexible on this point, demanding that city workers return to the office despite the persistence of flexible work in private sector and state workplaces. As a result, nineteen thousand municipal workers have left since 2020, twenty-one thousand vacancies currently exist, and agencies continue to have problems retaining workers. The inflexibility in office work policy is often cited by workers as one of the reasons they left.

Adams’s insistence that only the Central Business District needs revitalization demonstrates his disdain for New York City’s residential, noncentral neighborhoods, many of which blossomed during the pandemic. And Adams’s refusal to recognize the fundamental importance of local libraries to local neighborhoods reflects this disdain for the actual places where New Yorkers live, gather, and build communities.
Adams is also obsessed with public safety and crime. This move to cut library funding is puzzling in light of this goal.

Libraries create public spaces, promote literacy, and give young people information, activities, and opportunities. (Consider, for example, the NYPL’s program to help young people apply to college and the Brooklyn Public Library’s career assistance center). And New York public schools often do not have functioning libraries according to state standards, with 60 percent of schools lacking a library media specialist and over 40 percent lacking any library space at all. (Many public school teachers spend their own money to create libraries in their classroom to get paper books for their students). Criminologists have long pointed to the importance of afterschool, community activities to prevent both juvenile and adult criminal risk factors.

The decimation of the rich, active, and socially beneficial library system by the austerity-obsessed technocratic justifications of the Adams administration will further increase social inequality and worsen the social supports in place to enrich the lives of working people who live in the city. While Adams decries the reduction in tax revenue, his program is gutting a democratic cultural institution that supports the arts, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement. His callous approach to “fiscal discipline” will irreparably harm our city’s formerly robust welfare state, one that socialists must fight to protect and expand.

To use a library you need to know how to read... something that inner-city hood rats gave-up on a long time ago... demand goes down... facilities close.
New York’s public libraries are essential institutions providing a wide range of services and cultural programming on top of books and media. If Eric Adams’s proposed library cuts go through, huge numbers of New Yorkers will suffer immensely.

The Adams administration announced in November that it seeks to “balance” the NYC municipal budget through the “Program to Eliminate the Gap” (PEG). In September, Adams demanded that all city agencies, even the New York Police Department (NYPD), prepare for 3 percent cuts until the end of the fiscal year, plus an additional 4.5 percent cut over the following two years, as part of this program.

The municipal budget is being strained by factors that the Adams administration blames on rising labor costs, poor stock market performance (creating stressors on pensions), newly arrived asylum seekers, and rising energy costs. In releasing this program, Adams stated, “Fiscal discipline has been, and continues to be, a hallmark of my administration.” On November 15, Adams further called for a 50 percent reduction in existing city vacancies, ensuring an increasingly lean municipal workforce.
Yet the PEG also seeks to create a significant revenue reserve of $8.3 billion (exceeding the budget cuts over the next few years). Adams doesn’t just want a balanced budget — he wants billions of dollars in surplus, and he apparently believes that slashing desperately needed public services that enormous numbers of New Yorkers rely upon is the way to get there.

PEG claims to take a rational approach to city services, budgeting, and prioritizations. Under the PEG, the libraries would lose significant funding over the years. Adams’s plan demanded that libraries cut their budgets by $13.6 million between now and the end of fiscal year 2023, and another $20.5 million over the next three fiscal years. While this amount is small compared to the overall city budget, it will be devastating for the services and operations of the library system.

At this point, the only places where libraries can cut costs are in personnel. This will lead to shorter hours, reduced services, and potential building closures. Libraries, for all their social benefits and lean operating budgets, are not given any consideration for avoiding these cuts because they do not generate revenue or provide legally mandated services.

Mayor Adams has been obsessed with getting city workers back into the office and back to midtown — so obsessed that his December 14 press conference with Governor Kathy Hochul began with a discussion of revitalizing lower Manhattan and Midtown. Adams is inflexible on this point, demanding that city workers return to the office despite the persistence of flexible work in private sector and state workplaces. As a result, nineteen thousand municipal workers have left since 2020, twenty-one thousand vacancies currently exist, and agencies continue to have problems retaining workers. The inflexibility in office work policy is often cited by workers as one of the reasons they left.

Adams’s insistence that only the Central Business District needs revitalization demonstrates his disdain for New York City’s residential, noncentral neighborhoods, many of which blossomed during the pandemic. And Adams’s refusal to recognize the fundamental importance of local libraries to local neighborhoods reflects this disdain for the actual places where New Yorkers live, gather, and build communities.
Adams is also obsessed with public safety and crime. This move to cut library funding is puzzling in light of this goal.

Libraries create public spaces, promote literacy, and give young people information, activities, and opportunities. (Consider, for example, the NYPL’s program to help young people apply to college and the Brooklyn Public Library’s career assistance center). And New York public schools often do not have functioning libraries according to state standards, with 60 percent of schools lacking a library media specialist and over 40 percent lacking any library space at all. (Many public school teachers spend their own money to create libraries in their classroom to get paper books for their students). Criminologists have long pointed to the importance of afterschool, community activities to prevent both juvenile and adult criminal risk factors.

The decimation of the rich, active, and socially beneficial library system by the austerity-obsessed technocratic justifications of the Adams administration will further increase social inequality and worsen the social supports in place to enrich the lives of working people who live in the city. While Adams decries the reduction in tax revenue, his program is gutting a democratic cultural institution that supports the arts, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement. His callous approach to “fiscal discipline” will irreparably harm our city’s formerly robust welfare state, one that socialists must fight to protect and expand.

Unlike libs demanding spending as usual - or higher taxes - Adams is having a rare rational moment

If he sticks to across the board cuts he may pull it off even in insanely lib New York
education is an investment in our kids future and actually SAVES TONS OF MONEY
Then cut somewhere else, if you want to believe cutting 3% from a budget is going to shut down libraries, then we have a bigger problem with government.
education is an investment in our kids future and actually SAVES TONS OF MONEY
I had to cut my fincancial investments into my kids future because of rising prices and rising taxes. You can't expect people to go along with it when you put them in that position and then announce that what you are interested in is sacred and not subject to cuts.

I'm guessing that the "cuts" are actually reductions in the planned increases, rather than cuts.

Here's another factor: I love libraries. I was that kid that on library day would be mad because I didnt' have an hour to browse plus an hour to read. Libraries are great. But they have allowed their reputation to be sullied with "Drag Queen Story Hour," graphic sex books for children, refusing guest authors based on politics, and by snottily accusing parents of being bookburners if they don't want their kids indoctrinated.

So, the American Library Association has no one but themselves to blame if Libraries are not thought of as a hot priority for stressed out taxpayers.

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