South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Calls For Confederate Flag To Be Removed: Agree Or Disagree?

Agree Or Disagree With Removing Confederate Flag

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Notice how every decision today is made in a state of mass hysteria......the better to avoid debate

The issue has been debated ad infinitum for over 100 years.
which is why its up....there is no current debate...just baying of the crowd
for "justice" on something that has never affected their life
How does it affect your life?
Not at all which is th point........this is all theater of the absurd
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Confederate flag has 'no place' on statehouse ground

What say you?
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

It's manufactured outrage and a diversion
Pandering to the masses.. that's all.....

So you think South Carolina should continue flying the Confederate Flag?
HELL YES, by all means. It harms no one. When is the last time a flag fell and injured someone? All a flag does is wave in the wind.

Are you being serious? Can't tell.
Hell yea, I'm serious. Very serious. Today is Tuesday, and I rarely joke on Tuesdays. Now, tomorrow I may crack a few jokes, but not on a Tuesday.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Confederate flag has 'no place' on statehouse ground

What say you?
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Confederate flag has 'no place' on statehouse ground

What say you?
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

It's manufactured outrage and a diversion

I don't think so. The Confederate Flag is very offensive to African Americans. And i can understand that. It's not a 'manufactured' outrage. It's very real.
That's a for the state to decide it really doesn't matter to me either way. Some people claim the flag inspired the shooter to what he did that got me wondering if people who share his views might commit acts of violence over it being removed. This seems unlikely to me even so I wonder if that possibility was taken into consideration when deciding to remove the flag.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Confederate flag has 'no place' on statehouse ground

What say you?
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

It's manufactured outrage and a diversion

I don't think so. The Confederate Flag is very offensive to African Americans. And i can understand that. It's not a 'manufactured' outrage. It's very real.

There was no "outrage" until some mentally ill kid shot up a church and had a photo of himself holding the flag on the internet. If that hadn't happened the outrage would be directed at another current event.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Confederate flag has 'no place' on statehouse ground

What say you?
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.
Pandering to the masses.. that's all.....

So you think South Carolina should continue flying the Confederate Flag?
HELL YES, by all means. It harms no one. When is the last time a flag fell and injured someone? All a flag does is wave in the wind.

Are you being serious? Can't tell.
Hell yea, I'm serious. Very serious. Today is Tuesday, and I rarely joke on Tuesdays. Now, tomorrow I may crack a few jokes, but not on a Tuesday.

There's been no reports of anyone being injured by a falling ISIS or Al Qaeda flag either.
Not celebrating slavery = political correctness.

You look at that flag and have the typical knee jerk "it represents slavery" reaction. I've studied history and the Civil War, I see something else

The Confederacy was founded on the idea that men were not created equal.

And this way the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

Knowing history = "Far left religion"

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.
- Alexander H. Stephens, March 21, 1861
Corner Stone Speech Teaching American History

See? The Confederacy was founded on inequality and slavery. They said so themselves.

Evidently the north didn't think they were equal either, Three Fifths Compromise mean anything to you?
You should try reading it. It doesn't mention race. Slaves and indentured servants were counted as 3/5, even if they were white - and free persons were counted as 1 - even if they were black.
You look at that flag and have the typical knee jerk "it represents slavery" reaction. I've studied history and the Civil War, I see something else

The Confederacy was founded on the idea that men were not created equal.

And this way the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

Knowing history = "Far left religion"

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.
- Alexander H. Stephens, March 21, 1861
Corner Stone Speech Teaching American History

See? The Confederacy was founded on inequality and slavery. They said so themselves.

Evidently the north didn't think they were equal either, Three Fifths Compromise mean anything to you?

Despite popular misconception, the Three Fifths compromise does not state that blacks are inferior to whites. You should try reading it. It states that non-free persons are to be counted as 3/5 for taxation and representation, including indentured servants - which would have included many whites at the time of our founding. There is no race qualification - if you are a free black man you are counted as

Save it, it's obvious you're pushing an agenda and too stupid to deal with
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

It's manufactured outrage and a diversion

I don't think so. The Confederate Flag is very offensive to African Americans. And i can understand that. It's not a 'manufactured' outrage. It's very real.

There was no "outrage" until some mentally ill kid shot up a church and had a photo of himself holding the flag on the internet. If that hadn't happened the outrage would be directed at another current event.

No, African Americans and others have been calling for the removal of the Confederate Flag from Government grounds for years. It's not a 'new outrage.' The Confederacy is dead. So there's no harm in removing the flag. It just signifies too many awful things to too many Citizens. Time for it to go.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Confederate flag has 'no place' on statehouse ground

What say you?
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

A flag not waiving in the wind does no harm either, by your own logic it shouldn't matter to you.
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Confederate flag has 'no place' on statehouse ground

What say you?
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

It's manufactured outrage and a diversion

I don't think so. The Confederate Flag is very offensive to African Americans. And i can understand that. It's not a 'manufactured' outrage. It's very real.
And, what about those that are offended that some want to remove it? Are you only concerned with what the flag haters think? Do you consider how offensive the removal of that flag would be to those that see no harm in it? So, in your opinion, it's OK to pacify some, but totally disregard everyone else? Pleeeeeeeeease ....... why not be fair here?
The Confederacy was founded on the idea that men were not created equal.

And this way the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

Knowing history = "Far left religion"

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.
- Alexander H. Stephens, March 21, 1861
Corner Stone Speech Teaching American History

See? The Confederacy was founded on inequality and slavery. They said so themselves.

Evidently the north didn't think they were equal either, Three Fifths Compromise mean anything to you?

Despite popular misconception, the Three Fifths compromise does not state that blacks are inferior to whites. You should try reading it. It states that non-free persons are to be counted as 3/5 for taxation and representation, including indentured servants - which would have included many whites at the time of our founding. There is no race qualification - if you are a free black man you are counted as

Save it, it's obvious you're pushing an agenda and too stupid to deal with

I'm just stating facts. I'm sorry the facts don't line up with the way you'd like things to be.

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